Kim Jong Il's Works Studied in Different Countries

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Seminars on leader Kim Jong Il's famous works "On the Juche Idea" and "Socialism Is a Science" were held by organizations for studying the Juche idea in Russia, India and Uganda on Feb. 11 and 13 on the occasion of the February holiday. Dmitri Kostenko, chairman of the Russian Youth Association for the Study of the Juche Idea, said that the work "On the Juche Idea" serves as a precious textbook on revolution for the adherents to the Juche idea.
    Anita Chopra, president of the Indian Working Women's Society for the Study of the Juche Philosophy, noted that Kim Jong Il in his work "Socialism Is a Science" compressively proved the justice, advantages and invincibility of the socialist cause based on the Juche idea and clearly indicated the way of winning the victory of socialism.
    Recalling that the DPRK won one victory after another in the stand-off with the U.S. even under the situation where the attack of the imperialist reactionary forces was focused on it at the end of the last century, she noted that this experience clearly proved the justice and truth of the Juche idea.
    The chief of the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of Comrade Kim Il Sung of Old Kampala Higher Middle School in Uganda stressed that socialism is sure to triumph for its scientific accuracy and truth.

Kim Jong Il Highly Praised by Peruvian Figure

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il is a great master at thinking and leadership and a great guardian of independence of the popular masses as he has won only victory with his Songun politics and a powerful treasured sword called single-minded unity of the leader, the party and people, invariably holding aloft the banner of independence. Genaro Ledesma Izquieta, chairman of the People's Front of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru, said this in a statement issued on Feb. 13 on the occasion of the February holiday.
    The members of the People's Front of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru express unquestioned support to the Songun politics of the DPRK, he noted, calling upon the Peruvian people to wage a vigorous movement for positively supporting the Korean people in their struggle to accomplish the cause of socialism and the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea.

S. Korean MBC on Decision of Seoul High Court

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- The Seoul High Court on Feb. 14 made a decision that the government should pay compensation to the bereaved family of Prof. Choe Jong Gil for his death during the Park Chung Hee dictatorial regime the truth of which was probed by the "Committee for Probe into the Truth behind Suspicious Cases", according to MBC of south Korea. In 1973 the Central Intelligence Agency announced that Prof. Choe Jong Gil at Law College of Seoul National University committed suicide while he was under interrogation on the charge of "espionage."
    But, it has been proved this time that the then CIA tortured him to death and fabricated the results of investigation to cover up the case.
    Therefore, the court reversed the decision of the first trial which turned down the claim for compensation made by the bereaved family under the pretext that the statute of limitations was over. And the court ruled that the government should pay compensation to the bereaved family, holding that no statute of limitations is applicable to such human rights abuse committed by authorities as painting a victim of torture as a "criminal."

Chinese Ambassador Hosts Friendly Meeting for Officials of Ministry of People's Security

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Wu Donghe hosted a friendly meeting in honor of officials of the Ministry of People's Security at the embassy on Feb. 21 on the occasion of the New Year Juche 95 (2006). Present on invitation were Ju Sang Song, minister of People's Security, and officials of the ministry.
    Speeches were made there.
    The participants in the meeting deepened the friendship, talking about the cooperative relations between the two countries daily growing stronger under the deep care of leader Kim Jong Il and President Hu Jintao.

Book "Juche Cause and Songun Politics" Published in Nepal

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- The book "Juche Cause and Songun Politics" written by Prof. Manik Lal Shrestha of Tribhuvan University of Nepal was brought out on the occasion of the February holiday. A book releasing ceremony was held in Kathmandu on Feb. 14. Radha Krishna Mainali, minister of Education and Sports of Nepal, in his speech referred to the publication of the book which makes a comprehensive and detailed description of the revolutionary cause of Juche started by President Kim Il Sung and the Songun politics pursued by his successor Kim Jong Il. He expressed the belief that the struggle of the Korean people for national reunification and the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation is sure to triumph thanks to the Songun politics of Kim Jong Il.
    Manik Lal Shrestha said in his speech that the book tells that the Songun politics of Kim Jong Il has put the cause of the Korean people on a new phase and it deals with the historical position of the Songun politics and the inevitable victory of the Korean people guaranteed by the politics.
    He hoped that the book would be of help to many friends who support the just cause of the Korean people.
    Present at the book releasing ceremony were Keser J. Rayemaji, ex-chairman of the Royal Consultative Council of Nepal who is chief advisor to the Nepalese preparatory committee for commemorating the Day of the Sun and February 16, Shailendra Kumar Upadhyaya, former foreign minister, and other political and public figures. The DPRK ambassador to Nepal and embassy officials were among those present on invitation.

Agreement on Air Service Signed between DPRK and Syria

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- An agreement on air service between the governments of the DPRK and Syria was concluded in Damascus on Feb. 20. Present at the signing ceremony were DPRK Ambassador to Syria Kim Pyong Nam and embassy officials, Director of the General Bureau of Civil Aviation of Syria Faiz Isa and bureau officials.
    The agreement was signed by DPRK Ambassador Kim Pyong Nam on behalf of the DPRK side and Director Faiz Isa on behalf of the opposite side.

Youth Committee for Study of Juche Idea Inaugurated in Ethiopia

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Ethiopian Youth Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea was held in Addis Ababa on Feb. 7. At the ceremony Nigatu Dagnachew, vice-chairman of the Addis Ababa Youth Association, was elected chairman of the committee.
    He said at the ceremony that the Juche idea clarified the truth that one should resolve all problems arising in the revolution and construction by oneself on the basis of the principle that man is the master of his destiny and he has strength to shape his destiny. He stressed that the Ethiopian youths should make a deep study of works of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il so as to fulfill their mission and role as the master of future and take the lead in developing the country.

Struggle against GNP Called for

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) made public a declaration on the situation on Thursday in which it appealed to all the people to turn out in the struggle to foil the dangerous collusion and conspiracy of the pro-U.S. conservative forces, castigating the Grand National Party and the United Liberal Democrats of south Korea for orchestrating a political farce of merging the two parties under the signboards of "defence of liberal democratic system" and "victory in the presidential election next year," according to Kuguk Jonson Internet site. The declaration branded the merger of the two parties as a political conspiracy to seize power and a revival of the "Yusin" ghost to push the people desirous of new politics and new life into the fascist age of darkness, not a simple recombination of "twin poisonous mushrooms" rooted in the "Yusin" dictatorship.
    Lurking behind the merger is the dark tentacle of the U.S. dead set against the June 15 era of reunification, the declaration said, and went on:
    The AINDF together with all other people vehemently denounces the merger as an extremely dangerous criminal conspiracy to revive fascism, destroy the June 15 joint declaration, provoke a war of aggression against the north, stamp out democracy and bring economy and people's livelihood to bankruptcy.
    We are now at the critical juncture whether to push forward progress and reform and the June 15 era of reunification or to go back to the fascist era of darkness and the era of disastrous war and confrontation. The people from all walks of life, aware of the gravity of the situation, should wage an unflinching struggle until they completely ostracize the old and corrupt political group of GNP and its remnant forces. Underscoring the need to achieve great unity against conservatism at an early date under the banner of progress and reform, the declaration called on all the people to ostracize the traitorous party forever through a nationwide anti-GNP struggle and break a new ground of progress and reform and open a new phase of the June 15 era of independent reunification without fail.

7th Inter-Korean Red Cross Talks Held

Inter-Korean Red Cross Talks took place at Mt. Kumgang resort from Feb. 21 to 23. Present at the talks were the members of a delegation of the north side headed by Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society Choe Song Ik and the members of a delegation of the south side with Secretary General of the south Korean Red Cross Jang Sok Jun as its chief delegate. At the talks both sides adopted an agreement after having an exhaustive discussion on issues of positively promoting the inter-Korean reconciliation, cooperation and humanitarian work of the Red Cross in the spirit of "By our nation itself." According to the agreement, the north and the south decided to arrange a special reunion of separated families and relatives at Mt. Kumgang resort with 200 persons each from the north and the south involved in the program on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 joint declaration and organize their special video meeting with 60 families each from the two parts involved in the event on the occasion of June 15 and the August 15 Liberation Day of Korea. They also agreed to further the consultation about conducting a wide-range work for confirming the whereabouts of separated families and relatives and include the issue of confirming the whereabouts of those reported missing during and after the Korean war in the matter of separated families and relatives and consult and settle it.
    The north and the south decided to open the 8th Inter-Korean Red Cross Talks around the coming June at Mt. Kumgang resort.

Ri Dynasty Porcelain Exhibited

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- An exhibition of porcelain belonging to the Ri Dynasty (1392-1910) is going on at the Korean Central History Museum. The Korean people made fine ceramic works including white porcelain during the Ri Dynasty by carrying forward the tradition of Koryo ceramic workmanship well known to the world.
    Displayed at the exhibition which opened on Feb.14 are more than 70 pieces of kitchen utensils and the sorts of stationery with the value of artistic handicrafts. The exhibits have varied decorations including relief, intaglio and pattern on white ground, which is suitable to the national aesthetic sense of the Korean people. Conspicuous among them are the green-white porcelain plate reflecting 10 creatures including pine tree, Ganoderma, deer, crane and the cloud which symbolize longevity, the white porcelain dish decorated with plum blossom in relief, the crimson-white porcelain writing brush vessel reflecting beautiful Mt. Kumgang and the red soil-white porcelain container for ink-stone water made in the shape of frog on the verge of leaping. All the exhibits are worthy of decoration as they give soft and fresh feelings to people. The porcelain works, combined with artistic skill and utility, make people feel plentiful and stable.
    The exhibition showing the developed ceramic workmanship of the nation is visited by Koreans and foreigners every day.

Multimedia "Illustrated Book of Successive Costume"

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- The Korean Film Studio has recently produced computer multimedia "Illustrated Book of Successive Costume". It gives information of costume, properties and customs needed for the creation of film, stage, art and other literature and art works, divided into four parts -- the periods of three kingdoms, Koryo and Ri Dynasty and the modern times. It was compiled with different kinds of clothes, ornaments, shoes, headgears and other things according to classes and strata on the basis of scientific and historical materials and records.
    For example, the multimedia shows vividly the clothes and things of the independence army and volunteer army who fought to retake the ruined nation, nationalists, workers, peasants, ordinary women, children, high-ranking civil officials and military officers and Korean army in the early years of the 20th century, those of European diplomats and correspondents resident in Korea before and after the 1910s, and figures and merchants in the northeastern area of China.
    All the pictures of the multimedia are original ones.
    For its plenty of materials, truthfulness and scientific accuracy, the multimedia helps viewers get historical knowledge and create historical fine art works.

Third Meeting of Pacesetters of Three Revolution Red Flag Movement Closes

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- The 3rd meeting of pacesetters of the Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement closed today. The meeting proudly reviewed the validity of the unique line of three revolutions -- ideological, technical and cultural -- which President Kim Il Sung put forth in line with the immortal Juche idea, the idea of uninterrupted revolution and the great vitality of the movement which is being led by the Workers' Party of Korea and powerfully demonstrated the high revolutionary enthusiasm and firm will of the whole party and all the people to bring about a great surge in the building of a great prosperous powerful nation by spurring on the general march of the Songun revolution through the mighty all-people movement.
    Speeches were made at the meeting on Feb. 24. An appeal to all party members and other working people was adopted at the meeting. The appeal said:
    We are now facing the tasks to put spurs once again on the general march of the Songun revolution and give full play to the advantages of Korean-style socialism in all political, military, economic and cultural fields.
    "Let us bring about a big surge on all fronts of building a great prosperous powerful nation by accelerating the three revolutions under the banner of Songun!" This is a militant slogan that the movement should hold high.
    The present ideological revolution requires preparing all the people to be indomitable fighters who devotedly defend the leader and revolutionaries who absolutely follow, defend and carry through the Songun idea and line of the Party. To defend the leader devotedly is our foremost life and soul and best patriotic loyalty. "Let us hold the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung forever in high esteem as the sun of Juche and accomplish his revolutionary cause creditably!" "Let us defend the revolutionary headquarters headed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Il at the risk of our lives!"
    The appeal called for preferentially providing everything needed to strengthen the People's Army and develop the national defence industry, devoting all sincerity to assisting the army and carrying through the party policy of putting all the people under arms and turning the whole country into a fortress to strengthen the military might of Korean-style socialism in every way.
    It underscored the need to step up the modernization and information-orientation of the national economy so that the economy may be boosted as a whole in the near future and the people may substantially benefit from the economic foundations and to concentrate all efforts on farming to settle the food problem sufficiently for people. It laid stress on pushing ahead with reconstruction and modernization based on up-to-date science and technology in a bold, big and innovative way and developing the culture of Korea into the socialist culture of Songun, revolutionary, militant and civilized, modeling after soldier culture.
    It stressed that all the people should become standard-bearers of the three revolutions, the standard-bearers twice standard-bearers, the twice standard-bearers triple standard-bearers and the triple standard-bearers heroes of the Songun era.

Greetings to Emir of Kuwait

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the national day and the 15th anniversary of the liberation day of Kuwait. Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in conformity with the desire of the two peoples, the message wished him good health and happiness as well as him and people of Kuwait greater successes in their work for progress and prosperity of the country.

Kim Jong Il Inspects KPA Unit

    Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected KPA Unit 226 situated on the forefront. He went round the room devoted to the history of the unit, guided by its commander. He praised the unit as a unit of merit as it has fully displayed the heroic spirit of the KPA in defending the country and the socialist construction and underscored the need for the servicepersons of the unit to demonstrate its might as an ever-victorious force in the future, too, by carrying forward its glorious tradition.
    He watched servicepersons in training at a military lecture room. He set forth tasks to be undertaken to further increase the unit's combat capability, greatly satisfied to learn that the servicepersons of the unit have fully acquired the WPK's Juche-based war methods through intensive combat and political training and reliably safeguarded the defence line of the country with high revolutionary vigilance and a strained combat posture.
    He learned about the soldiers' cultural and emotional life, going round a servicepersons' hall, a library and other entertainment and cultural facilities. A revolutionary literary and art work is one of the important media giving the young people ideological and moral pabulum, he said, calling on all the servicepersons to read more revolutionary novels.
    Then he made the rounds of a mess hall, a kitchen and other supply service facilities and highly praised the unit for having provided good living conditions to them by itself. Noting that the KPA has set an example for the society and played the role of a pacemaker in all aspects of thinking, culture, struggle and life, proving that there is nothing impossible for it either in the defence of the country or in the socialist construction, he said its revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude serves as a powerful engine dynamically advancing the times and the revolution. Then he inspected a company of the unit. He took deep care of its soldiers' service and living, looking round various places of the company.
    He met soldiers of the company and conversed with them. He was very pleased to see all of them trained as stalwart fighters.
    He gave the servicepersons of the unit a pair of binoculars and an automatic rifle as gifts and had a photo session with them.
    He was accompanied by KPA Generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong and Hwang Pyong So, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona Unidad No. 120 del EPC

    Pyongyang, 24 de febrero (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, inspecciono la Unidad No. 120 del EPC situada en la primera linea de frente. Tras enterarse del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la unidad, recorrio las salas de leccion militar.
    Se mostro muy satisfecho de que al acondicionar magnificamente las salas de leccion militar y utilizarlas con eficacia forman a todos los oficiales y soldados como combatientes dotados de alta combatividad capaz de cumplir satisfactoriamente cualquier mision de operacion y combate de la guerra moderna y listos para combatir uno contra ciento e indico las tareas que se presentan para fortalecer por todos los medios la capacidad combativa de la unidad.
    Vio la casa de militares, la biblioteca, la sala de exhibicion de fotos y otras instalaciones de cultura y educacion y los datos de educacion visual de toda clase para hacer conocimiento del estado de la labor ideologica sobre los militares. El Comandante Supremo subrayo que deben formar a todos los militares como Ri Su Bok y Kang Ho Yong de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar) que posean el firme espiritu de defensa del socialismo y el ardiente amor a la patria y luchen sacrificando sin vacilacion la vida en aras de la unica patria.
    Acto seguido, el Dirigente inspecciono una subunidad de la unidad. Recorrio la sala de educacion, el dormitorio, el comedor, la cocina, el bano, el deposito de alimentos subsidiarios, el corral y otros lugares para prodigar profunda atencion a la labor y vida de los militares.
    Estuvo satisfecho de que la unidad asegura magnificas condiciones de vida a los soldados. En los ultimos anos el ejercito popular registro grandes cambios tambien en el cultivo para autoconsumo y trajo un cambio trascendental en la mejora de la vida alimenticia de los militares, dijo el Comandante Supremo y anadio que este orgulloso exito es un fruto del espiritu revolucionario de apoyarse en las propias fuerzas que puso de manifiesto nuestro ejercito, que bajo el sublime ideal de independencia, autofortalecimiento y autososten abre victoriosamente el camino para la patria potente y prospera.
    El Comandante Supremo dio como recuerdo binoculos, ametralladora y fusil automatico a los oficiales y soldados de la unidad y se fotografio junto a estos. Le acompanaron los generales de ejercito del EPC Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae y Pak Jae Gyong y el subjefe de departamento del CC del PTC Hwang Pyong So.

VII ronda de conversaciones de la Cruz Roja Norte-Sur de Corea

    Monte Kumgang, 23 de febrero (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar aqui del 21 al 23 la VII Ronda de Conversaciones de la Cruz Roja Norte-Sur de Corea.  Participaron por la parte nortena los miembros de la delegacion presidida por Choe Song Ik, vicepresidente del Comite Central de la Asociacion de la Cruz Roja de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y, por la parte surena, los miembros de la delegacion con Jang Sok Jun, secretario general de la Sociedad de la Cruz Roja del Sur de Corea, como delegado jefe.
     En la ocasion ambas partes discutieron sinceramente los problemas para activar la reconciliacion, la cooperaron y labor humanitaria de la Cruz Roja conforme al espiritu de "entre nosotros, connacionales" y aprobaron un acuerdo.
     Segun el documento, el Norte y el Sur decidieron promover el problema de organizar el encuentro especial en el monte Kumgang de familiares y parientes dispersados cuyo tamano es de 200 respectivamente con motivo del VI aniversario de la publicacion de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio, el de realizar el especial encuentro audiovisual de familiares y parientes dispersados cuyo tamano es de 60 respectivamente en ocasion del 15 de junio y el 15 de agosto, el de seguir discutiendo el asunto para ampliar la labor de verificacion de paraderos y direcciones de los familiares y parientes en cuestion, el de incluir y solucionar la cuestion de verificacion de vida y muerte de los desaparecidos en el periodo de guerra y posguerra en el problema de familiares y parientes dispersados, etc.  Ambas partes acordaron efectuar a eso de junio en el monte Kumgang la VIII Ronda de Conversaciones de la Cruz Roja.

FDNA exhorta a oponerse al "partido Hannara"

    Pyongyang, 24 de febrero (ATCC) -- Segun el sitio Web del Internet de "Frente de Salvacion Nacional", el Comite Central del Frente Democratico Nacional Antiimperialista (FDNA), en su declaracion sobre la situacion emitida el dia 23, exhorto a todos los coreanos a levantarse en la lucha por frustrar la peligrosa conspiracion de las fuerzas conservadoras proyanquis denunciando el hecho de que en el Sur de Corea el "partido Hannara" se fusiono con la "Alianza Liberal Democratica" bajo el rotulo de la "defensa del sistema democratico liberal" y la "victoria en las elecciones presidenciales del ano proximo".  La fusion de esos dos partidos es un producto de la conspiracion politica para arrebatar el "poder" y un resurgimiento del fantasma de "renovacion" para poner en oscuridad fascista a las masas populares aspirantes a una nueva politica y nueva vida, senala la declaracion y prosigue:
     En la trasera de la fusion estan extendidas las garras negras de EE.UU. que se opone a la epoca del 15 de Junio para la reunificacion.
     El FDNA condena categoricamente, junto con toda la poblacion, el juego de tal fusion de los remanentes de "renovacion" estigmatizandola de una confabulacion criminal de cinco puntos para la restauracion del fascismo, para la destruccion de la epoca del 15 de junio, para la provocacion de una guerra de agresion al Norte, para la supresion de la democracia y para la bancarrota de la economia y la vida de la poblacion.  La situacion actual se encuentra en un dilema: la reforma progresista y el avance de la epoca del 15 de junio para la reunificacion o la restauracion de la oscuridad fascista y la epoca de confrontacion de guerra catastrofica. Las masas populares de distintos sectores conscientes de la gravedad de la situacion deben seguir enarbolando la bandera de lucha hasta que entierren por completo al "partido Hannara", viejo y corrupto colectivo politico y sus fuerzas sobrevivientes.
     Todos los habitantes deben realizar cuanto antes la gran alianza contra las fuerzas conservadoras bajo la bandera de la reforma progresista, enterrar para siempre al traidor "partido Hannara" mediante la lucha pannacional y lograr una nueva era de la reforma progresista y la reunificacion independiente del 15 de junio.