Kim Yong Nam Meets South Side's Delegation

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met with the south side's delegation with Minister of Unification Ri Jae Jong as chief delegate, which is participating in the 20th North-South Ministerial Talks, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Thursday.
    Present there were members of the north side's delegation headed by Kwon Ho Ung, chief councilor of the Cabinet, and officials concerned.
    A conversation took place in a compatriotic atmosphere.

Kim Jong Il Praised

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- A meeting, round-table talks, seminar, photo exhibition and film show were held by the Communist Party of Tajikistan, the Workers' Party of Mexico, the People's Socialist Party of Mexico and the Left United Party of Romania on Feb. 7 and 8 on the occasion of the February holiday.
    On display in the venues of those functions were famous works of Kim Jong Il and photos introducing the successes made by the Korean people under his Songun leadership.
    The participants of the film show watched Korean film "The Old Home in Secret Camp in Mt. Paektu".
    The coordinator of the National Coordinating Committee of the Workers' Party of Mexico at the round-table talks highly praised the immortal ideological and theoretical and leadership exploits performed by Kim Jong Il and expressed conviction of the invincibility and bright future of people-centered socialism of Korean style led by him.
    The general secretary of the Central Committee of the People's Socialist Party of Mexico at a meeting referred to the historic significance of the birth of Kim Jong Il, adding that he has performed great exploits with his Songun revolutionary leadership, successfully carrying forward the revolutionary cause of Juche.
    The chairman of the Executive Committee of the Left United Party of Romania at the seminar said that the DPRK has turned into a powerful socialist country and firmly defended its sovereignty under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, stressing that all the successes of socialist Korea are ascribable to his wise leadership.

Information Bulletin Released by CILRECO

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea (CILRECO) released an information bulletin on Feb. 14.
    The bulletin informed its readers of the decision of the "International Kim Il Sung Prize" Council to award "International Kim ll Sung Prize" to Kim Jong Il in recognition of his outstanding contribution made to the world revolution and the cause of global independence as topic news.
    Accusing the U.S. of perpetrating a great many cases of aerial espionage against the DPRK last year and deploying Stealth fighter bombers in south Korea of late, the bulletin branded the U.S. forces in south Korea as the root cause of escalating tension and the main source of a new war on the Korean Peninsula.
    Citing facts to prove the Japanese authorities' recent suppression of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), it strongly demanded them respect the human rights and national rights of the Koreans in Japan and immediately stop their sinister moves against Chongryon.

Songun Politics of Kim Jong Il Praised in Russia

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The Russian Youth Association for the Study of the Juche Idea posted a portrait of Kim Jong Il and articles on its Internet homepage titled "Juche, Russia" on Feb. 13 on the occasion of the February holiday.
    Recalling that Kim Jong Il has built a strong driving force and provided an invincible treasured sword for the accomplishment of the cause of independence, an article on the homepage said that the reality of the DPRK clearly proves that the Songun politics serves as an all-powerful treasured sword firmly guaranteeing the advance and victory of the cause of independence.
    Kim Jong Il has conducted energetic activities to create an atmosphere favorable for the peace and security in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world by pursuing the Songun politics, it added.
    It introduced immortal flower Kimjongilia kept in full bloom in different parts of the world as a symbol praising the great man.

Kim Jong Il's Work Published in Pakistan

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il's famous work "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification" was brought out in booklet by the Victorial Publishing House of Pakistan.
    The work, published on August 4, Juche 86 (1997), clarifies the immortal exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung in the cause of national reunification and formulates the three principles of national reunification, the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo and the ten-point programme for great national unity as the three charters for national reunification and indicates the tasks and ways for realizing the cause of national reunification on the basis of them.
    A ceremony of releasing the work took place on the spot on Feb. 17.

Reception Hosted by Palestinian Ambassador

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Mohammad Shafta Zarab, Palestinian ambassador to the DPRK, hosted a reception at the embassy on Feb. 28 on the occasion of the birthday of Kim Jong Il.
    Present there on invitation were Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Choe Chang Sik, minister of Public Health, Mun Jae Chol, acting chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and officials concerned.
    The Palestinian ambassador in his speech said that under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, the Korean people have made signal successes in their efforts to realize the independent and peaceful reunification of the country free from outsiders' interference. The leadership and people of Palestine fully support the initiatives of the DPRK for the reunification and peace of the country, he stated.
    He noted that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries provided by President Yasser Arafat and President Kim Il Sung have been developed under the deep care of Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Kim Jong Il.
    The leadership and people of Palestine will in the future, too, extend firm support and solidarity to the Korean people striving to ensure the reunification and bright future of the nation and peace and security of the Korean Peninsula, rallied close around Kim Jong Il, the ambassador added.
    Choe Thae Bok in a speech said that it is the invariable stand of the DPRK government to steadily develop the traditional bonds of friendship between the two countries provided by Kim Il Sung and Yasser Arafat.
    We will always support the Palestinian people in their just cause to recover their legitimate national rights including the right to found an independent state with Kuds as its capital, he stressed.

Nationwide Struggle against Outside Forces Urged

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The March First Popular Uprising in Juche 8 (1919) 88 years ago was an eruption of the wrath of all people at the Japanese imperialists who illegally occupied Korea and resorted to brutal repression and looting against the Korean people, says Rodong Sinmun in an editorial today.
    Noting that the patriotic spirit of the uprising has been carried forward through generations, dynamically propelling the cause of national independence, the editorial goes on:
    What the people desired in the uprising was sovereignty and independence against Japan. President Kim Il Sung, the peerless patriot and legendary hero, put an end to the atrocious colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists by leading the heroic armed struggle to victory. After the liberation the U.S. imperialists placed south Korea under their military occupation. And when they provoked a war of aggression with the criminal scheme to realize their ambition for dominating Korea, the Korean nation gave them a taste of its fist and won a great victory in the war.
    The peace of the country and the dignity of the nation can be defended and the historic cause of national reunification be accomplished only by a resolute struggle for independence against outsiders. This is the truth engraved ever deeper on the hearts of the Koreans today.
    All the fellow countrymen should wage a vehement struggle to achieve national sovereignty on the nationwide scale, holding aloft the banner of national independence against outside forces.
    The whole nation should pool its strength and put up a stiff fight against the U.S. strategy of domination over Korea and anti-DPRK hostile policy.
    The reinvasion design of the Japanese reactionaries, the sworn enemy of the Korean nation, must be thwarted. With bitter resentment at the Japanese imperialists, all the Koreans should deal a decisive counter blow to the anti-DPRK sanctions by the Japanese forces of aggression and smash their anti-DPRK moves and make Japan pay a proper price for its past crimes through a nationwide anti-Japanese struggle.
    If the domination and interference of the outsiders are to be brought to an end and national sovereignty be achieved, the "Grand National Party," a group of traitors allied with outside forces, must be pushed out of the arena of history.
    All the fellow countrymen should work strenuously to see that importance is attached to the nation, peace defended and unity achieved under the banner of independence against outside forces and thus bring earlier the historic day when the desire of the March First fighters will be realized and the dignity of the reunified Korean nation be displayed all over the world.

Thorough Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration Called for in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The Youth and Students Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration reportedly had a regular general meeting at Hanyang University on Feb. 21 at which it decided on and made public the orientation of its actions for this year.
    A resolution adopted at the meeting noted that the youth and students are now faced with an important task to check and frustrate the moves of the U.S. and the anti-reunification conservative forces and firmly defend and implement the June 15 joint declaration on which the destiny of the nation hinges.
    It declared that the headquarters would conduct diverse activities to bring about a favorable phase in the efforts to implement the joint declaration.

Abrogation of NSL Urged in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The People's Solidarity for Abolition of the "Security Law" in south Korea reportedly sponsored a meeting in Seoul on Feb. 24 to vow to get the "National Security Law" repealed and frustrate the public security authorities' suppression.
    Speakers at the meeting said that the arrest of two teachers affiliated to the Teachers Union has made one see more clearly into the anti-reunification nature of the anachronistic NSL. And they stressed that all the people should turn out in the struggle to get the evil law abrogated and achieve the national reconciliation and peace.
    They also called for removing the shadow of the NSL from all realms of society, dissolving the public security machines, the leftover of dictatorship, and clearing away all systems violating freedom of thought and speech.

Scientific and Technological Foundations of Geological Prospecting Strengthened

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Great efforts have been made to strengthen the scientific and technological foundations of the geological prospecting in the DPRK.
    The State Bureau for Guidance of Natural Resources Development has established scientific prospecting methods and introduced them into practice.
    The Central Mineral Resources Survey Corps has drawn digital geological maps reflecting in detail geological structure and distribution of mineral resources in relevant areas. They make it possible to conduct the mineral prospecting in a more scientific and effective way.
    The South Hamgyong Provincial Prospecting Management Bureau has built a geological database in cooperation with a competent scientific research group and developed a new technology with which it can estimate natural resources, which are greatly helpful to its subordinate units.
    The Nampho Hydro-geological Prospecting Corps under the South Phyongan Provincial Prospecting Management Bureau and scientists and technicians in the related fields are collecting at the final stage the research data which are of nationally great significance.
    The State Bureau for Guidance of Natural Resources Development are registering achievements in the efforts to apply modern, light and precise prospecting facilities and to consolidate the material and technical foundations for the prospecting field.
    Many units under the bureau are striving to manufacture trial products of boring machines, more efficient and lighter than previous ones and the technical equipment of prospecting equipment production bases has been steadily improved.
    Meanwhile, the bureau is exerting efforts to establishing a unified command system over all the geological prospecting work from the development, usage and preservation of underground resources to supervision.

Gravity-fed Water Supply System Pays Off

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- A gravity-fed water supply system has been recently introduced in Hyesan City, Ryanggang Province, in the northern part of the DPRK.
    Officials and citizens of the city undertook a project for utilizing the water of the Osi Stream as drinking and life water since May Juche 93(2004).
    They, who have experienced that self-reliance is the only way to life, completed the project in a little over two years, overcoming all the difficulties and bottlenecks.
    The quality of the stream water is just as good as that of the famous Sindok spring water of Korea.
    The stream, which has emptied into the River Amnok from olden times, is now being used for the health and every day life of the citizens.
    The system is also economic for it doesn't need any pumping facilities, water purifying materials and electricity.

Rodong Sinmun on Desire of Humankind for Socialism

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- It is the law governing the development of history that capitalism goes to ruin and socialism emerges victorious and no force on earth can reverse the direction of the development of history towards socialism.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article observes this.
    It goes on:
    There were difficulties in the way of advancing socialism owing to the abnormal political development toward the close of the last century, but socialism did not come to an "end" as the imperialists claimed but has made victorious progress, enshrined in the hearts of the people.
    At a time when the imperialists and the renegades of socialism made desperate efforts to destroy socialism dozens of political parties of the world met in Pyongyang and adopted the Pyongyang Declaration "Let Us Defend and Advance the Cause of Socialism" signed by them, stunning the world.
    The victorious advance of the socialist cause in the DPRK signifies a striking demonstration of the truth, validity and invincibility of socialism.
    The People's Army and the people of the DPRK, true to the great Songun politics of the Workers' Party of Korea, have turned out as one to mercilessly smash the moves of the imperialists for a war of aggression, bolster the military power of the country and firmly consolidate the socialist position. The reality of the DPRK reinforced the world people's faith in the victory of socialism.
    It is the law governing the development of history that the new is sure to triumph in the struggle against the old.
    Socialism fundamentally differs from capitalism.
    Capitalism is an unpopular exploiting society, an unequal society where the privileged have power in hands and get richer by exploiting the toiling people who account for the majority of the population.
    Socialism is incomparably advantageous to capitalism. In socialist society, the people are politically stable and lead a worthwhile and happy life, having sound thinking and mentality and culture.
    In the DPRK, the people have become the master of the country and society and lead a happy life on an equal footing, exercising all their rights. The DPRK is the only country in the world where people are guaranteed all rights ranging from the right to work to the right to food, clothing and housing and the right to study and receive medical care.
    The "advantages" of capitalism much touted by the imperialists and the reactionaries are nothing but sophism to cover up the reactionary and corrupt nature and vulnerability of the capitalist system.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Work Marked

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 14th anniversary of the publication of Kim Jong Il's work "Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable."
    The work brings to light the hypocrisy and reactionary nature of sophism made by the imperialists and their mouthpieces to slander socialism and clarifies the justice and scientific accuracy of the cause of socialism.
    Rodong Sinmun Thursday carries a signed article in this regard.
    It says:
    The work provided the Korean people and progressive humankind struggling for socialism with a powerful weapon with which to foil the vicious moves of the imperialists and renegades of revolution to slander socialism and steadily advance socialist construction.
    Today the Korean people confidently foresee the future of a great prosperous powerful nation in the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il who has ushered in the new era of national prosperity after overcoming all sorts of hardship and difficulties with the might of ideology.
    The sagacity of Kim Jong Il's leadership through which he glorified Korean-style socialism with the might of ideology can be found in that he developed in depth the idea of socialism as required by the times, achieved the unity of the servicepersons and people in thinking and consolidated their single-minded unity in every way.
    His wise leadership also found its vivid manifestation in that he aroused the revolutionary zeal of the popular masses and laid a firm foundation for building a rich and powerful country.
    The great Songun idea helped formulate the Songun politics as the basic political mode under socialism and provided precious guidelines for dynamically advancing the cause of socialism in our times by fully meeting the requirements of Songun in increasing the national power and building economy and culture and in all fabrics of social life.
    It was thanks to the unbreakable unity and cohesion of all the servicepersons and people around the headquarters of the revolution in thinking and will that socialism in the DPRK has won one victory after another displaying its advantages and might despite unspeakable difficulties in recent years.
    The whole country is now pervaded with the spirit of Thaechon and fresh creation and innovations are reported from everywhere, a clear proof of the great leadership of Kim Jong Il who is making a new history of nation-building by giving fullest play to the might of ideology.

Removal of Pro-U.S. Conservative Forces Urged

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Independence, democracy, peace and reunification are the aspiration and urgent demand of the south Korean people of broad strata, states Rodong Sinmun in a signed article Thursday.
    Noting that the south Korean people have so far waged a strenuous struggle to put an end to the rule of pro-U.S. military fascist dictatorship, achieve the independence and democracy of society and reunify the country, the article goes on:
    Notably after the adoption of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, the compatriotic consciousness and atmosphere of reconciliation and cooperation have mounted among the south Korean people in the idea of "By our nation itself." This has pushed forward the rapid growth of the forces of peace and progress, promoted the independence and democracy of society and propelled the development of the movement for independent reunification.
    The conservative forces in south Korea who seek a way out in alliance with the U.S. are traitors who do not even shrink from confrontation and war between fellow countrymen.
    The pro-U.S. conservative forces are creating an atmosphere of confrontation, branding the forces of peace and progress and the pro-reunification patriotic forces desirous of progress and reform of the south Korean society as "seditious forces" and "pro-north leftist forces."
    Realities show that neither can the south Korean people live in peace even a moment nor can the Korean nation be free from care, unless the pro-U.S. warlike conservative forces are removed from the scene.

Kim Yong Nam Meets Egyptian Delegation

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a talk with a delegation of the Orascom Telecom Holding of Egypt led by President Naguib Sawiris at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Thursday.
    On hand was Pak Myong Chol, director of the Korean Post and Telecommunication Corporation.

Greetings to Libyan Leader

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Moammer el Gaddafi, leader of the Great September First Revolution of Libya, on Thursday on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
    Kim in the message wished the Libyan leader and people greater success in their work for independent development and prosperity of the country, expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop.

SPA Chairman Meets Russian Ambassador

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a talk with Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Valery Sukhinin who paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Thursday.
    On hand were officials concerned and an official of the Russian embassy.

Photo Session for Judicial Officials

   Pyongyang, March 1 (KCNA) -- The participants in the national meeting of judicial officials had a photo session in the plaza of the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, the supreme temple of Juche, on Thursday.
    Present there were senior party and state officials.

Centenary of Birth of Han Tok Su Commemorated in Japan

   Tokyo, February 27 (KNS-KCNA) -- A meeting to commemorate the centenary of birth of Han Tok Su, former chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), was held at the Korean Hall in Tokyo on Feb. 27.
    The meeting was attended by So Man Sul, chairman, and Ho Jong Man, chief vice-chairman of the Chongryon Central Standing Committee and its vice-chairmen, secretary general, advisers and department directors, leading officials and advisers of central institutions and enterprises, chairmen and advisers of the Chongryon headquarters in Kanto region and chairwomen and advisers of the headquarters of the Korean Democratic Women's Union in Japan.
    So Man Sul in a speech made there recalled that Kim Jong Il showed such care as making sure that the centenary of birth of Han Tok Su was commemorated as a grand national function in high recognition of his life and exploits as he pioneered the movement of Koreans in Japan, organized Chongryon and worked as a renowned overseas revolutionary activist and extended warmest thanks to the leader for this, representing the profound reverence of the Koreans in Japan for him.
    Han's life was the life of a loyalist as he remained intensely loyal to President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, So said, adding that the greatest feat he performed was that he upheld Kim Il Sung's Juche-oriented policy on making a switchover in the line and formed Chongryon on May 25, 1955, guided by the immortal Juche idea.
    He recalled that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il reposed special trust in Han, showed particular care for him and took deep care of his health and life.
    He underlined the need to firmly establish the Juche-based ideological and leadership system in the movement of Koreans in Japan, thoroughly preserve the Juche character and national identity in the patriotic movement and put the work of Chongryon on a higher stage as required by the new century no matter how the situation may change and how often generations be replaced.
    Then followed a performance of the Kumgangsan Opera Troupe of Chongryon.

For Spanish-speaking people

Paquistan: obra de Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, 1 de marzo (ATCC) -- La Editora Victorial de Paquistan dio a luz en folleto la obra maestra del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "Materialicemos de modo consecuente el legado del gran Lider camarada Kim Il Sung para la reunificacion de la patria", publicada el 4 de agosto del 86 (1997) de la Era Juche. Esta obra se refiere a las hazanas del Presidente Kim Il Sung acumuladas en el proceso de la realizacion de la causa de la reunificacion de la patria, formula los tres principios de la reunificacion de la patria, el Proyecto de Fundacion de la Republica Federal Democratica de Coryo y el Programa de diez Puntos para la Gran Unidad Pannacional como las 3 Cartas para la Reunificacion de la Patria y presenta las tareas y medios para realizar esta causa nacional basada en estos.
    Una ceremonia de edicion tuvo lugar el 17 de febrero en el mismo lugar.

Conferencia Nacional de Funcionarios Judiciales

   Pyongyang, 1 de marzo (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 28 en el capitalino Palacio Cultural del Pueblo la Conferencia Nacional de Funcionarios Judiciales con motivo del XXX aniversario del establecimiento del sistema de direccion a la observancia de la ley socialista al estilo coreano por el Presidente Kim Il Sung.
    El foro hizo balance de los exitos y experiencias logrados en el pasado en la labor para fortalecer la observancia de la ley socialista y discutio las tareas para poner de pleno manifiesto la superioridad y la vitalidad de dicho sistema de direccion conforme a la demanda de la epoca del Songun (priorizacion militar).
    A la cita asistieron Kim Yong Nam, Choe Thae Bok y otros cuadros.
    Ante todo, se dio lectura a la carta del Dirigente Kim Jong Il enviada a los participantes.
    Yang Hyong Sop, vicepresidente del Presidium de la Asamblea Popular Suprema, presento el informe y otras personas intervinieron.
    Los oradores destacaron que el presente foro servira de un motivo historico para hacer brillar las inmortales hazanas de direccion del Presidente y del Dirigente acumuladas en la observancia de la ley, elevar la funcion y el papel de la ley socialista y garantizar fidedignamente en lo juridico el cumplimiento de la causa de la revolucion del Songun y senalaron que bajo la direccion del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y del lider se desarrollaron con vigor las labores para fortalecer la observancia de la ley socialista, con lo cual se defendio firmemente y se consolido el regimen estatal y social de nuestro pais.
    Todos los funcionarios de la rama, apuntaron, deben poseer el inconmovible principio revolucionario y la posicion clasista, frustrar despiadadamente las maniobras anti-socialistas de los enemigos y hacer que todos observen estrictamente los reglamentos y normas legales y que en toda la sociedad reine el espiritu sano y revolucionario.
    Subrayaron que tambien, hay que realizar bien de continuo las labores de establecimiento de la legislacion, base de la observancia de la ley socialista, y desplegar activamente las labores para establecer estrictamente el espiritu revolucionario de observacion de la ley en todos los dominios y unidades.
    Tienen que intensificar el control juridico en todas las esferas de la vida estatal y social y elevar la funcion y el papel del comite de direccion de la observancia de la ley socialista, senalaron los oradores y apuntaron que todos los funcionarios judiciales deben establecer el punto de vista revolucionario hacia las masas y ser fieles servidores al pueblo que defienden los derechos e intereses de los trabajadores.

Rodong Sinmun conmemora aniversario de obra de Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, 1 de marzo (ATCC) -- El diario Rodong Sinmun dedico este jueves un articulo individual al XIV aniversario de la publicacion (1 de marzo de 1993) de la obra maestra del Dirigente Kim Jong Il "La difamacion del socialismo no sera tolerada", que desenmascara lo absurdo y lo reaccionario de la sofisteria de los imperialistas y sus voceros calumniando perversamente el socialismo y que comprueba la justeza y lo cientifico de la causa socialista.
    @Con la publicacion de esta obra el pueblo coreano y la humanidad progresista del mundo, que luchan por el socialismo, pudieron contar con un potente remedio que les permite impulsar con mas dinamismo la construccion del socialismo frustrando las brutales maniobras de los imperialistas y los traidores a la revolucion que ponen trabas al socialismo, adelanta el rotativo y prosigue:
    @Hoy en dia, el pueblo coreano ve el futuro de la gran potencia prospera en la orientacion del Songun (priorizacion militar) del Dirigente Kim Jong Il quien abre una nueva epoca de prosperidad de la patria superando todas las pruebas con el poderio de la ideologia.
    @La sabia orientacion del Dirigente, quien glorifico el socialismo al estilo coreano con el poderio de la ideologia, reside en que el profundizo mas la idea socialista de acuerdo con la demanda de la epoca y consolido por todos los medios nuestra unidad monolitica al lograr la identificacion ideologica entre los militares y los habitantes.
    @En segundo lugar, radica en que el asento la firme base de la construccion de una patria prospera al avivar el entusiasmo revolucionario de las masas populares.
    @Gracias a la gran idea del Songun (priorizacion militar), la politica homonima se fijo como el principal modo politico socialista de nuestra epoca y se preparo la valiosa guia para llevar adelante la causa del socialismo de nuestra epoca materializando cabalmente las demandas del Songun en la consolidacion del poderio nacional, la edificacion economica y cultural y otros dominios de la vida social.
    @El socialismo coreano salio siempre victorioso demostrando su superioridad y poderio aun en medio de las inimaginables pruebas de los ultimos anos porque todo el ejercito y pueblo estuvieron unidos compactamente en torno a la Direccion de la Revolucion con la unica ideologia y voluntad.
    @Hoy reina en todo el pais el temperamento de Thaechon que aviva las llamas de creacion e innovacion.
    @Todo esto demuestra la grandeza de la orientacion del Dirigente quien escribe una nueva historia de la construccion de la patria movilizando al maximo el poderio de ideologia.

Es infrenable la aspiracion de la humanidad al socialismo

   Pyongyang, 1 de marzo (ATCC) -- Es una ley del desarrollo de la historia que el capitalismo se fracasa y el socialismo triunfa. En este mundo no existe ninguna fuerza capaz de invertir el rumbo del desarrollo de la historia hacia el socialismo.
    Senala asi el rotativo Rodong Sinmun en un articulo individual publicado este jueves y continua:
    Aunque a finales del siglo pasado el socialismo se tropezo con serios obstaculos debido a los anormales cambios de la situacion politica, nunca llego a su "fin" como pregonaban los imperialistas, sino avanza victoriosamente echando mas profundamente sus raices en el alma de los pueblos.
    En aquel tiempo en que los imperialistas y los traidores al socialismo maniobraban desesperadamente para extinguir el socialismo, se aprobo en esta capital de la revolucion la Declaracion de Pyongyang "Defendamos y llevemos adelante la causa socialista", en la que firmaron decenas de partidos politicos del mundo.
    El avance victorioso de la causa socialista en nuestro pais manifesto la veracidad, la justeza y la invencibilidad del socialismo.
    En pleno acato a la gran politica de Songun (priorizacion militar) del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, el ejercito y el pueblo de Corea incrementaron las fuerzas de defensa nacional y consolidaron con firmeza la posicion del socialismo frustrando tajantemente las maquinaciones belicistas de los imperialistas. Al ver esta realidad sorprendente de Corea, todo el mundo redoblo su conviccion en el triunfo del socialismo.
    En la lucha entre lo nuevo y lo viejo triunfa el primero. Esto es otra ley del desarrollo de la historia.
    @El socialismo y el capitalismo se difieren radicalmente y el primero es incomparablemente superior al segundo.
    El segundo es una sociedad explotadora, desigual y antipopular en que las capas privilegiadas abusan del poder y se enriquecen explotando a las abrumadoras masas trabajadoras.
    En el primero los seres humanos viven feliz y dignamente llevando una vida estable en lo politico y noble en lo ideo-espiritual y cultural.
    En nuestro pais, las masas populares, siendo duenas del pais y de la sociedad, ejercen todos los derechos y viven todos felizmente. En el mundo no hay otro pais como el nuestro que asegura todos los derechos del ser humano como los al trabajo, a todas las condiciones de la vida, a la educacion y a la asistencia medica.
    @Hoy dia los imperialistas y los reaccionarios predican la "superioridad" del capitalismo, pero esto no pasa de ser un sofisma para encubrir su caracter reaccionario, corrupto y vulnerable.