Day of Sun to Be Commemorated in Denmark

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The Danish preparatory committee for commemorating the Day of the Sun was formed with due ceremony in Copenhagen on Mar. 8. The inaugural ceremony formed the preparatory committee with Jorgen Petersen, chairman of the Communist Party of Denmark (Marxist-Leninist), Eric Petersen, chairman of the Copenhagen Branch of the Danish Workers' Party of Common Cause, and Anders Kristensen, chairman of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association, as its co-chairmen.
    The chairman of the association said in his speech that the committee would organize colorful functions on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, a holiday common to progressive mankind.

FKTU Vows to Make Great Leap in Its Actions for Right to Existence

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The Federation of south Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) held a meeting to mark the anniversary of its foundation in its conference hall on Mar. 10 at which it vowed to make a great leap in its actions for the right to existence, according to the south Korean KBS. The chairman of the organization, addressing the meeting, recalled that the FKTU has struggled for the rights and interests of workers.
    He declared that it would expand and strengthen its ranks and achieve fresh progress in the labor movement in the days ahead.

U.S. Plot for Expansion of "UN Forces Command" Flailed

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The U.S. should immediately give up its plot to expand the "UN Forces Command" and stop its moves to materialize the "strategic flexibility" of the U.S. troops aiming to use the Korean nation as a bullet shield. The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification said this in a commentary on March 10 as regards the U.S. moves to expend the "UN Forces Command" in south Korea.
    The commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea told at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee on Mar. 7 that he would make the "UN Forces Command" a permanent body of multi-national allied forces, the commentary said, and went on: It is a crude plot to perpetuate the U.S. military presence in south Korea under the condition that the "UN Forces Command" and the U.S. troops had no justification to remain in south Korea after the publication of the June 15 joint declaration. What is more serious is that talk about the expansion of the "UN Forces Command" is an open revelation of the U.S. attempt to ignite and justify a war of aggression in the Korean Peninsula without approval of any international organization.

U.S. Hit for Scheme to Perpetuate Its Military Presence in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration in south Korea reportedly made public a statement on Mar. 10 to strongly denounce the U.S for its plot to perpetuate the presence of its troops in south Korea. The statement recalled that Polon, commander of the U.S Armed Forces in the Pacific, and Bell, commander of the U.S. Armed Forces in south Korea, babbled about the "orientation of promotion" of the materialization of the "strategic flexibility" of the U.S forces in south Korea at a hearing in the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. Senate on Mar. 7. This revealed the essence of the "strategic flexibility" intended to turn south Korea into a U.S. military colony and perpetrate the U.S. military presence there, it added.
    The moves for reduction and reorganization of the U.S. troops in south Korea are not for ensuring the sovereignty of south Korea but for attaining the U.S. supremacy and its large interests of munitions industry, the statement said, stressing that the "government" should not accept the unreasonable demands of the U.S. but hold fast to independent stand.

Remarks of Commander of U.S. Forces in S. Korea under Fire

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Bell, commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea, at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee some time ago let out a shameless sophism that the military power of north Korea poses a serious and constant threat to the security of south Korea and other U.S. allied countries and Northeast Asia. Commenting on it, Minju Joson today says:
    Describing the DPRK military power for defending peace and security of the Korean Peninsula as a "threat" is a distortion of reality and an intolerable provocation against the DPRK.
    The United States is the real threatening force which coils up the situation of the Korean Peninsula and the area surrounding it and increases the danger of war. After the Second World War the United States occupied south Korea by force of arms and provoked the war against the north. For scores of years after the war it has consistently kicked up war rackets against the DPRK. Its moves to invade the DPRK are now getting evermore pronounced under the pretext of the "relocation" and "strategic flexibility" of the U.S. troops in south Korea.
    The U.S. imperialists are instigating the south Korean army to confrontation with the fellow countrymen, while stepping up their preparations for armed invasion of the DPRK.
    The U.S. imperialist warmongers persistently distort the reality and mislead public opinion to slander the self-reliant military power of the DPRK. It is their constant and ulterior intention to ignite a war against the DPRK at any cost and occupy the Korean Peninsula.
    If a nuclear war breaks out in the peninsula, the Korean nation will be the first to suffer disasters. Therefore, the fellow countrymen in the north and the south of Korea should turn out as one to prevent a war of aggression and the U.S. imperialists should repeal its hostile policy towards the DPRK without delay.

U.S. War Gamble Flailed

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The south Korea-U.S. "Combined Forces Command" on Mar. 10 announced its plan to stage provocative joint military exercises against the DPRK. A Rodong Sinmun analyst Wednesday brands this plan of the U.S .imperialists and the south Korean war-thirsty forces' dangerous war game against the DPRK as a very grave military provocation to meddle with the cause of independent and peaceful reunification of the Korean nation, push the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of war and ignite a war of aggression against the DPRK.
    Terming RSOI and "Foal Eagle" a test nuclear war and a preliminary war to invade the DPRK little different from the "Team Spirit" joint military exercises in their scale, nature and scenario, the analyst goes on:
    Unusually tense is the situation on the Korean Peninsula over the nuclear issue. The Bush administration has brought the six-party talks for a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue to a stalemate by imposing financial sanctions against the DPRK under false charges of "counterfeit notes" and "illegal dealing". The untenable sanctions and pressure are delaying the resumption of the six-party talks and the peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue. The U.S., however, does not show any sign of their withdrawal. On the contrary, they are going to escalate military threat and pressure against the DPRK through large-scale joint military exercises.
    The reality gives a clear answer as to who is the one beclouding the prospect of the six-party talks and bedeviling the improvement of the north-south relations and who is the belligerent force screwing up confrontation and tension on the Korean Peninsula to a new fever pitch and driving the situation to the brink of war. The U.S. imperialists' persistent moves to start a reckless war for aggression will force the army and people of the DPRK to step up all the steps to defend sovereignty under the banner of Songun. If the aggressors dare provoke a war, the Korean army and people will deal merciless annihilating retaliatory blows at them and uproot the danger of a war in this land.
    The south Korean bellicose forces betraying the nation while cooperating with the aggressors from outside will never go scot-free, either.

U.S. Dangerous Nuclear Policy under Fire

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists are the common enemy of humankind as they are bringing the dark clouds of a nuclear war to hang over the world and blocking social progress and independent development of countries and nations. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article. It goes on: It is the unanimous demand of the peace-loving people of the world and an urgent task to be tackled by the times to completely eliminate nukes and realize nuclear disarmament. Nevertheless, the United States has put spurs to the development and production of new type nukes and bolstered up its modern nuclear forces, defying the worldwide demand for nuclear disarmament and going against the trend of the times towards it.
    It is the consistent military policy and the strategic target of the U.S. to beef up its nuclear forces and hold nuclear supremacy. The U.S. is pushing ahead with the production and development of new type nukes in real earnest in a bid to steadily bolster up its nuclear forces, retain its nuclear supremacy and carry out its nuclear war strategy. The U.S. nuclear tests are a link in the chain of its efforts to implement the strategy.
    Of late the U.S. carried out a sub-critical nuclear test at the Nevada underground nuclear testing site under the signboard of "guaranteeing the security of the existing nukes." It was the 22nd sub-critical nuclear test since 1997 and the 9th one since the emergence of the Bush administration.
    The U.S. imperialists pin great hope on nukes, regarding them as an all-powerful means in carrying out its strategy to dominate the world by force. It is the ulterior intention of the U.S. imperialists to dominate the world and nuclear blackmail and war are their basic military means for realizing it. A preemptive nuclear attack is the core of the U.S. imperialists' nuclear strategy. The DPRK is the major target of the U.S. imperialists' strategy of preemptive nuclear strike.
    The U.S. imperialists have staged ceaseless nuclear war drills against the DPRK by massing nuclear means in and around south Korea, openly talking about the use of nukes in the "event of contingency" on the Korean Peninsula. This has increased the danger of a nuclear war in this part of the world.
    They are contemplating bringing a nuclear-powered carrier to south Korea in the future. The commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea hinted at this at a recent hearing of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee. The U.S. imperialists plan to deploy a nuclear-powered carrier in Japan on a permanent basis. They are deploying in Guam more strategic bombers and other means for nuclear strike at the DPRK.
    Their evermore undisguised moves to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK compel it to pay utmost attention to this development and maintain full readiness to foil it. The moves frantically escalated by the U.S. to unleash a nuclear war against the DPRK, pursuant to its theory of preemptive attack, will only give further momentum to the latter's work to bolster up its deterrent for self-defence.

Movement of Wild Birds under Surveillance in DPRK

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- March and April are the months in which migratory birds move to Korea from southeast area of China and its surrounding countries. In connection with this, the State Emergency Anti-epidemic Committee (SEAC) has intensified various measures to strictly observe and control movement of wild birds and poultry from March 1.
    Vice Chairman of the SEAC Mun Ung Jo, vice minister of Agriculture, said in an interview with KCNA that bird flu has been rapidly spread to Asia, Europe and Africa and the rest of the world this year, too, doing serious damage to not only poultry but also human beings.
    He further said:
    Bird influenza, in general, is propagated widely by wild birds. The SEAC, therefore, has established a system under which the emergency anti-epidemic committees at all levels carefully survey and immediately inform the movement of migratory birds so as to contain the spread of the bird flu. The posts observing the movement of migrants are now reporting every day the dates when they fly in and out and the abnormal symptoms that occur during their stay and stepping up surveillance including examining dead birds.
    All the poultry has been cooped up so as not to get in touch with wild birds. The chicken farms under the Pyongyang Poultry Guidance Bureau have established a system to report the epidemiological state every day and a strict order of testing suspected chicken flock.
    The People's Committees at all levels across the country are letting not only the workers of hygienic and anti-epidemic and veterinary and anti-epizootic fields but also working people take an active part in the work.

Mass Cultivation of Rape Plant in DPRK

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The cultivation of rape plant has been encouraged in the DPRK so as to solve edible oil problem. Scientists of the Rape Plant Laboratory in the October 7 Institute under the Academy of Agricultural Science have recently succeeded in breeding of rape seeds of a new species which are short in vegetative period and strong in cold resistance. Co-op farms in North Hwanghae and Jagang provinces have already made big successes in rape plant cultivation.
    The rural economic organs across the country are engaged in widely introducing and generalizing usefulness of rape plant and experience of co-op farms in its cultivation. Co-op farms of several eastern and western coastal areas including Pyongyang and Kangwon Province are making every preparation to sow spring rapeseeds in a scientific way and in proper time with a goal to cultivate one hectare of rape plant at each sub-work team this year.

For Spanish-speaking people

Se debe poner de inmediato fin a los ejercicios belicos

    Pyongyang, 15 de marzo (ATCC) -- La "comandancia de las fuerzas conjuntas surcoreano-norteamericanas" hizo publico el dia 10 el plan de simulacros militares conjuntos contra la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. En un comentario individual del dia 15, el periodico Rodong Sinmun senala que tales maniobras militares son una grave provocacion militar para obstaculizar la causa de la reunificacion independiente y pacifica de la nacion coreana, llevar al borde de la guerra la situacion de la Peninsula Coreana y desencadenar la guerra de agresion al Norte de Corea.
    El "ejercicio conjunto de refuerzo en el tiempo de guerra" y el simulacro militar conjunto "Aguilucho", semejantes al "Team Spirit" por su dimension, caracter y contenido, son la guerra preliminar de prueba nuclear para la agresion al Norte de Corea, senala el comentarista y continua:
    En los ultimos dias, es tirante mas que nunca la situacion de la Peninsula Coreana en torno al problema nuclear. La administracion Bush invento rumores del "billete falsificado" y la "transaccion ilegal" de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y tomandolo por pretexto dio sancion financiera llevando asi al estancamiento las conversaciones a 6 bandas para la solucion pacifica del problema nuclear. EE.UU. no da muestras de levantar la injusta sancion y la presion anti-RPDC. Al contrario, arrecia su amenaza y presion militares contra la RPDC a traves de sus planeados simulacros conjuntos de gran envergadura.
    La realidad da clara respuesta quien es obstaculizador de las conversaciones a 6 bandas y destructor de las relaciones Norte-Sur y quien agrava el enfrentamiento y la tension de la Peninsula Coreana y lleva la situacion al borde de la guerra. Cuanto mas los imperialistas yanquis se aferran a las insensatas maniobras belicas tanto mas tomaran estrictas medidas el ejercito y el pueblo de Corea para la defensa de la soberania bajo la bandera del Songun (priorizacion militar). Si los agresores se atreven a atacarnos, les daremos un golpe demoledor y eliminaremos de raiz el peligro de la guerra en este territorio.
    Tampoco quedaran impunes las fuerzas belicosas surcoreanas que traicionan a la nacion "cooperando" con las fuerzas agresivas extranjeras.

Sofisteria vergonzosa del comandante de tropas estadounidenses

    Pyongyang, 15 de marzo (ATCC) -- En una reciente audiencia en el comite de servicios armados del senado estadounidense, el comandante de las tropas yanquis ocupantes del suelo surcoreano, Bell, dijo que las fuerzas armadas del Norte de Corea representan una "amenaza grave y sostenida" para la "seguridad de sus paises aliados" inclusive el Sur de Corea y del "Nordeste Asiatico".  Las fuerzas armadas de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea sirven para defender la paz y la seguridad de la Peninsula Coreana. Acusarlas de supuesta "amenaza" es una tergiversacion de la realidad y una intolerable provocacion a la RPDC.  Asi senala el periodico Minju Joson en un comentario individual insertado en su edicion del dia 15 y prosigue:
     Estados Unidos exacerba la tension y aumenta el peligro de guerra en la Peninsula Coreana y su periferia.
     Despues de la Segunda Guerra Mundial los imperialistas norteamericanos ocuparon con sus fuerzas armadas el Sur de Corea, desataron una guerra de agresion a la RPDC y llevaron varios decenios armando alboroto de guerra de agresion a esta. En los ultimos anos llegan a una fase mas grave tales maniobras de agresion bajo el rotulo de la "reubicacion" y la "flexibilidad estrategica" de las tropas yanquis ocupantes del Sur de Corea.
     EE.UU. da acicate a los preparativos de sus fuerzas armadas para la agresion a la RPDC y azuza al ejercito surcoreano a la confrontacion con el Norte de Corea.  En fin, el imperio abriga la invariable ambicion de desatar a toda costa la guerra contra la RPDC y apoderarse de toda la Peninsula Coreana.
     Cuando se desencadene una guerra nuclear en esta peninsula, la nacion coreana sera primera en sufrir desastres. Por lo tanto, todos los coreanos del Norte y el Sur deben levantarse como un solo hombre en la lucha por detener la guerra de agresion de los yanquis. Y estos deben poner de inmediato fin a su politica de hostilidad a la RPDC.

Rodong Sinmun denuncia peligrosa politica nuclear de EE.UU.

    Pyongyang, 15 de marzo (ATCC) -- Los imperialistas norteamericanos son el enemigo comun de la humanidad que acarrea al mundo un nubarron de guerra nuclear y frena el progreso social y el desarrollo independiente de los paises y naciones. Asi senala el diario Rodong Sinmun en un articulo individual del dia 15 y continua: Hoy dia, el desarme nuclear total deviene la unanime demanda de los pueblos del mundo amantes de la paz y una tarea de la epoca, cuya solucion es impostergable. Sin embargo, en desafio frontal a la corriente mundial hacia el desarme nuclear, EE.UU. acicatea el desarrollo y la produccion de nuevas armas nucleares e incrementa sus fuerzas nucleares sofisticadas.
    El aumento de las fuerzas nucleares y la toma de hegemonia nuclear constituyen la invariable politica militar y el objetivo estrategico de EE.UU. Para cumplir su estrategia de guerra nuclear, el imperio incurre incesantemente en las pruebas nucleares.
     Ultimamente, bajo el rotulo de "preservar la seguridad de armas nucleares existentes", EE.UU. desarrollo una prueba nuclear subcritica en el campo de experimentacion subterranea de Nevada por vigesimo-segunda vez desde 1997 y por novena despues de aparecida la administracion Bush.
     Los imperialistas yanquis cifran una gran esperanza en las armas nucleares considerandolas como un medio omnipotente en el cumplimiento de su estrategia de dominar el mundo con las fuerzas armadas.
     El objetivo final de los yanquis es controlar el mundo y el principal metodo militar para alcanzarlo consiste en el chantaje y la guerra con medios nucleares. Lo clave en la estrategia nuclear de ellos es el primer ataque nuclear, cuyo blanco principal es la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
     Pues, hablan abiertamente del uso de armas nucleares en el "tiempo de emergencia" de la Peninsula Coreana y agrandan el peligro de guerra nuclear al desarrollar ejercicios militares contra la RPDC movilizando numerosos medios nucleares en el Sur de Corea y sus periferias.
     Segun insinuo el comandante de las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes del Sur de Corea en una audiencia concedida en la comision de servicios armados del senado norteamericano, ellos se proponen introducir en lo adelante hasta un portaaviones nuclear en el Sur de Corea.
     Ademas, tratan de ubicar con caracter permanente los portaaviones nucleares en Japon y refuerzan sus medios de ofensiva nuclear contra la Peninsula Coreana, incluyendo los bombarderos estrategicos.
     Dado que se torna mas abierta la intencion de los yanquis de dar golpe preventivo nuclear a la RPDC, nos vemos obligados a alertarnos y prepararnos en todo lo posible para hacer frente a ello.
     Cuanto mas EE.UU. recurra freneticamente a las maniobras de guerra nuclear para agredir a la RPDC abogando por la teoria de ataque preventivo, tanto mas fortalecera esta sus fuerzas de detencion con fines de autodefensa.