Yang Hyong Sop Meets Mongolian Delegation

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a friendly talk with the Mongolian government cultural delegation led by S. Tumur-Ochir, vice-minister of Education, Culture and Science, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Thursday. Present there were Jon Hyon Chan, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and Janchivdorjyn Lomvo, Mongolian ambassador to the DPRK.
    Noting that this year is a significant year marking the 50th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's visit to Mongolia, the head of the delegation said that the two countries have long developed the friendly relations and they would grow stronger in the future.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Mongolian Delegation

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by the Mongolian government cultural delegation on a visit to the DPRK. It was handed to Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, by S. Tumur-Ochir, vice-minister of Education, Culture and Science who is heading the delegation, on Thursday.

Plan for Cultural Exchange between Governments of DPRK and Mongolia Signed

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- A 2006-2008 plan for cultural exchange between the governments of the DPRK and Mongolia was signed here on Thursday. Present at the signing ceremony from the DPRK side were Jon Hyon Chan, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and officials concerned and from the Mongolian side members of a Mongolian government cultural delegation led by S. Tumur-Ochir, vice-minister of Education, Culture and Science and Mongolian ambassador to the DPRK Janchivdorjyn Lomvo.
    It was signed by Jon Hyon Chan and S. Tumur-Ochir.

National University Computer Mock Experiment and Practice Contest Held

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- A national university computer mock experiment and practice contest was held at Kim Chaek University of Technology from Oct. 18 to 23. It brought together teachers and researchers of at least 50 universities including Kim Chaek University of Technology and the University of Science. Presented there were more than 170 mock experiment and practice programs.
    Many experiment and practice programs including "experiment to decide on the nature of low speed flow field", "mock experiment to analyze the drive system of an automobile in operation", "remote system to support mock computer experiment" and "mock practice program for diagnosis and treatment of intestinal obstruction" were highly appreciated at the contest.

Polish Diplomats Help Korean Farmers

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Polish Ambassador to the DPRK Roman Iwaszkiewicz and embassy officials drove to the DPRK-Poland Friendship Jangsuwon Cooperative Farm on Wednesday to help it in farm work. The guests gave helping hands to farmers in rice threshing at a time when the farm is busy with harvesting.
    They enjoyed an art performance given by kindergarteners of the farm before singing and talking with farmers, deepening the friendship.
    They handed materials for farming to the farm.

DPRK's Songun Policy Praised by Austrian Public Figure

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Oliver Michel Jonischeit, secretary of the Austrian Trade Union Federation, who had visited the DPRK said that the Korean people are undergoing temporary difficulties and ordeals due to the U.S. moves to stifle the DPRK but they are waging a dynamic drive full of optimism and confidence of a bright future when they will emerge victorious thanks to the Songun policy. Going round various places of the DPRK, he felt disillusioned with the hypocrisy and baseness of the false propaganda made by bourgeois media of the West about the country, he stressed:
    The Songun policy of the DPRK has made a great contribution to peace in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world. The Songun policy pursued by Kim Jong Il is, indeed, a political mode guaranteeing not only the present of the DPRK but world peace and a great political mode which all the countries aspiring after independence should learn from.
    The Austrian Trade Union Federation will widely introduce the just struggle of the Korean people to build a great prosperous powerful socialist nation and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country and conduct dynamic activities to fully support it, he noted.

S. Korean Workers' Actions Unabated

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- A rally of part-time workers for the abolition of part-time jobs and victory in the general strike was reportedly held in Seoul on Oct. 22. It was attended by at least 2,000 workers from across south Korea.
    Jo Jun Ho, chairman of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), and other speakers recalled that part-timers have waged a protracted struggle for the three rights of labor in Kwangju, Ulsan, South Chungchong Province, South Kyongsang Province and other places. They declared that they would no longer beg for the guarantee of the right of the part-timers but achieve it through struggle.
    The KCTU's general strike slated for November to involve 200,000 workers is aimed at arousing all the people to actions for achieving their objective by combining the struggle to win the basic rights of labor with actions for checking the negotiations for the conclusion of FTA and achieving peace against the U.S. and war, they said, calling upon all the workers to take an active part in the struggle.

S. Korean Authorities Hit for Joining U.S. in Sanctions against DPRK

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities are these days contemplating putting a brake on cooperation in various fields which have been going on between Koreans after suspending inter-Korean humanitarian work, succumbing to the pressure of the United States. They are revealing their scheme to involve themselves even in the U.S.-sponsored military operation intended to blockade the DPRK. This comes under fire in a statement of a spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland Wednesday, which reads in part:
    The involvement of the south Korean authorities in the U.S. moves to impose sanctions against the DPRK and stifle it is an anti-national criminal act to backpedal from the June 15 joint declaration and drive the inter-Korean relations to a catastrophe, indifferent to the dignity and interests of the nation, and a grave provocative act of leading the situation on the Korean Peninsula to a war crisis.
    Cooperation between the north and the south is not for any party but a work to seek the common interests and prosperity of the nation and promote national reconciliation and unity.
    For the south Korean authorities to join in the acts for stifling fellow countrymen under outsiders' coercion and anti-reunification forces' pressure, failing to look straight into the nature of the present situation caused by the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, can never be justified with any subterfuge and it is an indelible crime against the nation.
    If the south Korean authorities, bereft of reason, dare join in the U.S. moves to put sanctions upon the DPRK and stifle it, we will take appropriate steps, regarding it as a total negation of the June 15 joint declaration and a declaration of confrontation with fellow countrymen.

Greetings to PM of Saint Vincent and Grenadines

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Pak Pong Ju, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and Grenadines, on the occasion of its 27th independence day. The message expressed the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would continue to favorably develop in the future, too.

Greetings to Austrian President

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Thursday sent a message of greetings to Heinz Fischer, federal President of Austria, on the occasion of the national day of the country. He in the message wished the President success in his responsible work and expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms.

New Species of Rowan Tree Bred

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Dendrologists of the DPRK have bred a new species of rowan tree for medicinal and ornamental use. The new variety suitable to the local climate is a bisexual flower fruit-bearing tree.
    Each fruit of the new one weighs double or treble that of wild rowan trees growing in the country.
    The new one can be cultivated almost in all areas of the country irrespective of soil, water and temperature conditions. And it is strong in resistance against cold and diseases.
    As it considerably contains various kinds of vitamins, amino acids, microelements, active materials and protein, the fruit helps metabolism in the human body and quick recovery from mental and physical fatigue.
    The fruit, with sugar of 6-7.7 percent, the mains of which are glucose and fruit sugar, is used in the foodstuff industry.

More Remains Buried in Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- More remains of martyrs were buried down at the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery. Among them are remains of Pang Chol Ho, Phyo Mu Won and Pak Son Hoe, former general officers of the Korean People's Army, and Ro Nam Gyo, DPRK hero, and Prof. and Dr. Ri Jae Sop, who was People's Scientist and academician.
    They also include the remains of O Song Ryol, former minister of Land and Marine Transport, Dr. Kim Se Min, former vice-president of the Academy of Social Sciences, Yun Ho Sok, former manager of the Taean Heavy Machine Complex, Song Pok Gi and Kil Hwak Sil, former party workers of factories, People's Artiste An Ki Ok, former vice-chairperson of the Central Committee of the Korean Musicians Union, People's Artiste Sin Kyong Hak, former conductor of the Mansudae Art Troupe, and Ri Sim Chol, former vice-chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan.
    A ceremony of burying the remains at the cemetery took place on Oct. 25 and 26.
    Present at the ceremony were Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and others.

DPRK's Important Days Observed Abroad

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- Meetings, lecture and film shows took place in India and Bangladesh and friendly meetings in France, Laos and Iran from Oct. 5 to 16 on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea and the 80th anniversary of the Down-with-Imperialism Union. On display in the venues of the functions were the photographs showing the feats performed by President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in party building.
    The participants of film shows watched "Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il Is a Great Thinker and Theoretician" and other Korean films.
    V. K. Chopra, chairman of the Indian Intellectuals' Society for the Study of the Juche Idea, in a speech at the meeting said that the WPK founded by the President on the basis of the Juche idea has wisely led the Korean people in the revolutionary struggle and construction for the last six decades.
    The WPK has emerged a powerful party as it has achieved the single-minded unity of the leader, the party and the masses under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Nuran Nabie, chairman of the Bangladesh-Korea Friendship and Solidarity Committee, in a speech at the meeting noted that the foundation of the WPK marked a historic event of weighty significance in the development of the Korean revolution and the world revolution, adding that the might and high authority of the Party would be unthinkable without Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    A message of greetings and letters to Kim Jong Il were adopted at the meetings.

Commemorative Stamps Issued

   Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) -- The new stamps (a souvenir sheet and a sheetlet) have been issued in the DPRK in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the enforcement of secondary education for Korean children in Japan and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Joson University. Printed in the commemorative stamps are respectively the words “In Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Enforcement of Secondary Education for Korean Children in Japan”, “Juche 35 (1946) - Juche 95 (2006) ”, “In Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of Joson University”and “Juche 45 (1956) - Juche 95 (2006)".
    The former reflects a photo showing a Korean school in Japan and photos showing the Korean students studying and conducting extracurricular activities.
    Seen in the latter are photos showing the national flags of the DPRK, magnolia flowers, the national flower, the building at the time of completion of the university and its present buildings, the figure showing amount of the educational aid fund and scholarship remitted by the DPRK along with the figure showing their occasions since 1957.
    The face value of each stamp is 110 won.

For Spanish-speaking people

CRPP condena a las autoridades surcoreanas que siguen a EE.UU.

   Pyongyang, 26 de octubre (ATCC) -- En estos dias, tras interrumpir por la presion de Estados Unidos las labores humanitarias que venian desarrollandose entre el Norte y el Sur de Corea, las autoridades surcoreanas tratan de poner obstaculos a la cooperacion en varias esferas entre los connacionales y exteriorizan su intento de participar en las operaciones militares bajo el auspicio del imperio, encaminadas a bloquear a la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea. La incorporacion de ellas en las maniobras de EE.UU. para sancionar y atropellar a la RPDC resulta un acto criminal antinacional para convertir en papel mojado la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y llevar a la fase catastrofica las relaciones intercoreanas sin tomar en consideracion la dignad y los intereses de la nacion y una grave provocacion que lleva al borde de guerra la situacion de la Peninsula Coreana.
    Asi senala el portavoz del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) en su declaracion fechada 25 y continua:
    La cooperacion entre el Norte y el Sur no es para beneficiar a una parte sino un trabajo para lograr los intereses y la prosperidad comunes de la nacion coreana e impulsar la reconciliacion y la unidad entre los coterraneos.
    Si las autoridades surcoreanas, al doblegarse ante la presion de las fuerzas foraneas y los elementos anti-reunificacion, participan en las maniobras para aplastar a los connacionales sin ver correctamente la esencia de la situacion actual causada por la politica norteamericana hostil a la RPDC, cometeran un crimen que nunca puede ser justificado ni expiado ante la nacion coreana.
    Si ellas colaboran finalmente con las maniobras de sancion y aplastamiento de EE.UU. contra la RPDC, lo consideraremos como negativa total a la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y declaracion de enfrentamiento con los connacionales y tomaremos las medidas correspondientes.

Enterrados martires en el Cementerio de Patriotas

   Pyongyang, 26 de octubre (ATCC) -- Fueron enterrados en el Cementerio de Patriotas los restos mortales de los ex generales del Ejercito Popular de Corea Pang Chol Ho, Phyo Mu Won y Pak Son Hoe, el heroe de la republica Ro Nam Gyo y el doctor Ri Jae Sop, quien es cientifico del pueblo, academico y profesor titular. Igualmente fueron sepultados el ex ministro de Transporte Terrestre y Maritimo, dr. O Song Ryol, el ex vicepresidente de la Academia de Ciencias Sociales, Kim Se Min, el ex gerente del Complejo de Maquinaria Pesada de Taean, Yun Ho Sok, los ex funcionarios de los comites del partido en las fabricas, Song Pok Gi y Kil Hwak Sil, la ex vicepresidenta del Comite Central de la Union de Musicos de Corea y actor del Pueblo, An Ki Ok, el ex director del Conjunto Artistico Mansudae y artista del Pueblo, Sin Kyong Hak, y el ex vicepresidente del Presidium del Comite Central de la Chongryon (Asociacion General de Coreanos Residentes en Japon), Ri Sim Chol.
    En el entierro, que tuvo lugar los dias 25 y 26, participaron el secretario del CC del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Kim Ki Nam, y otros funcionarios. -0-

Cultivada en Corea nueva variedad de serbal

   Pyongyang, 26 de octubre (ATCC) -- Recientemente, los cientificos coreanos del sector de ciencias forestales cultivaron una nueva variedad de serbal que tiene uso medicinal y decorativo. Esta variedad androgina conviene al clima y condiciones naturales del pais y da frutos 2 o 3 veces mas pesados que las serbas silvestres.
    Crece bien en cualquier tipo de terrenos y no requiere mucha agua y alta temperatura, aparte de ser muy resistente al frio y las enfermedades.
    Estas caracteristicas permiten plantarla en casi todas las localidades del pais.
    Entre sus propiedades figuran varios tipos de vitamina, proteinas, aminoacido, micro-elementos de diferentes generos y sustancias activas que mejoran el metabolismo del cuerpo humano y lo reponen pronto de fatigas espirituales y fisicas.
    Sus frutos, que contienen 6 - 7.7 % de glucosa, se usan en la industria alimentaria.

Kim Jong Il recibe presente de delegacion de Mongolia

   Pyongyang, 26 de octubre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il recibio presente que le dirigiera la delegacion cultural gubernamental de Mongolia presidida por el viceministro de Educacion, Cultura y Ciencia S. Tumur-Ochir, de visita en Corea.  El jefe de la delegacion lo entrego el dia 26 al vicepresidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea Yang Hyong Sop.