April.27.2006 Juche 95
Preparatory Committee Inaugurated in Switzerland
Japan's Moves to Grab Tok Islet Denounced in S. Korea
KPA Anniversary Celebrated
Japanese Senior Diplomat's Outcries under Fire
Seminar of Overseas Korean Businessmen Held
Development of Education Called for
Rodong Sinmun on Three-point Patriotic Movement
Evening Galas of Youth and Students
U.S. Dangerous Military Moves in Asia-Pacific under Fire
Much Efforts Directed to Cultivation of Medicinal Herbs
Great Care Shown for Children
Greetings to South African President
Greetings to Sierra Leonean President
Greetings to Togolese President
Kim Yong Nam Receives Credentials from Venezuelan Ambassador
For Spanish-speaking people
Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad No. 3240 del EPC
Rodong Sinmun califica de cronico el servilismo de Japon a EE.UU.
Entidad suiza llama a celebrar efemerides coreanas a escala mundial