Preparatory Committee Inaugurated in Denmark

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Danish Preparatory Committee for Celebrating Feb. 16 was held in Copenhagen on Jan. 6. The ceremony formed the preparatory committee for significantly celebrating the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il and discussed celebrations to be held in accordance with a proposal of the chairman of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association.
    Chairman Jorgen Petersen of the Communist Party of Denmark (Marxist-Leninist), Chairman Eric Petersen of the Copenhagen Branch of the Danish Workers' Party of Common Cause, and Chairman Anders Kristensen and an executive member of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association, were elected co-chairmen.

Preparatory Committee Formed in Peru

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The Peruvian National Preparatory Committee for Commemorating the Day of the Sun and Celebrating Feb. 16 was inaugurated on Jan. 7. Angel Castro Lavarello, chairman of the Peruvian-Korean Institute of Culture and Friendship, was elected chairman of the preparatory committee. 12 persons including Alberto Moreno, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru (Red Motherland), Genaro Ledesma Izquieta, chairman of the People's Front of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru, Lenan Raffo Munoz, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Peruvian Communist Party, Victor Oliva Miguel, general secretary of the Revolutionary Socialist Party of Peru, Luis Mateo Munoz, general secretary of the Socialist Party of Peru, Jose Antonio Gamarra, chairman of the National Association of Writers and Artists of Peru who is president of the General Kim Jong Il Peruvian Amicable Institute, Tani Baler Lopera, chairman of the Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea, and Roberto Carbonel, president of the Peru-Korea Friendship Institute for the Study of Juche Songun Policy, were elected vice-chairmen of the preparatory committee.
    The preparatory committee set a period of commemoration and celebration from February to the end of April and decided to organize colorful political and cultural functions in the capital city of Lima and local areas in the period.

Memorial Service for Pak Jong Chol Held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- A memorial service for martyr Pak Jong Chol, who was tortured to death by the south Korean fascist hangmen, was reportedly held in Seoul on Jan. 13 with the attendance of members of civic and public organizations, citizens and students. His father Pak Jong Gi, Secretary General of the Citizens' Solidarity for Human Rights O Chang Ik and other speakers said that the misfortune of the martyr 19 years ago should not be repeated. Democracy longed for by the martyr so eagerly has not yet been realized , they said, calling upon all the people to pool their efforts to materialize his desire at any cost.

KCNA Urges U.S. to Lift Sanctions against DPRK for Resumption of Six-Party Talks

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The United States is letting loose a string of base outcries to shift the responsibility for the delayed second phase of the fifth round of the six-party talks on to the DPRK from the outset of the year. Officials of the U.S. administration vied with each other to assert that the U.S. is making efforts to resume the six-party talks and that pursuit of illegal activities of north Korea and the six-party talks are totally different from each other and these activities have nothing to do with the talks. By these outbursts it means that the U.S. is making a lot of efforts for the resumption of the six-party talks but the DPRK is laying obstacles to the progress of the talks.
    This is like a thief crying "Stop the thief!"
    It is base, indeed, for the U.S. to try to lay hurdles in the way of the six-party talks through unjust sanctions and pressure and lay the responsibility for the delayed talks at the DPRK's door. The U.S. sanctions and pressure upon the DPRK are the main obstacle to the progress of the talks.
    As the U.S. financial sanctions are an issue directly linked with the talks, it is unthinkable for the DPRK to negotiate the nuclear issue with the party seeking to isolate and stifle it while being exposed to sanctions.
    The financial sanctions against the DPRK are little short of an act of suffocating the DPRK to bring down its system and contrary to the purport of the joint statement of the six-party talks which calls for mutual respect and co-existence.
    It is necessary to respect each other and co-exist in peace and take steps for building confidence and normalizing the relations with a view to denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. This is the basic spirit of the September 19 joint statement.
    Pressure and sanctions are incompatible with peaceful co-existence.
    The U.S. wanton violation of the joint statement is further bedeviling the hostile relations between the DPRK and the U.S. as it is nothing helpful to establishing the relations of confidence. If the U.S. truly wants to resume the talks, there is no reason to refuse to remove the hurdles lying in the way of the talks. It is proper for the party chiefly to blame for having deadlocked the talks to fulfil its commitment before any party else and this would be a practical step to resume the talks. Of late the international community is paying due attention to the fact that the U.S. high-handed policy is adversely affecting the process to settle the nuclear issue of other countries.
    Even U.S. media comment that the Bush administration's smear campaign against north Korea and its refusal to hold high-level talks on financial sanctions against it and the like do not stand to reason.
    The U.S. refusal to lift sanctions against the DPRK and its escalated pressure, threat and blackmail against it only compel the latter to take tougher countermeasures.
    If the U.S. truly wants to resume the six-party talks, it should lift, among other things, the sanctions against the DPRK, the factor blocking the resumption of the talks.

GNP Indicted for Its Past Crimes

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland Monday issued a lengthy indictment which brings to light the despicable true colors of the south Korean successive fascist dictatorial regimes, the predecessor of the Grand National Party in south Korea. The most hideous crime committed by the successive dictatorial regimes was that they turned south Korea into a horrible wasteland of democracy and human rights, a veritable living hell by pursuing the most barbarous fascist rule, the indictment said, and went on:
    After usurping power with the backing of the United States the Park Chung Hee military junta enacted at least 2,000 evil laws including the "Anti-Communist Law" and the "Special Law on Punishing Special Crimes" in just ten months after the "May 16 military coup" in 1961. In consequences patriotic political parties and public organizations and people from all walks of life were suppressed on charges of being "pro-communists" and 659 press organs were closed in just two years till 1966.
    The "Yusin" clique fabricated many cases such as "a spying case" and the "case of operative group for communizing south Korea" in a bid to crack down upon south Korean people of all social strata and eliminate political opponents. To cite a typical example of this, they abducted Kim Dae Jung, an exile in Japan at that time, in the heart of Tokyo in broad daylight in a bid to kill him in the open sea and kidnapped Kim Hyong Uk, former "director of the Central Intelligence Agency", and assassinated him in cold blood for the mere reason that he criticized the "Yusin system" after seeking refuge in the U.S. The Chun Doo Hwan clique staged the "December 12 military purge coup" in 1979 under the backstage wire-pulling of the U.S. and proclaimed the "extraordinary martial law" throughout south Korea. They enacted or retrogressively revised more than 100 fascist laws in an effort to force political parties and organizations to disorganize themselves or block their activities, pressed media organizations into merger or forced closure. They also savagely suppressed even the elementary freedom of political activities and democratic rights including assembly, demonstration and association. In order to crack down upon the south Korean people who rose up in the struggle for independence, democracy and reunification the Roh Tae Woo military regime declared the so-called "war against crimes" in October 1990 and in June 1991 and mobilized even the south Korean regular armed forces and 4.6 million-strong reserve forces as well as 150,000 policemen, the "Security Planning Board" and prosecution to kick up a whirlwind of check-up and investigation across south Korea everyday and arrest those on the want lists and activist students and other young people.
    The Kim Young Sam regime, the bastard of the Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo military regimes, also committed fascist suppression of south Korean youths and students and other people under the signboard of "a civilian government".
    The indictment cited facts to prove that the successive dictatorial regimes sold off the dignity and interests of the nation to foreign forces through their despicable sycophantic treacherous acts.
    It further said:
    Traitor Park Chung Hee hurled a total of 320,000 young and middle-aged south Koreans into the shambles of the U.S. war of aggression fought against Vietnam to die en masse, unhesitatingly signed the south Korea-Japan "agreement", a treacherous document, and concluded the south Korea-U.S. "Status of Forces Agreement" which grants privileged status to the U.S. forces in south Korea. And he set up the south Korea-U.S. "Combined Forces Command" in November 1978 for joint operations in the war against the north and staged the world's largest "Team Spirit" nuclear war exercises and "Ulji Focus Lens" joint military exercises in south Korea.
    Traitor Chun Doo Hwan, a hand-raised stooge of the U.S., brutally suppressed the anti-U.S. struggle of south Korean youth and students and people, worried about it more than his American master.
    When there occurred the arson of the "American Cultural Service" in Kwangju in December 1980, the arson of the "American Cultural Service" in Pusan in March 1982 and the occupation of the "American Cultural Service" in Seoul in May 1985, the traitor took the lead in setting up the "investigation headquarters", "teams in charge of investigation" and the like while raising a hue and cry over "pro-communist and enemy-benefiting" acts and "agitation from the north" and mobilized all forces of the police, prosecution and even the army to arrest patriotic youth and students and people of various other strata and even religionists.
    After taking the "presidential office" to succeed to Chun, Roh Tae Woo promised the U.S. to cover the expenses for the upkeep of its forces in south Korea with taxes collected from the people, thus meeting the U.S. demand for increasing the share of their "defense spending." He also signed the shackling south Korea-U.S. "Wartime Host Nations Support Agreement," thus providing a "legal guarantee" for the U.S. forces to use south Korean ports, airports, etc. in the event of contingency on the Korean Peninsula as they please.
    Traitor Kim Young Sam who took "the presidential office" under the signboard of "a civilian government" begged for the U.S. forces' permanent occupation of south Korea, even paying more than three billion U.S. dollars for the upkeep of the U.S. forces there. He joined the U.S. in making much fuss about "nuclear suspicion" and crying for "chastisement" and "sanctions" in a bid to harm and stifle the fellow countrymen in the north.
    He opened even the rice market related to south Korean peasants' lifeline to the U.S. and plunged the economy into catastrophe. The successive dictators were anti-reunification elements who blocked the nation's reconciliation and unity and chilled the fellow countrymen's desire for independent reunification by pursuing the "two Koreas" policy and the confrontation with the north, the indictment noted, and went on: They set up a "separate government" in south Korea, bringing the tragedy of division to this land, adopted the U.S. criminal "two Koreas" line as a "policy" and built the concrete wall in the whole area south of the Military Demarcation Line, thus bisecting the territory of Korea without hesitation. They officially advocated the "unification under the liberal democratic system" totally negating dialogue and reunification contrary to the July 4 joint statement and persisted in the moves for permanent division while peddling the "northern policy" and "international legalization of 'two Koreas'". The crimes committed by the successive dictatorial regimes should be cursed for all ages and sternly judged by the nation and history. The representative of the GNP, a descendant of the "Yusin" fascist dictator, would be well advised to keep silent and step down so that she may not follow in the tragic footsteps of her father.

U.S. Dangerous Move to Implement Its Nuclear War Scenario Blasted

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The United States is recently contemplating setting up a combined command at the U.S. Forces Strategic Command with an aim to provide a unified command over the attack by nuclear and conventional weapons on the DPRK and other anti-U.S. independent countries. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today observes in a signed commentary: This is a link in the chain of the moves of the U.S. imperialists to create conditions for working out "CONPLAN 8022", a new operation scenario, and implementing it.
    The U.S. is now working hard to round off the dangerous nuclear war scenario aiming at a preemptive nuclear attack on anti-U.S. independent countries in Asia-Pacific according to the military doctrine of the Bush administration under the pretext of "threat."
    The Bush administration has already set out the doctrine of preemptive nuclear attack and defined it as the core of its "strategy for national security". Accordingly, the U.S. is set to make a preemptive nuclear attack anytime on any state regarded as "dangerous". It listed different Asian countries including the DPRK as targets of its preemptive nuclear attacks.
    The DPRK is made the primary target of this attack. The U.S. nuclear war scenario is thus targeted against the DPRK.
    Now that the U.S. imperialists have become evermore undisguised in their moves to launch a nuclear war, the DPRK is left with no option but to significantly bolster its deterrent for self-defence under the uplifted banner of Songun.
    The U.S. imperialists should not be allowed to use Asia-Pacific as a theater for their nuclear war for world domination, the commentary concludes.

34th National Artistic Festival of Agricultural Workers Held

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The 34th national artistic festival of agricultural workers for celebrating Feb. 16 took place here on Monday. The festival was attended by members of art groups of rural villages from different cities, counties and provinces of the country which were highly appreciated.
    Members of art groups from Jungsim village of the Oguk Cooperative Farm in Anak County and Hachon village of the Ojon Cooperative Farm in Myongchon County put on the stage narration and chorus "Glory to General Kim Jong Il", chorus "Let's Sing of Dear General of People", female chorus "Field Jeep Runs along Long Road to the Front" and other art works praising the leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il who has opened up a new history of building a great prosperous powerful nation in this land, holding high the banner of Songun.
    Members of art group from Saemaul village of the Migok Cooperative Farm in Sariwon City, true to the mass culture and art policy of the Workers' Party of Korea, put on the festival stage colorful numbers representing the vitality of the Songun politics of the Party, the worthwhile life of agricultural workers and the present thrilling rural reality.
    Members of art groups from Tomugol village of the Muson Cooperative Farm in Songgan County and Saemaul village of the Yangphyong Cooperative Farm in Tanchon City represented the features of agricultural workers full of revolutionary optimism and joy of celebrating the holiday of February and their high revolutionary enthusiasm to make a fresh leap forward in agricultural production this year marking the 60th anniversary of the proclamation of the Agrarian Reform Law in response to the militant appeal of the Party for concentrating all efforts on farming once again.

Rodong Sinmun Observes Anniversary of Youth League

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today devotes an editorial to the 60th anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League. The editorial says:
    President Kim Il Sung formed a mighty organization of youth embracing all young people of different strata on Jan. 17, Juche 35 (1946) on the basis of the precious achievements and experience gained in the days of the anti-Japanese revolution. It was a historic event which brought about a radical turn in the development of the Korean revolution and the youth movement and in the political life of the youth.
    The 60-year-long history of the youth league is a proud one in which the league set a brilliant example in the settlement of the youth problem under the outstanding leadership of the Party and the leader and performed undying feats for the country and the people in van of the drive for glorifying Korean-style socialism.
    The heroic struggle and immortal feats of the youth have been recorded in the history of the Korean revolution which has emerged victorious under the banner of Songun.
    It is the firm faith of the young vanguard in the present times to devotedly defend the Party and the leader in the van and make a long journey of the Songun revolution guided by leader Kim Jong Il to the last, holding high the torch of revolution kindled by him. Nobody can match the Korean youth in loyalty to their leaders, a noble sense of moral obligation, staunch ideology, steadfast revolutionary faith, organizational ability and the might of unity. The youth league should be strengthened into that of the President. The young people should be staunch and dauntless fighters who go only along the road indicated by Kim Jong Il and make a long journey of the Songun revolution to the last, following him.
    All the youths should fully demonstrate the revolutionary stamina of the young vanguard in the general march for the Songun revolution with their extraordinary determination to perform outstanding feats in defending and glorifying socialism and building a great prosperous powerful nation.

Shining Feats of Youth

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Six decades have elapsed since the foundation of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League (January 17).During the years, the young people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have performed lots of exploits. Upholding President Kim Il Sung's idea of building a new country after national liberation, the Korean youth rendered distinguished services to the building of a new society centering around the people , going through manifold difficulties in the van.
    During the hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War they launched the "Minchongho" weapon movement, "Youth workteam" movement and other mass movements and displayed unparalleled bravery and mass heroism on the front and in the rear, thus making a great contribution to the victory in the war. In the difficult post-war period when everything was reduced to heaps of rubbles, they also did their bit for the development of the national economy. They constructed many edifices including the Kanggye Youth Power Station, Songnam Youth Coal Mine and Haeju-Hasong Broad-gauge Railway Line. The young people played the role of vanguard and shock-brigade in the labor-consuming sectors of the socialist construction. They fully demonstrated the heroic stamina of the Korean youth in projects to replace major railway trunk lines with electric ones and lay the Ichon-Sepho railway line and 252-km-long railway tracks in northern areas and other projects.
    During the "Arduous March" and the forced march, too, young people constructed the large-sized Youth Hero Motorway within two years and more than 400 medium and small power stations for the electrification of the country.
    The past decade has witnessed the appearance of many edifices honored with the title of "youth" including Thaechon Youth Power Station No.3 and the Unsong Youth Reservoir. More than 40 similar creations came into being last year alone.
    The monumental edifices named after "youth" by leader Kim Jong Il will long go down to the posterity along with the thriving fatherland.

Kindergarten, Home of Young Talents

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il met Ku Tae Hong and Kim Hyok Il, six years old talented boys from Ponbu Kindergarten in Sinuiju City, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, to see their calligraphies and paintings early in January. The kindergarten has been well known throughout the country from long time ago for having discovered and developed aptitude and talent of children. Among them is Kim Il Sin who became famous for writing poems from the age of five.
    At the New Year celebration of Pyongyang schoolchildren for Juche 79 (1990) she recited her impromptu poem to delight President Kim Il Sung and earned the fame of "kit poet".
    She, who had written many poems, presented her epic "Our New Year's Day will be everlasting under guidance of General" to Kim Jong Il in the year of Juche 84 (1995). She was honored with his autograph saying: "I highly appreciate this little pupil."
    Merited Artiste Ri Sun Ae, a violinist of the Mansudae Art Troupe, who is famous for her special performance skill and Pae Kum Ok, a Kayagum soloist of the Phibada Opera Troupe who is winner of the "February 16 Art Prize" were also produced by the kindergarten.
    The kindergarten has recently presented the leader with several collections of writings including "We will hold General Kim Jong Il in high esteem", a collection of calligraphies "Songun blessing" and a collection of paintings "We will join People's Army defending General".
    Most of the children who were acclaimed by the audience for their skilful and cute rope jumping at the grand gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" came from the kindergarten.
    All this is a fine fruition of the socialist educational system and popular preschool education policy of the DPRK.

Book "Legendry on History in Times of Three Kingdoms" Published

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- The Publishing House of Social Sciences of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has recently brought out the book "Legendry on History in Times of Three Kingdoms" with myths, legends and historical facts in the days of the three kingdoms (Koguryo, Paekje and Silla), feudal states of Korea.
    The book, edited by Prof. and Dr. Jo Hui Sung and other historians, consists of a preface and three parts -- Koguryo, Paekje and Silla and Kaya. The part Koguryo gives 46 tales including "King Tongmyong, Founder of Millennial Powerful State", "Pyongyang, Large City around Mt. Taesong" and "General Ulji Mundok and Great Victory in Salsu Battle".
    Figuring in the part of Paekje are 26 tales including "King Onjo and Piryu - Tale of Building Paekje" and "Pophung Temple (Asuka Temple) and Asuka Buddhist Idol".
    The part of Silla and Kaya deals with 37 tales including "Tale on Birth of Hyokgose and Alyong" and "Uruk, Maker of Kayagum". The book tells in popular terms about the history on Koguryo, great powerful state in the East at that time, and Paekje, Silla and Kaya which developed under the political and cultural influence of Koguryo. In particular, the data on political events in each kingdom, struggle of people against foreign invaders, then celebrated figures and relationships with different countries enable the readers to easily understand the history of the kingdoms. Carried in the book are the story "Results Caused by Refusal of Advice of Loyalist" carried in the part of Paekje and other historical tales that give lessons to posterity.

Nat’l Meeting Held to Celebrate 60th Anniv. of Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League

    Pyongyang, January 17 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the April 25 House of Culture here Tuesday to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League. Present at the meeting were Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, Vice Marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, and Choe Thae Bok and Kim Jung Rin, secretaries of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    It was attended by winners of the Kim Il Sung Youth Honour Prize, officials of the youth league organizations at all levels, officials concerned with the youth work, heroes of the preceding generation, servicepersons of the KPA and youths and students.
    Also present there were a delegation of Korean youths and students in Japan and a delegation of the Youth Federation of Korean Nationals in China staying in the socialist homeland to celebrate the jubilee.
    Before the beginning of the meeting its participants listened to the recorded historic speech "Our Youth Should Be Dependable Heirs to the Revolutionary Cause of Juche" made by President Kim Il Sung at the Seventh Congress of the League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea on October 24, Juche 70 (1981). A congratulatory message of the WPK Central Committee to the youth league organizations and members was conveyed at the meeting. The message highly praised the youth league and young people for having registered great successes in strengthening and developing the organization into a revolutionary youth organization of Juche true to the WPK's leadership and performed shining feats in the defence of the country and in the socialist construction over the last six decades.
    Referring to the tasks to be fulfilled to bring about a fresh turn in the work of the youth league as required by the era of Songun, the message called on the youth league organizations and members to hold President Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal sun of Juche and uphold and eternally glorify the immortal leadership exploits performed by him in the development of the youth movement in order to develop the league into an eternal youth league of the President.
    The message underscored the need for the young people to cherish the transparent spirit of devotedly protecting the leader and become human bullets and bombs so that they may become revolutionary comrades of Songun who devotedly defend leader Kim Jong Il and breathe the same breath with the headquarters of the revolution and share thought and destiny with it and thus remain true to the WPK's Songun politics and steadfastly carry forward the tradition of the single-minded unity. The message urged the young people to devote their youth to the firm defence of the socialist country in hearty response to the WPK's Songun revolutionary line as the ranks in charge of the national defence and a main force for it and fully display the militant stamina and courage of the young vanguard in the general advance of Songun revolution for building a great prosperous powerful socialist nation. Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the Central Committee of the youth league, in his report at the meeting dwelt on the undying exploits performed by the peerlessly great persons in the development of the Korean youth movement.
    The reporter recalled that Kim Il Sung set out the politics of attaching importance to the youth, successfully training the youth league and young people as a dynamic militant unit of the revolution and dependable heirs to the socialist cause, and that Kim Jong Il deemed it as a revolutionary obligation of the younger generation to eternally hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem and remain loyal to his cause.
    He went on:
    The youth league has developed to be an ideologically pure organization modeled on the Juche idea, the Songun idea of the WPK, an organized entity strong in unity, organizing ability and militancy and an organization closely linked with the same destiny in which the young people have formed a harmonious whole with their illustrious leaders. And the young people have grown to be reliable successors to the Songun revolutionary cause of Juche. This is the main review of the 60 year-long history of the youth league.
    The reporter called on the five million young people to further consolidate the single-minded unity of the ranks of members of the young vanguard closely united around Kim Jong Il in thinking and purpose as required by the era of Songun and become Songun revolutionary comrades who share the same idea and will with him and ardent fighters in the 21st century.

For Spanish-speaking people

Sancion y presion son escollos para reanudacion de la cita a 6 bandas -Comentario de ATCC-

    Pyongyang, 17 de enero (ATCC) -- Desde principios de este ano, los Estados Unidos sueltan maldiciones que imputan a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea la responsabilidad de la prolongacion de la segunda etapa de la quinta ronda de conversaciones a 6 bandas. Las personalidades oficiales de la administracion Bush parlotean que "EE.UU. se esfuerza por la reanudacion de las conversaciones a 6 bandas" y que la "persecucion sobre las actividades ilicitas del Norte de Corea y las conversaciones a 6 bandas son cuestiones apartes e incoherentes". Segun sus palabras, EE.UU. hace grandes esfuerzos por la reanudacion de las conversaciones a 6 bandas, mientras que el Norte de Corea pone freno a su marcha.
    Con la sancion y presion EE.UU. pone freno a la marcha de las conversaciones a 6 bandas e imputa a la RPDC la responsabilidad de la postergacion de su reanudacion.
    La sancion y la presion de EE.UU. son obstaculos principales que impiden la marcha de la cita a 6 bandas.
    La sancion financiera del imperio americano a la RPDC tiene que ver directamente con la marcha de dichas conversaciones. No podemos discutir el problema nuclear con la contraparte que pretende aislarnos y aplastarnos.
    Esta sancion financiera tiende a suprimir el regimen de la RPDC y resulta contraproducente con el proposito de la declaracion conjunta de las conversaciones a 6 bandas, que tiene por premisa el respeto mutuo y la coexistencia. El espiritu fundamental de la declaracion conjunta del 19 de septiembre es realizar la desnuclearizacion de la Peninsula Coreana mediante el respeto reciproco, la coexistencia pacifica, las medidas para la creacion de la confianza y la normalizacion de las relaciones bilaterales. La presion y la sancion son incompatibles con la coexistencia pacifica.
    Debido a la violacion flagrante de EE.UU. a la declaracion conjunta, entre este y la RPDC se crean las relaciones hostiles en vez de las de confianza. Si EE.UU. desea de veras la reanudacion de las conversaciones, no tendra motivo alguno por el cual no pueda eliminar el obstaculo que la impide. El crucero lo debe eliminar el que lo interpuso. Esto sera una medida practica para la reanudacion de las conversaciones.
    En los ultimos tiempos, la sociedad internacional estima que la politica de coercion de EE.UU. da efecto adverso y ejerce influencia negativa sobre la solucion del problema nuclear de otros paises.
    Hasta los medios de prensa de EE.UU. estiman que es "ilogica la exclusion de las conversaciones de alto nivel sobre la difamacion y la sancion financiera al Norte de Corea" de la administracion Bush.
    Cuanto mas EE.UU. intensifique la presion, la amenaza y el chantaje sobre la RPDC, tanto mas esta adoptara contramedidas mas duras. Si Estados Unidos desea de veras la reanudacion de las conversaciones a 6 bandas, debe levantar primero la sancion sobre la RPDC.

EE.UU maniobra para completar plan de guerra nuclear

    Pyongyang, 17 de enero (ATCC) -- En estos dias, Estados Unidos planea crear dentro de la comandancia estrategica de sus tropas la comandancia combinada que maneje de manera unificada el ataque de armas nucleares y convencionales contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y otros paises independientes antiimperialistas.  Tal intencion es un eslabon de la creacion de condiciones para trazar y ejecutar un nuevo plan operacional "CONPLAN 8022".  Asi senala el diario Rodong Sinmun en un comentario individual del dia 17 y prosigue:
     El imperio norteamericano se apresura para completar el peligroso plan de guerra nuclear segun la doctrina militar de la administracion Bush para emprender el ataque preventivo nuclear a los paises independientes antiimperialistas de la region de Asia-Pacifico.
     La administracion Bush ya esgrimio tal doctrina y la definio como lo principal de la "estrategia de la seguridad del Estado", segun la cual EE.UU. esta dispuesto a asestar un ataque preventivo nuclear a todo momento contra los estados que considere "peligrosos". Los blancos de este ataque los constituyen la RPDC y otros varios paises asiaticos. El primer blanco es la RPDC.
     Cuanto mas hacen abiertas sus maniobras para la guerra nuclear los imperialistas norteamericanos, tanto mas la RPDC enarbolara la bandera del Songun (priorizacion militar) para consolidar por todos los medios la fuerza de detencion autodefensiva.
     La region de Asia-Pacifico no puede ser campo de la guerra nuclear de los yanquis que persiguen la heguemonia mundial.

Movimiento juvenil de Corea avanza bajo la gran bandera del Songun

    Pyongyang, 17 de enero (ATCC) -- Sobre la base de los preciosos exitos y experiencias logrados en la Lucha Revolucionaria Antijaponesa el Presidente Kim Il Sung organizo el 17 de enero del 35 (1946) de la Era Juche una poderosa organizacion juvenil que abarca a todos los jovenes coreanos de distintos sectores, lo cual fue un evento historico que trajo un viraje radical en el desarrollo de la revolucion coreana y el movimiento juvenil y en la vida politica de los jovenes. Asi senala el periodico Rodong Sinmun en un editorial insertado en su edicion del dia 17 con motivo del sexagesimo de la fundacion de la Union de la Juventud Socialista Kim Il Sung y continua:
    La historia de los 60 anos de la union juvenil es la orgullosa trayectoria en que bajo la sabia direccion del partido y el lider esa organizacion juvenil creo un brillante modelo de la solucion del problema juvenil y la historia gloriosa en que ella acumulo inmortales hazanas ante la patria y el pueblo tomando la delantera de la lucha por llevar adelante el socialismo coreano.
    En el proceso historico de la revolucion coreana que ha recorrido el camino de sucesivas victorias bajo la bandera del Songun, estan adornadas la heroica lucha e inmortales proezas de los jovenes.
    Los vanguardistas juveniles de nuestra epoca tienen la firme conviccion de defender a ultranza el partido y el lider y recorrer hasta el fin el largo camino de la revolucion del Songun bajo la direccion del Dirigente enarbolando la antorcha de la revolucion prendida por el Dirigente Kim Jong Il. En el mundo no hay otros jovenes tan excelentes como los coreanos en la infinita fidelidad y la noble obligacion moral de apoyar a su lider, su dirigente, y en la firmeza ideologica, la inconmovible conviccion revolucionaria y la capacidad organizativa y de union.
    Hay que fortalecer la union juvenil como la eterna organizacion del Presidente Kim Il Sung. Los jovenes deben ser fervientes combatientes que toman solo el camino, aunque sea abrupto, indicado por el Dirigente y que recorren invariablemente el largo camino de la revolucion del Songun bajo la direccion de este.
    Todos los jovenes, con la extraordinaria conviccion de defender y llevar adelante el socialismo y dejar huellas claras de la vida en la construccion de la patria prospera, deben exaltar el impetu revolucionario de vanguardia juvenil en la gran marcha general revolucionaria del Songun.