March.22.2005 Juche 94
Greetings to Tunisian President
Renunciation of U.S. Hostile Policy towards DPRK Demanded
Intensive Action Program against Joint Military Drills Issued in S. Korea
Joint Military Exercises and Rice's Trip to S. Korea Opposed
Joint Declaration for Peace against War Adopted
Anti-U.S. Actions Called for
"Anti-Secession Law" of China Supported
Japan's Claim to Tok Islet under Fire
U.S.-S. Korea Military Exercises Assailed
Greetings to Namibian President
Greetings to Lao Revolutionary Party
Glass Factory Construction, Token of Korea-China Friendship
Water Resources Conserved in DPRK
Japan's Reckless Moves to Reinvade Korea Assailed
For Spanish-speaking people
Declaracion conjunta de Norte, Sur y ultramar
Denuncia a reaccion japonesa por su intento de usurpacion de isla Tok