U.S. Ambition for World Domination Blasted

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The U.S. newspaper Defense News said that the U.S. Department of Defense is now working out scores of new "war plan scenarios". According to it, the scenarios simulate "contingency" in independent countries and developing countries and envisage the worldwide expansion of the "anti-terror war". Commenting on this, a signed article of Rodong Sinmun today says that it is the invariable U.S. ambition to make preemptive attacks on anti-imperialist independent and progressive countries.
    The simulated "collapse of the regime which is possessed of nuclear weapons" noteworthy in the scenarios clearly refers to the DPRK, the article says, and goes on:
    The U.S. bellicose forces listed the DPRK as a part of "axes of evil" and have worked up adventurous war scenarios to achieve their ambition for invasion of the north and are hell bent on the moves to stifle it.
    Never should it go unnoticed that the U.S. Department of Defense is testing the feasibility of the scenarios. As already disclosed, the U.S. troops made a sortie of planes from the U.S. military bases in Japan to commit test bombings based on the simulated Korean war twice a day during the Iraqi war according to Korean war scenarios. Special service units of the U.S. task force launched actual maneuvers in south Korea. Some days ago, it was disclosed that the U.S. warlike forces have already worked out in top secret a war scenario for invasion of the north to use 30 nuclear weapons in "contingency" in the Korean Peninsula and committed the exercise of dropping mock warheads.
    . The world peace-loving people should heighten vigilance against the U.S. new "war scenarios" and wage an active struggle against the U.S. aggression and war moves as the U.S. is leaving no stones unturned to achieve its ambition for aggression.

Greetings to Prime Minister of Grenada

    Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Keith Michell, prime minister of Grenada, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the independence of the country. In the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms, the message heartily wished the prime minister and people of Grenada greater success in their work for prosperity of the country.

Nigerian Preparatory Committee Formed

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Nigerian national preparatory committee to commemorate the Sun's Day and leader Kim Jong Il's birthday (February 16) was held in Abuja on Jan. 31. Muhammed Inuwa Rabaran, National Organizational secretary of the People's Democratic Party of Nigeria, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    Referring to the undying feats President Kim Il Sung performed by liberating Korea and founding the Workers' Party of Korea 60 years ago, he stressed it is of great significance in steering the era of independence that Kim Jong Il has firmly defended the sovereignty of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with the Songun leadership.
    The preparatory committee decided to organize various significant functions during the period from February 1 to April 15.

Celebration Events Held

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Lectures were sponsored by the Genuine Lumumbist Patriotic Party of Democratic Congo, the Mongolian Mt. Paektu Association and the Juche Philosophy Study Committee of India on Jan. 31 with the approach of leader Kim Jong Il's birthday (February 16). Otete Gaston Mboyo, chairman of the National Committee of the Genuine Lumumbist Patriotic Party of Democratic Congo, in his lecture titled "The Greatest of the great men" said personages of all social strata in the world are now highly praising Kim Jong Il as the sun of the 21st century. He is, indeed, the greatest of the great men, the chairman stressed.
    N. Sarantuya, chairman of the Mongolian Mt. Paektu Association, in his lecture captioned "The Juche idea and Songun politics" noted that it has become a global trend to study the Juche idea authored by President Kim Il Sung and this idea serves as a valuable textbook for national development. The Songun politics pursued by Kim Jong Il is a great political mode for defending the country and the nation and guaranteeing their development, he said and continued: It is thanks to the Songun politics that the DPRK has firmly protected its sovereignty, courageously standing against the U.S.
    Wipin Gupta, chairman of the Juche Philosophy Study Committee of India, in his lecture titled "The Songun idea indicating the way of accomplishing the cause of independence" recalled that Kim Jong Il put forward the army as a main force of the revolution and underscored the need to build up the revolutionary forces with the army as their core. The DPRK has steadily demonstrated its sovereignty and national dignity, standing firm against the U.S. styling itself "the world's only superpower" thanks to its strong military capability and transparent anti-imperialist spirit, he added.
    He stressed that guided by the Songun politics of Kim Jong Il, the Korean people will always emerge victorious and the prospect of human cause of independence is bright.
    Meanwhile, a meeting explaining the greatness of Kim Jong Il was held at a company of Indonesia on Jan. 26.

S. Korean Authorities' Wrong Stand on Issue of "Principal Enemy"@under Fire

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Defence Ministry officially announced at what it called a "meeting for explaining its defence policy" that it finally decided on separately using the conception of "the principal enemy," the phraseology meaning the north, internally and externally. In this regard, the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland issued information bulletin No. 896 on Friday, which laid bare the reactionary nature of the decision.
    The south Korean authorities have decided to use the phraseology "arch enemy", an anti-DPRK conception in the era of confrontation, within the army and internally. It is little short of an official declaration that they will not withdraw the theory of the "principal enemy". The notion of "substantial military threat" they have decided to use externally instead of the "principal enemy" is also, in essence, nothing but another conception of the "principal enemy" which regards the north as the "main enemy", the information bulletin noted, and said:
    When all the fellow countrymen are ardently desiring to open up a new phase of independent reunification under the flag of cooperation for national independence, for peace against war and for reunification and patriotism, the south Korean authorities are seeking to keep the anachronistic notion of "principal enemy" which is different only in expression. This is an act of overtly going against the trend of the national history toward reconciliation and reunification as well as an intolerable challenge to the north. Their wrong stand toward the phraseology "principal enemy" clearly shows that they are still playing a double game with a dagger concealed under their clothes, though they are outwardly talking about "reconciliation and cooperation" and "implementation of the June 15 joint declaration".
    If the south Korean authorities truly hope for improved north-south relations and have a willingness to implement the joint declaration, they should discard the theory of "principal enemy" against the north.

Slogans for Anti-Japanese Struggle Issued

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the National Democratic Front of south Korea issued slogans for the immediate anti-Japanese struggle on Wednesday, according to an Internet site of Kuguk Joson. The slogans called for making this year, which sees the lapse of 100 years after the Japanese imperialists faked up the "Ulsa (1905) Five-Point Treaty" in brigandish manner, a historic year in which the Korean nation will force Japan to pay for all the crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists against it.
    Japan is chiefly to blame for having brought disgrace to Korea for the last 100 years and imposed upon it the tragic division that has lasted for 60 years, they noted.
    Declaring null and void the south Korea-Japan "agreement" which betrayed the dignity of the nation, they called upon all the people to turn out to throw the treacherous document into fire and foil Japan's moves for reinvasion.
    They also called for terminating the foreign domination and frustrating Japan's moves to emerge a military power through national cooperation against the United States and Japan.
    They underscored the need to deal a telling blow at the descendants of Samurais attempting to capture Tok Islet and eliminate the Grand National Party, a group of the second "Ulsa five traitors."

Women's Headquarters of South Side's Preparatory Committee Formed

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The women's headquarters of the south side's preparatory committee for joint functions of compatriots in the south, the north and overseas for the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration was inaugurated with due ceremony in Seoul on Jan. 31, according to a news report. The reporter at the ceremony underscored the need for the headquarters to group all the women's organizations that accepted the declaration in order to stage a widespread movement for exchange and reunification.
    A permanent representative, four co-representatives and five executive chairpersons were elected at the ceremony.
    An inaugural declaration called upon the women from all walks of life to wage a widespread mass movement for reunification, true to the June 15 joint declaration, the milestone of reunification common to the nation, and make every effort for independence, peace and great national unity.

Protection of Land and Environment Called for

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- A meeting of officials in the field of land and environment preservation was held here on Friday. Attending it were Premier of the DPRK Cabinet Pak Pong Ju, Secretary of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea Jong Ha Chol, members of the Cabinet and other officials. Jang Il Son, minister of Land and Environment Preservation, made a report at the meeting, which was followed by speeches.
    The reporter and speakers referred to the wise guidance given by leader Kim Jong Il to the land management with great attention and to the achievements made in this field last year. They stressed the need for all provinces, cities and counties to step up the drive for turning the whole country into a thick woodland and greenery, decisively solve the problem of firewood for the people and concentrate efforts on river embankment and improvement projects to protect land from flood this year.
    They also called for steadily carrying on the construction of roads, including roads in provinces, cities and county seats, and their repair and maintenance. They also underlined the need for the inhabitants to spruce up the streets in their residential districts and villages, factories and worksites, counties and provinces as required by socialism and lead a frugal and simple life.

U.S. Economic Sanctions against DPRK under Fire

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The United States is using economic sanctions as leverage for undisguised interference in the internal affairs of other countries and blockade against them and such sanctions and blockade against the DPRK, in particular, have reached their height in their harsh and persistent nature. Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in a signed article. Recalling that scores of acts are now in force in the U.S. for economic sanctions and blockade against the DPRK, the article refers to the historical fact that the former has intensified economic sanctions and blockade against the latter after listing it as "an enemy state" after its liberation.
    It goes on:
    U.S. economic sanctions aimed to isolate and suffocate the DPRK and bring it to its knees has become graver and more vicious in the new century.
    What merits attention is that the U.S. imperialists are working hard to internationalize the economic sanctions and blockade against the DPRK.
    The U.S. worked out the strategy of "international siege" to the DPRK involving the ban on remittance, actions to intercept and seize ships and planes and naval blockade and has entered the phase of its implementation.
    The U.S. strategy of blockade against the DPRK is aimed to drive the DPRK into greater economic difficulties and, furthermore, bring the DPRK under its control by force of arms.
    While persisting in its economic sanctions against the DPRK, the U.S. calculates that "north Korea would not stand the protracted economic sanctions applied by the international community".
    This only betrays the U.S. utter ignorance of the DPRK. The U.S. economic sanctions may impede the economic development in the DPRK to a certain extent. But such despicable method will get the U.S. nowhere.
    The Korean people have victoriously advanced the revolution and construction and increased the economic and military potentials of the country despite scores of years-long harsh economic sanctions and blockade of the U.S. imperialists and other imperialist reactionaries. They remain strong-willed as they are not afraid of any sanctions.

Reception Hosted by Palestinian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Palestinian Ambassador to the DPRK Shaher Mohammed Abdlah hosted a reception at his embassy on Friday in the run-up to the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. Present there on invitation were Vice-President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly Yang Hyong Sop, Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun, Chairman of the C.C., General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea Ryom Sun Gil, Chairwoman of the C.C., the Korean Democratic Women's Union Pak Sun Hui, General Director of the General Bureau of Diplomatic Corps Affairs Kim Tang Su and officials concerned.
    The ambassador said in his speech that the Palestinian leadership and people stand by the Korean people struggling for the reunification and rosy future of Korea and peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    The friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries provided by President Yasser Arafat and President Kim Il Sung are growing stronger under the care of Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Kim Jong Il, he added.
    Yang Hyong Sop said that it is the DPRK's consistent stand to steadily develop the friendly and cooperative relations with Palestine.
    The Korean people will always extend full support and solidarity to the Palestinian people in the just cause for retaking their legitimate national rights, including the establishment of an independent state with Kuds as its capital, he stated.

S. Korean Authorities Urged to Drop Hostility toward North

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Defense Ministry announced that it would reissue "white paper for national defence" although it had been put on hold for several years due to the controversy over the conception of "the principal enemy". The ministry decided to describe the north as "a substantial military threat" in the white paper for overseas distribution instead of using the phraseology of "the principal enemy" and keep using the existing "conception of the principal enemy" in the domestic documents to be used by the military, asserting that the above-said conception remains unchanged.
    This is little short of an open announcement of the south Korean military authorities' intention to stand against the north, as ever obsessed by the deep-seated conception of regarding the fellow countrymen in the north as "the principal enemy," says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    The ministry asserted that it decided to change the expression of the "principal enemy" into the "substantial military threat," allegedly taking something into due consideration. But any of these two expressions strongly smacks of bitterness toward the north.
    The south Korean military authorities' announcement of the decision to use the conception of "the principal enemy" in the new white paper for national defence and imbue the military with the idea of confrontation with fellow countrymen in the north is little short of the revelation of their intention to go against national reconciliation and unity and pursue inter-Korean confrontation and war.
    The authorities are challenging the nation's unanimous desire for reunification, not discarding hostility toward their fellow countrymen even today when national cooperation based on the idea of "by our nation itself" is desired by all the Koreans. This provocative act is arousing deep apprehension among people at home and abroad who wish peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula.
    Hostility toward fellow countrymen will bring nothing but national disaster and ruin.
    The south Korean authorities should have a correct view on their fellow countrymen and a will for reunification and throw away the criminal "white paper for national defence" into the dumping ground as it only gets on the nerves of the dialogue partner.

Folk Game Contests of Schoolchildren Held

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Folk game contests of schoolchildren from across the country took place at Kim Il Sung Square, the plaza of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium, in front of the Ice Rink and other places from Feb. 1 to 4 on the occasion of the lunar New Year's Day. At least 120 children selected from across the country competed in kite-flying, top-spinning and shuttlecock.
    Those from Pyongyang, South Hamgyong Province and North Hwanghae Province proved successful in the contests.

All Koreans Called upon to Remain True to Idea of "By Our Nation Itself"

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The idea of "by our nation itself" serves as a banner and a powerful weapon for successfully realizing the three forms of cooperation--cooperation for national independence, cooperation for peace against war and cooperation for reunification and patriotism-- and a patriotic idea to be held fast to by the Korean nation in its struggle. Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in a signed article.
    The idea of "by our nation itself" is the basis of the three forms of cooperation, it says, and goes on:
    The three forms of cooperation are aimed to encourage the Koreans to pool their strength and wisdom and take joint actions in the struggle for national independence, peace against war and reunification and patriotism.
    These forms of cooperation call on the Koreans to achieve national independence, protect peace from war and realize reunification through their concerted efforts and display patriotism.
    The idea of "by our nation itself" requires all the Koreans to put an end to foreign domination and interference and protect the sovereignty and dignity of the nation by their own efforts and unite close, transcending the differences in ideology, system, political view and religious belief, to clear away the dark clouds of war hanging over the sky above the country and build a peaceful, prospering and reunified country. The three forms of cooperation are based on this idea.
    The struggle for national independence, peace against war and reunification and patriotism is the cause of the nation for its sovereignty, security and interests. It is absolutely impossible to solve this internal issue of the Korean nation reflecting its desire for independence, an important affair on which hinges its destiny, in reliance on the outsiders, its disturbers.
    The independent and peaceful reunification of the country can be achieved only when the U.S. interference is thoroughly be rejected and the Korean nation goes united.
    The three forms of cooperation are sure to be realized thanks to such patriotic idea of the nation and a mainstay for struggle as the idea of "by our nation itself", an all-powerful treasured sword for the settlement of the internal affairs of the nation and a banner for winning sure victory.

U.S. Compensation for Crimes in S. Korea Demanded

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The Seoul Central District Court of south Korea recently made a decision that the "government" should pay indemnity to the victims of the firing and bombing exercises of the U.S. forces' planes as regards the suit filed by 1,900 sufferers in Maehyang-ri in demand of damages. A spokesman for the Korean National Peace Committee in a statement on Friday said that the decision made by the south Korean judicial authorities this year again in the wake of their ruling made last year that indemnity should be paid to the residents who suffered from the war maneuvers of the U.S. troops in south Korea indicates that the issue of compensation to the residents has become an unavoidable pending social problem.
    It went on:
    The U.S. forces in south Korea are taking a very arrogant and impudent attitude, saying that they feel no responsibility as regards the issue of compensation. This is an intolerable insult and mockery of the south Korean people and a wanton violation of the dignity of the Korean nation.
    Exercises staged by the U.S. imperialist aggression forces in Maehyang-ri for a war of aggression including the "accidental bombing" on May 8, 2000 claimed endless horrible casualties for decades. In consequence many citizens have suffered from impediment to hearing, headache, insomnia, the birth of deformed children, sterility, dementia, etc.
    The insistence that the assailant who did unspeakable damage to the innocent civilians is not guilty is a revelation of the American way of thinking and logic that there is nothing wrong if Americans kill and trample down upon south Koreans as they please. This once again lays bare the aggressive nature of the Yankees who consider it a means of their existence to dominate, plunder and kill other nations.

U.S. Attempt to Pursue Hegemony under Fire

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The U.S. army and Japan Ground Self-Defence Force staged joint military exercises in Hokkaido, Japan from Jan. 25 to Feb. 1. The U.S. conducted the exercises under the signboard of "jointly coping with emergency in areas around Japan" which is nothing but a subterfuge to cover up its criminal attempt, observes Minju Joson Saturday in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    It is a trite method employed by the U.S. to establish military supremacy and put major strategic areas abundant in natural resources under its control by force and thus realize its ambition to dominate the world.
    The U.S. has already reexamined the state of deployment of its forces overall worldwide and has rounded off a new strategy for the reduction and relocation of its troops, a more effective strategy for domination over the world. Japan's advantageous geographical features and military potentials have been accounted much of here. The U.S. is scheming to put Japan under its control and realize its strategy to dominate Asia-Pacific by involving in its strategy Japan which has geographical advantage to level a dagger at big countries and the Self-Defence Forces which have already emerged as undeniable forces for overseas aggression.
    The recent joint military exercises were aimed to establish close cooperation between the U.S. troops to be committed to Japan to attend major military operations and Japan SDFs and train unification in their military actions in a bid to more effectively guarantee its military hegemony in the region.
    The DPRK can never tolerate the U.S. moves of ratcheting up the tension in the areas around the Korean Peninsula to extremes in league with Japan. We will employ every possible means and method to counter the ever-growing military threat posed by the aggressor forces.

S. Korean Ultra-Right Wing Conservatives' Intrigue to Grab "Power"@Assailed

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The south Korean judicial authorities recently staged trials against lawmakers one after another in a bid to upset the balance of forces in the present south Korean National Assembly in which the ruling party holds the majority and the opposition party the minority. Commenting on this, a news analyst of Minju Joson today says:
    If the NA turns into one in which the Grand National Party and other ultra-right wing conservatives following the U.S. against the nation hold the majority, the inter-Korean relations, no doubt, may be turned back to the state of confrontation which was before the publication of the June 15 joint declaration and fire clouds of a new war, a nuclear war, would hang over in the way of national reunification.
    The trials reflect the intention of the U.S., an actual ruler over south Korea.
    The United States is egging the south Korean judicial authorities on to stage the trials to remove the progressive reform forces from the 17th National Assembly. It is the ulterior intention of the United States to remove lawmakers from the Uri Party and the Democratic Workers' Party through the trials and create favorable conditions for the GNP clan dreaming of the ruling party to seize power. The trials by the U.S. scenario and control are, in fact, a political coup.
    All the south Korean political parties, factions and people of all strata should further intensify their struggle to resolutely foil the criminal U.S. moves to remove the progressive reform forces from the NA and ostracize the pro-American ultra-right wing conservative forces including the GNP which is seeking to grasp power with the U.S. backing.

Participants in Meeting for Gen. March of Songun Revolution See Performance

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- The participants in the meeting for the general march of the Songun revolution saw a performance given by the State Merited Chorus of the Korean People's Army (KPA) at the April 25 House of Culture on Friday. Put on the stage of the performance which began with the immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Jong Il" were chorus songs including "Our General Is the Best," "Song of a Truck Driver," "Long Journey for the Songun Revolution," "They Will Tell the Story of Soldier's Love," "We Will Never Forget Those Days," "Blue Sky above My Country," "Song of Comradeship," "Let's Advance Faster for Higher Goal" and "Let's Continue Our Revolution under the Banner of Songun."
    The performers highly praised the undying revolutionary feats of leader Kim Jong Il who has pursued the unique Songun politics noteworthy in history of the Songun revolution and trained the KPA and the Korean people to passionate fighters of the Songun revolution and patriots united in one mind around the Workers' Party of Korea, creating a heroic epic in the struggle to defend socialism and build a great prosperous powerful nation.

Children's Paduk Contest Held

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- A paduk (go) contest of children in Pyongyang took place on Feb. 3 and 4 with the lunar New Year's Day at hand. Participating in the contest were more than thirty children selected from primary schools and kindergartens in the city.
    They contested in the way of six rounds in a round robin by lottery, divided into groups of kindergarten children (above fifth class) and primary school children (above first grade).
    In the group of kindergarten children Jong Kang Hun from Songsin Kindergarten No. 2 came first, Jang Ri Gyong from the same kindergarten second and Kang Wi Song from Chilgol Kindergarten No. 2 third, while Kang Kwon from Sohung Primary School first, So Hak Chol from Munsin Primary School second and Choe So Yon from the same school third.
    Ri Jin Ung from Hasin Kindergarten and Ko Ju Hyon from Mangyongdae Primary School were awarded technical prizes.
    Jon Hyon Jong, five, from Kyogu Kindergarten won a special prize. She started playing go at four, the earliest age in the country.
    The contest was conducive to whipping up an atmosphere before the lunar New Year's Day, while providing a glimpse of the country's bright prospect of the go development.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from Chinese Technicians in DPRK

    Pyongyang, February 5 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on Feb. 4 received a letter from the members of the group of Chinese technicians working for the construction of the Taean Friendship Glass Factory to be donated by China to the DPRK. Referring to the fact that he showed deep care for the Chinese technicians going home to celebrate the lunar New Year's Day, the letter noted that though they would be away from the construction site for some days they would always think of the progress of the project.
    We will join wisdom and efforts with the Korean builders to complete the construction of the factory in good quality in time, as desired by the leaders of the two countries, and thus bring the two peoples satisfactory results, the letter said.
    It hoped that the Sino-Korean friendship would always grow strong to be handed down to posterity, expressing conviction that the heroic Korean people would continue to register fresh greater success in their efforts to build a prosperous powerful nation under the wise guidance of Kim Jong Il.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il felicita a participantes en una conferencia

    Pyongyang, 5 de febrero (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, se reunio con los participantes en la Conferencia de Marcha General Revolucionaria del Songun (priorizacion militar) y les felicito. Cuando el Dirigente aparecio en el salon, los participantes le acogieron con estruendosa aclamacion de "!Viva!" y le rindieron el maximo honor y el mas caluroso agradecimiento traduciendo la infinita veneracion y el fervoroso sentimiento de fidelidad de todos los oficiales y soldados del EPC y todo el pueblo hacia el.
    El Dirigente respondio afablemente con la mano a la entusiasta aclamacion de los presentes.
    Estuvieron presentes los cuadros directivos del Partido, el Estado y el ejercito, entre ellos, Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok, Pak Pong Ju, Kim Yong Chun, Kim Il Chol, Ri Yong Mu, Jon Pyong Ho, Choe Thae Bok, Kim Kuk Thae, Kim Jung Rin, Kim Ki Nam, Jong Ha Chol y Choe Yong Rim, los secretarios responsables del PTC y los presidentes de los comites populares, en las provincias.
    El Dirigente felicito calurosamente a los participantes en la Conferencia quienes con la infinita fidelidad al Partido y al lider y con la heroica lucha llevan adelante la causa revolucionaria del Songun de nuestro partido y se fotografio junto a ellos.
    Expreso la conviccion de que los participantes jugaran el rol de vanguardias en una nueva ofensiva dando pruebas de su abnegacion patriotica y daran mas lustre a su honor de los precursores en la marcha general por la revolucion mediante el Songun.

Competencia de juegos folcloricos de ninos escolares

    Pyongyang, 5 de febrero (ATCC) -- Con motivo del Ano Nuevo Lunar, tuvo lugar del primero al 4 del mes en curso la competencia nacional de juegos folcloricos de ninos escolares en la Plaza Kim Il Sung, las explanadas frente al Palacio de Deportes de Pyongyang y al Patinadero Cubierto y otros lugares de esta capital. Mas de 120 seleccionados de diversas localidades rivalizaron en los juegos de cometa, peonza y de volante.
    En la ocasion fueron calificados de excelentes los ninos escolares de los equipos de la ciudad de Pyongyang y las provincias de Hamgyong del Sur y de Hwanghae del Norte.

Nigeria: comite preparatorio para Dia del Sol y 16 de febrero

    Pyongyang, 5 de febrero (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el 31 de enero en Abuja el Comite Preparatorio Nacional de Nigeria para el Dia del Sol (15 de abril, cumpleanos del Presidente Kim Il Sung) y el 16 de febrero (cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il). Como presidente del Comite fue electo el secretario de organizacion nacional del Partido Democratico del Pueblo de Nigeria, Muhammed Inuwa Rabaran.
    El presidente elegido se refirio a las inmortales hazanas del Presidente Kim Il Sung, quien hace ahora 60 anos logro la restauracion de Corea y fundo el Partido del Trabajo de Corea y subrayo que Su Excelencia Kim Jong Il con su direccion mediante el Songun (priorizacion militar) defiende firmemente la soberania de Corea, lo cual tiene gran significado en la apertura de una epoca de la independencia.
    El Comite decidio organizar significativamente variadas actividades del primero del mes en curso al 15 de abril.