Head of Chinese Delegation Interviewed by KCNA

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Chen Haosu, chairman of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, who is leading a delegation of the association and the China-Korea Friendship Association, was interviewed by KCNA in Pyongyang on Wednesday. The head of the delegation said the mutual visits of high-level friendship delegations of the two countries on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the China-DPRK Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance and its celebrations powerfully demonstrated to the world that friendship and unity between the two peoples could never be broken with anything and traditional China-DPRK friendship will be everlasting down through centuries.
    The treaty has been a common rule of the bilateral friendly and cooperative relations since Premier Zhou Enlai and President Kim Il Sung signed it 45 years ago to codify the close friendship forged in the prolonged revolutionary struggle of the two peoples in the form of treaty, he said.
    In the past days, he noted, the two countries have energetically accelerated socialist construction, supporting and cooperating with each other in the spirit of the treaty, and have greatly contributed to ensuring peace and stability in Northeast Asia, cooperating with each other in the international arena.
    However complex the international situation may be, the Chinese people will constantly strive to convey through generations and glorify China-DPRK friendship together with the Korean people in the spirit of the treaty, he declared.

Vietnamese Leaders Reiterate Support to Korean People's Cause of Justice

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- DPRK Ambassador to Vietnam Pak Ung Sop paid a separate farewell visit to Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Chiet and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung on July 10 and 6. The Vietnamese leaders reiterated the invariable support of the Vietnam party, government and people to the Korean people's cause of justice.
    The president said that he was pleased with the achievements made by the DPRK in socialist construction, surmounting manifold difficulties under the hard conditions and expressed belief that the Korean people would achieve more shining success under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    He noted with pleasure that the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the two parties, the two states and the two peoples have steadily grown strong, adding that he would work hard to boost them.
    The prime minister noted that the relations between the two countries were personally provided by President Ho Chi Minh and President Kim Il Sung, stressing that it is the consistent stand of the Vietnam party, government and people to develop the relations between the two parties, the two governments and the two peoples comprehensively and effectively in all fields.

Stand of WPK and DPRK Government for National Reunification Supported by Equatorial Guinea

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- The Democratic Party and government of Equatorial Guinea will as ever firmly support the stand of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government on achieving the reunification of the country independently and peacefully by the concerted efforts of the Koreans free from foreign interference. President of Equatorial Guinea Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, founder-chairman of the Democratic Party, said this when meeting DPRK Ambassador to his country Hwangbo Ung Bom, representative of the WPK invited to participate in the Fourth Congress of the Democratic Party, on July 6.
    He wholeheartedly wished the WPK and the Korean people greater success in socialist construction under the wise leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.

Appeal of Swiss Organization Favored in Benin

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Hessou Kohovi, chairman of the Benin-Korea Amicable Association "Long Live Kim Jong Il, Supreme Leader" and chairman of the Benin National Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea and of General Kim Jong Il's Works, issued a statement supporting the appeal of the Swiss Preparatory Committee for Commemorating the Day of the Sun and February 16. He said that the members of the above-said association, the organization for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people, and the national committee are striving hard to learn from the noble ideas of the three generals of Mt. Paektu.
    He recalled that close friends of the Korean people have fully supported the initiative of the Swiss Preparatory Committee for Commemorating the Day of the Sun and February 16 in 2007 to visit the old home of Kim Jong Il in the secret camp in Mt. Paektu on the occasion of the February holiday in 2007 in token of respect for him.

Struggle against FTA Unabated in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- The struggle against the conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement between south Korea and the U.S. is kept up in various forms by people of all social strata in south Korea, according to media reports. The Headquarters of the All-People Movement for Checking the south Korea-U.S FTA held "an eve of the general turnout of people to check the signing of FTA" at Jangchung Park in Seoul on July 11.
    Speakers at the event vowed to fight to the bitter end against FTA, noting that "its conclusion meant the reduction of south Korea into another form of colony of the American capital."
    Solidarity speeches were made by members of a U.S. peace movement organization and the Council of Industrial Unions of the U.S. Federation of Trade Unions. Noting that the U.S. government has committed a lot of crimes against the south Korean people in the past decades, they held that the FTA negotiations are a patent crime of the U.S. aimed at economic plunder.
    On the same day, students under the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils staged a protest surprising the U.S. military base in Ryongsan against the south Korea-U.S. FTA negotiations.
    They scattered copies of a handbill carrying the words: "No Conclusion of Korea-U.S. FTA!"
    Earlier, on July 10, men of culture and art staged a relay of one-man protest against the negotiations in the surroundings of Kwanghwamun in Seoul under the sponsorship of the Joint Measure Committee of Culture and Art for Checking S. Korea-U.S. FTA and Ensuring Cultural Diversity.
    Meanwhile, a peace march against the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek and the conclusion of FTA was held in the period from July 5 to 9.

International Support and Solidarity Voiced for Korean People

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- The Korean people's cause of justice is commanding ever stronger support and solidarity from the world people, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on: The tenth seminar of world political parties for building a new society held in Mexico City last March issued a joint statement calling for positive support to the struggle of the Worker's Party of Korea and Korean people to defend the cause of socialism and reunify the country. Other major international conferences adopted documents voicing support for the Korean people's cause of socialism and their struggle against the imperialists' anti-DPRK moves. Meanwhile, media of many countries released articles supporting the Korean people's cause of socialism. The DPRK is advancing under the uplifted banner of independence.
    It handles all issues related to its foreign relations according to its independent judgment and determination in line with the interests of its people. It has always shaped and implemented policies and line from an independent stand.
    The Korean people have dynamically pushed forward the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation in the new century, foiling every move of the U.S. imperialists against the DPRK, because they have maintained a transparent and firm independent stand.
    The issue of defending socialism in Korea is directly related to the matter of preserving global peace and security.
    The prevailing situation in which the U.S. imperialists have gone to extremes in their moves against the DPRK requires the world people to defend Korean socialism in order to safeguard world peace and security.
    The defence of Korean socialism presents itself as an urgent task in view of the requirements of both the present situation and the times.
    This is in full line with the desire of humankind to build a free and peaceful new world in the 21st century.
    Referring to the daily mounting movement of international solidarity with the Korean people's cause of socialism, the article notes these international solidarity actions not only powerfully encourage the Korean people in their efforts to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation but deal heavy blows at the U.S.-led imperialists and reactionaries keen to stifle the DPRK.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work Marked

Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Friday dedicates an article to the 34th anniversary of the publication of Kim Jong Il's work "Let Us Struggle Resolutely to Implement the Three Principles of National Reunification". Brought out on July 14, Juche 61 (1972), the work shows ways for upholding it as the main task in achieving the patriotic cause of reunification to carry through the three principles-- independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity-- put forward by President Kim Il Sung and confirmed in the July 4 north-south joint statement, the author of the article says, and goes on:
    The work has displayed its enormous vitality in making these three principles of national reunification the nation's common charter of reunification and a fighting program to be constantly upheld by the fellow countrymen in implementing the cause of reunification.
    The three principles of national reunification serve as the banner of national reunification which clearly indicates the law and road of the settlement of the reunification issue, proceeding from the essence of national reunification and its Juche-motivated character and the demand and interests of the fellow countrymen.
    Kim Jong Il has pushed forward the patriotic cause, regarding Kim Il Sung's ideas and lines as never-changing truth and lifeline. In the whole course of his leadership of the reunification movement, he has seen to it that the three principles were steadfastly maintained through whatever difficulties and ordeals and all problems be resolved strictly in reliance upon them.
    The work has turned the reunification movement into a nationwide movement by implanting the staunch will of reunification in the hearts of all the fellow countrymen.
    The three principles are the undisputed standard distinguishing between reunification and division, and between patriotism and treachery.
    Kim Jong Il set forth national reunification already long ago as a noble patriotic struggle to achieve independence of the nation and showed deep attention to lighting the sparks of patriotism cherished in the hearts of the fellow countrymen and rousing all of them in a nationwide turnout for the accomplishment of the reunification cause.
    The idea of "By Korean nation itself" held high at the head of the reunification cause has become the nation's common banner of unity and reunification, because it embodies the three principles of national reunification.
    To struggle to implement the three principles of national reunification is and will invariably be a noble national task facing the Koreans, the article concludes.

Research Achievements on Fluorine Compounds

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) --The Commercial Technical Preparation Center under the Pyongyang City People's Committee of the DPRK is registering more and more successes in the research on fluorine compounds. Recently the center succeeded in making an insecticide for removing cucumber aphid and fluorine ointment (sanitary cream) efficacious for non-specific disease to which women are susceptible with fluorine compounds.
    The aphid insecticide is also applicable to various kinds of vegetables. It makes it possible to raise the vegetable production 1.8-2 times.
    It shows that fluorine compounds can be used in making insecticide, bactericide and herbicide.
    The fluorine ointment is superior to the antibiotic ointment in treatment and prevention effect.
    The center had deepened the research on fluorine compounds from the closing years of the 1990s and manufactured kimchi fluorine preservative, its first product, in Juche 90 (2001). Since then, it has made fluorine tooth powder and fluorine water disinfectant. It is now mass-producing them.
    Ri Pyong Hwa, director of the center, told KCNA that the center would develop more fluorine compound products and expand their application scope, thus making a positive contribution to the improvement of the people's living standard.

New Method of Identifying Influenza Viruses Found

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Researchers of the Central Hygienic Prevention Centre in the DPRK have recently succeeded in developing a new method for identification of influenza viruses by a new cell strain. They also established systems for cold-storage of the cell strain at ultra low temperature and for managing and applying cells.
    The virus identification rate of the new method is 4-5 times that of the widely used one. It thus saves a large quantity of materials, manpower and time while ensuring the scientific accuracy.
    The new influenza virus identification method is being extensively introduced in the public health and veterinary fields.

Delegation of Communist Party of Vietnam Arrives

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Commission for External Relations of the C.C., the Communist Party of Vietnam led by its Head Nguyen Van Son arrived here today. It was greeted at the airport by Pak Kyong Son, vice department director of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and Phan Trong Thai, Vietnamese ambassador to the DPRK.
    A reception was given by the C.C., the WPK for the delegation this evening.

Kim Il Sung Praised

   Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Round-table talks, lectures and film shows took place in the Czech Republic, Ethiopia and Democratic Congo from June 23 to 30 on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung. The participants in the round-table talks held by the Rokycany County Committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia of the Czech Republic highly praised Kim Il Sung as the great leader recognized by the world, stressing that the feats performed by him in the socialist movement, the non-aligned movement and for humankind will be everlasting.
    Tatek Kassa, chairperson of the Addis Ababa Youth Association of Ethiopia, in a lecture said that Kim Il Sung not only established the socialist system centred on the popular masses in Korea but performed undying feats in accomplishing the cause of global independence and the cause of human emancipation.
    Vele Mukeleng, chairman of the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of University of Kinshasa of Democratic Congo, in a lecture explained the attraction of the Juche idea and the reason why this idea serves as an eternal guiding idea in the era of independence.
    Nzemba Yangana, chairman of the Youth Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of Democratic Congo, after watching a Korean film, said that the ideas and the cause of Kim Il Sung have been successfully carried forward by Kim Jong Il, reiterating his determination to intensify the study and dissemination of the Juche idea.

For Spanish-speaking people

Delegacion nortena responsabiliza al Sur con infructiferas conversaciones

   Pusan, 13 de julio (ATCC) -- La delegacion de la parte Norte a la 19a ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea tomo la iniciativa en sesionar el dia 13 el dialogo de conclusion donde emitio una declaracion aclarando su posicion respecto a que la parte Sur hizo infructifera la presente ronda volviendo las espaldas a la sinceridad y buena voluntad del Norte y adhiriendose a la politica hostil de EE.UU. a este en clara contraposicion al espiritu de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio. De acuerdo con el ideal de "entre nosotros, los connacionales", indicado en dicha declaracion, la parte Norte dio muestras de su sinceridad y realizo todos los esfuerzos posibles para que la presente ronda de conversaciones lograra debidos resultados a base del entendimiento y confianza reciprocos, senala el documento y prosigue:
    Al contrario, la parte Sur creo obstaculos artificiales ante esta cita de "entre nosotros, los connacionales" repitiendo, en detrimento de los intereses nacionales, lo que dicen otros.
    En la mesa del dialogo la parte Sur planteo unos problemas enajenados del proposito y la mision de las conversaciones ministeriales y no presento ni una de las prioridades que deben ser resueltas para el desarrollo de las relaciones intercoreanas.
    De mal en peor, rehuso a debatir hasta la propuesta de desarrollar en una etapa mas alta la cooperacion Norte-Sur y el encuentro de familiares y parientes separados, presentados por la parte Norte partiendo de su posicion fraternal y humanitaria.
    A su vez, dando pruebas de paciencia e indulgencia, la delegacion del Norte demando reiteradamente a la del Sur corregir pronto su erronea posicion y volver a la posicion connatural con las conversaciones en cuestion.
    Aunque la parte Sur dijo que expresa comprension a la voluntad y buena fe de la parte Norte, eludio hasta el final el debate de los problemas principales con unos pretextos y excusas.
    Hay limites en la paciencia de la parte Norte y en las tentativas de convencer a la contraparte que no sabe aceptar la sinceridad y la buena voluntad de su interlocutor.
    Por lo tanto, la delegacion del Norte opina que se vio obligada a retirarse hoy independientemente de la fecha prevista en la agenda.
    Toda la responsabilidad por el respecto recae enteramente sobre la parte Sur.
    A la parte Norte no le gusta hablar por hablar y seguira por su camino.
    La parte Sur se lo pagara a la nacion coreana por la infructifera ronda de conversaciones, dificilmente preparada, y por la generacion de nefastas e imprevisibles consecuencias en las relaciones Norte-Sur.
    La parte Norte pasara estricta cuenta del procedimiento de la parte Sur que llevo las conversaciones al fracaso con su hostilidad a los connacionales y posicion irracional y volviendo espaldas al ideal de la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio.

Kim Yong Nam y Jo Myong Rok se reunen con delegacion china

   Pyongyang, 14 de julio (ATCC) -- El presidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, Kim Yong Nam, y el primer vicepresidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la RPDC, Jo Myong Rok, se reunieron el dia 13 con la delegacion de amistad de la Republica Popular China presidida por Hui Liangyu, miembro del Buro Politico del CC del Partido Comunista de China y vicepremier del Consejo de Estado, que realiza una visita a Corea para participar en los actos conmemorativos por el 45 aniversario de la concertacion del tratado de amistad, cooperacion y ayuda mutua entre Corea y China.  Estuvieron presentes el gobernador de la provincia de Jilin, Wang Min, el embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de China en Corea Wu Donghe, y otros miembros de la delegacion china.
    Tambien asistieron el ministro de Salud Publica Kim Su Hak, quien es presidente del Comite Central de la Asociacion de Amistad Corea-China, el subjefe de departamento del CC del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Pak Kyong Son, y otros funcionarios coreanos.
    En la audiencia, Kim Yong Nam dio una calurosa felicitacion a la visita de la delegacion de amistad de la RPCh a la RPDC y se refirio a que a lo largo de estos 45 anos transcurridos, las relaciones de amistad entre los dos paises alcanzaron un desarrollo global en todas las esferas.
    En lo adelante tambien el pueblo coreano seguira fortaleciendo y desarrollando junto con el pueblo chino las tradicionales relaciones de amistad y cooperacion Corea-China de larga historia, aseguro Kim.
    Hui Liangyu dijo que se alegra de que los pueblos de los dos paises han venido cooperandose en varias ramas, comprendiendose, apoyandose y ayudandose y de que se llevaron a cabo satisfactoriamente la visita mutua y la cooperacion entre ambos partidos, gobiernos y pueblos.
    Deseo de todo corazon que bajo la direccion del Secretario General Kim Jong Il, el pueblo coreano construya de la mejor forma su pais ateniendose a la idea Juche y a los principios de auto-sosten y lucha tenaz y recalco que en el futuro tambien al igual que en el futuro, el pueblo chino seguira apoyando activamente la construccion del socialismo del pueblo coreano.
    La charla transcurrio en un clima cordial y amistoso.

Kim Jong Il recibe presente del jefe de delegacion de amistad de China

   Pyongyang, 14 de julio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio presente que le dedicara Hui Liangyu, miembro del Buro Politico del CC del Partido Comunista de China y vicepremier del Consejo de Estado de la Republica Popular China, quien preside la delegacion de amistad de su pais, de visita en la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, para participar en los actos conmemorativos por el 45 aniversario de la concertacion del tratado de amistad, cooperacion y ayuda mutua entre ambos paises. El presente fue entregado a un funcionario coreano.

Presidente y premier de Vietnam apoyan la causa del pueblo coreano

   Pyongyang, 14 de julio (ATCC) -- El embajador extraordinario y plenipotenciario de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea acreditado en Vietnam, Pak Ung Sop, realizo los dias 10 y 6 una visita de despedida al presidente de la Republica Socialista de Vietnam Nguyen Minh Chiet y al premier Nguyen Tan Dung, respectivamente. En ambas ocasiones los dirigentes vietnamitas afirmaron invariable apoyo del partido, el gobierno y el pueblo de su pais a la justa causa del pueblo coreano.
    Me regocijo de que la RPDC, aun bajo dificiles condiciones, logra exitos en la construccion del socialismo superando las dificultades que afronta, dijo el presidente y expreso conviccion de que bajo la direccion del Dirigente Kim Jong Il el pueblo coreano alcanzara logros mas esplendidos.
    Estoy muy alegre de que las tradicionales relaciones de amistad y cooperacion entre los dos partidos, dos Estados y dos pueblos siguen fortaleciendose y desarrollandose, apunto y subrayo que se esforzara activamente por desarrollarlas.
    Las relaciones entre los dos paises fueron preparadas por el presidente Ho Chi Minh y el Presidente Kim Il Sung, apunto el premier y subrayo que desarrollar general y efectivamente en todos los sectores las relaciones entre los dos partidos, dos gobiernos y dos pueblos es la invariable posicion del partido, el gobierno y el pueblo de Vietnam.