Preparatory Committee Inaugurated in Kyrgyzstan

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee was formed in Kyrgyzstan on Feb. 7 to commemorate the Day of the Sun and the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il, February 16. At the inaugural ceremony the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan was elected chairman of the preparatory committee.
    It decided to hold multifarious functions including a meeting for adopting a message of greetings, a rally, a film show and a lecture in the period from Feb. 10 to April 18.

Leadership Exploits of Kim Jong Il Lauded

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- Romesh Chandra, honorary president of the World Peace Council, issued a statement on Feb. 4 on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il, highly praising his leadership exploits. Since he embarked upon the road of revolution in his young years with the far-reaching intention to take upon himself the future of Korea, Kim Jong Il has created a new history of socialist Korea through his wise guidance for scores of years, Chandra said, adding:
    He has developed and enriched the Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung and is successfully carrying forward the revolutionary cause of the President to accomplishment.
    Under his Songun politics the friendly Korean people are firmly defending socialism and achieving great success in the efforts to build a great prosperous powerful nation and reunify the country while frustrating all the moves of the U.S.-led imperialism to stifle the DPRK, he said, adding: They, with Kim Jong Il as their leader, will surely emerge victorious in accomplishing their just cause in the future, too.

Korean Book, Photo and Handiwork Exhibition Opens in Russia

    Moscow, February 9 (KCNA) -- A Korean book, photo and handiwork exhibition opened at the Cultural Centre of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Frunze in Moscow on Feb. 8 on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. On display are works of Kim Jong Il, photos showing his leadership of Songun revolution, books praising his greatness, books and magazines introducing socialist Korea and the friendly relations between the two countries and Korean craft works. Waleri Shutkin, director of the centre who is professor and merited cultural official of Russia, in his speech at the opening ceremony said the exhibition would help many visitors gain a better knowledge about the soldiers of the Korean People's Army and the people of the DPRK who are making a vigorous drive to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation, upholding with loyalty the Songun politics of Kim Jong Il and about the emotion and talent of the people distinguished from olden times.

Kim Jong Il's Work Off the Press in Pakistan

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's famous work "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable" was brought out in booklet by the Victorial Publishing House of Pakistan on Feb. 4. The work published on March 1, Juche 82 (1993), lays bare the reactionary and nonsensical nature of the imperialists and renegades of socialism vilifying socialism as "totalitarian", "barracks-like" and "administrative and commanding".
    It clearly elucidates questions of principle arising in defending and carrying the socialist cause to accomplishment including the matters of making socialism one's faith and morality and highly displaying the advantages of socialism.

Regionalization of S. Korea-U.S. "Alliance" Flailed

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- A joint rally of civic and public organizations of south Korea was reportedly held in front of the building of the Ministry of National Defense on Feb. 3 to denounce the first meeting of "south Korea-U.S. alliance and security policy initiative" upon its opening in Seoul. Hong Kun Su, permanent representative of the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, Kwon O Chang, co-representative of the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration, and other speakers denounced the U.S. for expanding the role of its forces in south Korea and increasing unrest on the Korean Peninsula while obstructing inter-Korean reconciliation and reunification.
    The resolution read out at the rally noted that the meeting was aimed at expanding the role of the U.S. forces in south Korea and realizing the regionalization of the south Korea-U.S. "alliance", strongly demanding the ministry decisively reject the untenable demand of the U.S. It stated that a fight would be launched against the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek that would underpin the enlargement of the role of the U.S. forces in south Korea, and against the U.S. unreasonable demand for south Korea's larger share of the burden for its forces' presence.
    At the end of the rally the organizations decided to stage one-man relay protest in front of the ministry building.

DPRK Is Not Frightened by Japan's Disgusting Drama

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson Friday comes out with a commentary hitting at the outcries of the Japanese reactionaries over the "human rights" issue in the DPRK. The Japan Democratic Party some time ago approved the content of "a bill on the extermination of north Korean human rights violation" and then the Japan Liberal Democratic Party decided to work out "a north Korean human rights act" by the latter part of February to use it as "the second card of pressure" against the DPRK.
    Rapping at this, the news analyst says:
    As for human rights, Japan is a wretched country which is not in a position to talk about it, however brazen it may be.
    Urged by the wild ambition of continental conquest, the Japanese imperialists in Korea massacred over one million defenseless people including patriots, abducted and walked off more than 8.4 million young people to death-like sites of hard labor and battle and reduced two hundred thousand Korean women to sex slaves for the imperial Japanese army. This was shocking extra-large crimes against human rights.
    Nevertheless, Japan has not made a sincere apology and compensation for them till today when 60 years have passed since its defeat and, on the contrary, is drawing out the sword of sanctions against the Korean people like the guilty party filing the suit first. This is a robber-like act over which all people lament.
    Japanese reactionaries' improper act in trying to fake up other's fault in a far-fetched way, while shelving their own extra-large crimes against human rights must be cursed and denounced by the international community and be called in question without delay. The DPRK is never frightened by the disgusting drama of the Japanese reactionaries. The DPRK has nothing to pay to Japan with regard to the human rights issue.
    It has only the right to get compensation for all the miseries and sufferings inflicted upon the Korean people by it in the past.

Japan's Insult to World's Conscience Lambasted

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- The Japanese delegate gabbled at the 28th extraordinary session of the U.N. General Assembly held some time ago on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Oswiecim Concentration Camp that Japan "saved" Jews fleeing from Hitlerite Nazis during the Second World War and swaggered as if Japan has cleansed itself of the stigma of an "enemy state", waxing quite eloquent about the issue of U.N. fund sharing. Commenting on this, an analyst of Rodong Sinmun Friday says:
    This is an intolerable insult to the Asian people and the world peace-loving people, being a crafty petty trick to cover up and embellish Japan's past crimes and to grab the seat of a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council.
    It is the height of sarcasm for the Japanese delegate to claim that the Japanese imperialists did "something good" for Nazi victims during the Second World War. Quite nonsensical is the jargon that Japan which was a military ally of fascist Germany "saved" Jews from Hitler, betraying its ally.
    Still more impudent is the claim that Japan has cleaned itself of the stigma of an "enemy state" thanks to its U.N. fund sharing. In the past the Japanese imperialists invaded Korea, China and other Asian countries, imposing shocking misfortunes and calamities upon their peoples. Japan, however, does not admit still today the grave crimes it committed against the world and humankind in past century and persistently evades the settlement of the past. For this, it has not yet been cleaned of the dishonor of an "enemy state" and finds itself the target of curses, denunciation and vigilance of all people.
    The stigma of an "enemy state" is not wiped out by U.N. fund sharing.
    In trumpeting about what it calls "international contribution" while openly distorting and beautifying its past history of aggression on the UN rostrum, Japan seeks to evade to the end a proper compensation for the grave crimes committed by it in the last century and grab at any cost the seat of a permanent member of the UN Security Council and thus behave as a political power and a military power. This seat is neither sold and bought with money nor got with mere wish.
    Japan would be well advised to sincerely settle its past before stealing a look at the seat of a permanent member state of the UNSC.

GNP's Defense of NSL Blasted

    Pyongyang, February 11 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Grand National Party which is denounced and rejected by the south Korean people is these days inviting a spate of criticism even from its own lawmakers. Commenting on this a Minju Joson analyst Friday says this criticism is coming from those who have a rather correct view of the reality.
    He goes on:
    The deputy floor leader of the GNP a few days ago said in a sharp tone at a meeting that the falling rate of support to the party these days resulted from the impression left by its diehard conservatism, defense of vested rights and seclusionist management of the party.
    What the GNP seeks is to return to the past and bring back the dark policy and dictatorship, persisting in conservatism and seclusion, not innovation and progress. This is explained by the issue of the National Security Law. Last year the GNP blocked the repeal of the NSL within the year by bringing forward the question of "crisis of the nature of the system" and it is this year opposing its discussion at the "extraordinary session of the national assembly" under the pretext of "economic stagnancy" and "hardships of people."
    Is the GNP truly concerned over the economy and people's living? Never!
    Paying no heed to the lot of the people and the catastrophe of the economy, they do whatever they please and engage themselves in bickering, regarding the NA as a theater of plot-breeding for power.
    The GNP right-wing conservatives are seeking to maintain the confrontation structure with the north through the maintenance of the NSL, by shelving its debate at the NA under the pretext of "people's living and economy."
    The GNP's attempts to keep the NSL will only lead to its self destruction.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kirguizistan: Comite Preparatorio para Dia del Sol y 16 de Febrero

    Pyongyang, 11 de febrero (ATCC) -- Quedo constituido el dia 7 en Kirguizistan el Comite Preparatorio para el Dia del Sol (15 de abril, cumpleanos del Presidente Kim Il Sung) y el 16 de Febrero (cumpleanos del Dirigente Kim Jong Il). Como presidente del citado comite fue electo el primer secretario del Comite Central del Partido Comunista de Kirguizistan.
    El Comite Preparatorio decidio organizar del 10 de febrero al 18 de abril un acto de aprobacion de mensaje de felicitacion, mitin, proyeccion filmica, conferencia y otras actividades.

Insulto intolerable a la conciencia del mundo

    Pyongyang, 11 de febrero (ATCC) -- En la reunion extraordinaria del 28o periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU, sesionada hace poco tiempo con motivo del 60 aniversario de la liberacion del campo de concentracion Oswiecim, el representante de Japon, ante esta maxima organizacion mundial, dijo que durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial su pais salvo de las garras de Hitler a los judios fugitivos del nazismo. Ademas, hablo de que Japon se ha liberado de su condicion del "pais enemigo" por su contribucion a la ONU. Esto es un astuto artificio para ocultar y dar tinte positivo a sus crimenes del pasado y, a la larga, convertirse en un pais miembro permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.
    Senala asi el diario Rodong Sinmun en un comentario individual del dia 11 y prosigue: Esta perorata deviene tambien un intolerable insulto a los asiaticos y otros pueblos del mundo amantes de la paz.
    Sobre todo, es muy ridiculo el que los imperialistas japoneses hicieron "algun favor" a los acosados por el nazismo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, segun dijo el representante japones. Pues es del todo contradictorio que Japon, aliado militar de la Alemania fascista, "haya salvado" a los judios de Hitler "traicionando" las relaciones de alianza.
    Resulta peor todavia el que Japon habla como si su contribucion a la ONU lo haya liberado de la etiqueta del "pais enemigo". En el pasado, los imperialistas japoneses agredieron a varios paises asiaticos, inclusive Corea y China, e impusieron grandes desgracias y sufrimientos a los pueblos agredidos. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no reconocen sus mega-crimenes cometidos en detrimento del mundo y la humanidad y evaden obstinadamente liquidar su pasado criminal. Por lo tanto, el pais-isla sigue siendo hasta hoy el "pais enemigo" y objeto de maldiciones, denuncias y vigilancia de todo el mundo.
    Esta etiqueta no se quita por la contribucion a la ONU.
    Pero, Japon se atrevio a tergiversar sin escrupulos su historia de agresion del pasado y hace alarde de su "contribucion internacional" hasta en el escenario de la ONU. En el trasfondo de esta accion cinica se halla la intencion del pais isla de evadir de todas maneras la indemnizacion debida por los mega-crimenes no remunerados hasta en el nuevo siglo y tomar a toda costa la membresia permanente del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU para convertirse en una potencia politica y militar.
    La membresia permanente no se compra con el dinero ni se corresponde porque lo desea.
    Antes de antojarse de tal pais miembro permanente, Japon debe liquidar con sinceridad su pasado criminal.