Gift to Kim Jong Il from Syrian President

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.
    The gift was conveyed to Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Monday by Deputy Minister Ahmad Arnous, head of the Syrian foreign ministry delegation on a visit to the DPRK.

Kim Yong Nam Meets Syrian Foreign Ministry Delegation

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Monday met and had a talk in a friendly atmosphere with a delegation of the Syrian Foreign Ministry led by Deputy Minister Ahmad Arnous which paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall.
    On hand were Kim Hyong Jun, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, and officials concerned and Muhammad Adib Al Hani, charge d' affaires a.i. of the Syrian embassy here.

Kimilsungia Exhibition in Indonesia

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- A ceremony for the opening of a Kimilsungia exhibition and unveiling of a monument to the historic visit of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il took place at the Bogor Botanical Garden in Indonesia on April 14 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and the 42nd anniversary of the naming of Kimilsungia.
    On display in the venue of the function were photos showing the Indonesian visit of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, their famous works and books and photos introducing the Kimilsungia festivals held in Pyongyang.
    Unveiled first was the monument inscribed with "The green house where President Sukarno presented Kimilsungia to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il of the DPRK on April 13, 1965. April 13, 2007," which was erected at the entrance to the botanical garden.
    Then followed speeches.
    The vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Indonesia in a speech elaborated on the course in which Kimilsungia has come to be known worldwide as a beautiful flower and said the Indonesian people were glad at and proud of the full blossoming of Kimilsungia as a flower most loved by the Korean people.
    The director general of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia prayed for the eternity of Kim Il Sung and wished Kim Jong Il good health, saying he was recalling with deep emotion the development of friendly ties between the two countries based on such historical facts as the naming of Kimilsungia.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the function.

Detailed Gist of Kim Il Sung's Reminiscences Printed in Bulgarian Bulletin

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The detailed gist of Vol. 5 of Part 1-Anti-Japanese Revolution of President Kim Il Sung's reminiscences "With the Century" was carried in Information Bulletin No. 4 of the Bulgaria-Korea Friendship Association.

U.S. Policy of Strength Bound to Go Bust

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. has pursued the policy of strength, bent on high-handed and arbitrary practices out of extreme arrogance, but it is now bound to go bust. Rodong Sinmun Monday observes this in a signed commentary.
    Citing facts to prove that the political contradictions and bickering have become more pronounced between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party and between the Bush administration and the Democratic Party in the U.S. over the Iraqi issue, the commentary goes on:
    The Democratic Party which has a majority in Congress succeeded in making it pass a resolution indicating even a timetable for the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from Iraq, considering the failure of the Iraqi war an established fact, whereas Bush threatened to exercise a veto on the resolution, terming it a "surrender and retreat" in Iraq.
    The U.S. Congress warned that in case the president exercises a veto on the resolution, he himself would be to blame for having barred the allocation of funds whereas the Bush group intends to shift the responsibility for it onto Congress.
    While in office Bush exercised a veto only on one bill but he is poised to veto 16 motions that have already passed through the Senate three months after the Democratic Party began dominating Congress. Heavyweights of the Democratic Party are becoming increasingly assertive that the party should go in the direction of settling the issues by meeting head-on the stance of the Republican Party in Congress, not avoiding confrontation with it.
    It was a blatant challenge to the White House that the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from the Democratic Party visited Syria recently despite the repeated opposition from it.
    The U.S. is revealing its vulnerability not only in the political and military aspects but in the economic field due to the policy of strength pursued by the Bush group.
    The wrangling between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party over the Iraqi issue, the sinking popularity rate of Bush and the worldwide condemnation of his high-handed practices and policy of strength, etc. indicate total bankruptcy of the U.S. domestic and foreign policies.
    The reality eloquently proves that those clinging to the policy of strength despite the unanimous opposition and protest of the international community are bound to meet a miserable lot.
    The U.S. would be well advised to draw a serious lesson from this and abandon its foolish dream of realizing its ambition for world domination.

S. Korean Judicial Authorities' Fascist Action under Fire

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The Seoul District Court on April 16 sentenced to 4-9 years in prison and 4-9 years' suspension of qualifications four former and incumbent cadres of the Democratic Labor Party and a Korean resident in the U.S. who had been arrested and prosecuted on charges of involvement in the "case of the Single-minded Association".
    Rodong Sinmun Monday observes in a signed commentary assailing this fascist action:
    The heavy penalties imposed by the south Korean judicial authorities upon those related to the above-said case by linking them with the DPRK are premeditated fascist actions to quell the ever-growing desire in south Korea to achieve reunification through alliance with the north, stamp out the forces supporting the June 15 joint declaration and drive the inter-Korean relations to confrontation.
    As far as the "case of the Single-minded Association" is concerned, it is nothing but a groundless anti-DPRK farce as it lacks any evidence proving the case and all those related to it flatly denied it.
    It is an anachronistic act for the south Korean judicial authorities to fake up cases and punish innocent people on charges of "espionage" by linking them with the DPRK. This is little short of what was committed by the military fascist regimes in the past.
    The U.S. and pro-American conservative forces are standing behind the south Korean judicial authorities who suppress any movement for reunification and patriotism, insult and mock the nation, swimming against the trend of the times.
    The U.S. and the pro-American conservative forces including the Grand National Party of south Korea are using the judicial authorities for intensifying their fascist plot-breeding operations in a bid to chill the ardent desire of the south Korean people to achieve reunification through alliance with the north, block national reconciliation and unity and set off a false alarm that "security would be threatened" by progressive forces for reform with the "presidential elections" at hand.
    The south Korean authorities should properly understand the desire of the nation and face up to the trend of the times, abolish the "National Security Law," an anti-reunification fascist law, as early as possible and acquit and set free all those related to the "case of the Single-minded Association."

Songun Policy Introduced on Internet in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- South Korean organizations of different social strata are engaged in activities for widely introducing and disseminating the Songun policy of the Workers' Party of Korea through Internet, according to a media report.
    Articles headlined "Essence of Songun policy," "Character of Songun policy," "Political mode reflecting requirements to defend global independence, peace and justice," "Songun policy, guarantee for national reunification" and so forth were carried in the period from Apr. 11 to 16 on the Internet homepages run by the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration, the National Alliance for Democracy and Reunification, the Society for National Spirit and the south Korean Council of Youth Organizations in south Korea.
    The South Headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification posted on the Internet homepage articles "No June 15 joint declaration without Songun policy," "Course of Implementation of Songun policy" and others which had been published by the south Korean Internet radio Voice of People in a special issue on Songun policy.
    These articles praising and introducing the Songun policy are now being widely disseminated among the south Korean people of all circles through Internet.

Military Authorities' Humiliating Action Flayed in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification and the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification in south Korea reportedly held a joint press conference in front of the Defence Ministry building in Seoul on April 16, in denunciation of the military authorities' humiliating behavior. The authorities decided to bear the expense for restoring the environment of the U.S. military bases to be returned to south Korea.
    At the conference speakers said that this is an anti-national action of ignoring the desire of the people, who hope for putting an end to the unequal south Korea-U.S. relations. And they declared that they would vigorously struggle in demand of the U.S. forces' standing the above-said expense.

Pyongyang Declaration Supported in Russia

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The Political Executive Committee of the Party for Peace and Unity of Russia released a statement on April 18 on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the publication of the Pyongyang Declaration, in which it stressed that the only way of the progressive development of society is the way to socialism.
    Underlining the significance of the declaration, the statement went on:
    Imperialism is the root cause of war.
    Imperialism is resorting to more crafty means to hold in check the development of socialism and the non-aligned movement.
    All the progressive political parties worldwide should resolutely oppose imperialists' aggression and render full support to the advance of socialism and the accomplishment of the cause of global independence.
    The Korean people have won one victory after another and firmly defended socialism in the stand-off with the U.S. in the past and now they are advancing vigorously to attain the goal of the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il who is pursuing unique Songun politics.
    The Political Executive Committee of the Party for Peace and Unity of Russia sternly condemns all the attempts of the imperialists to interfere in the domestic affairs and infringe upon the sovereignty of the countries which want to build socialism, guided by the declaration. And it is fully determined to energetically support the struggle of the peoples of the countries aspiring after socialism.

Abolition of NSL Demanded

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- Minjok Thongsin, an Internet paper of Koreans in the U.S., on April 16 carried an editor's article titled "National Security Law Must Be Scrapped."
    Recalling that the south Korean security authorities recently staged a trial on "the case of the Single-minded Association" and imposed heavy penalties upon those related to it, the article said: The security authorities still brandishing the NSL deserve condemnation as an anti-national group, a group of anti-reunification traitors.
    Asking the June 15 era didn't begin on the premise of the abolition of the law, the article said: If the south Korean authorities truly want peaceful reunification, they must, first of all, repeal the NSL which was defined as a law lacking common knowledge even by an international organization.

New Books off Press

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Publishing House has brought out various kinds of new books.
    Among them are "General Kim Jong Il, the Sun of Songun" and "Defender of Justice".
    The book "General Kim Jong Il, the Sun of Songun" (four volumes) is a biographical book, which systematizes the Songun revolutionary history and Songun leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il in a comprehensive way.
    The book "Defender of Justice" gives the detailed facts that the dignity and sovereignty of the nation are shining and the dawn of national reunification is breaking under the guidance of Kim Jong Il who holds aloft the banner of Songun.

Eternal Foundation for Victorious Korean Revolution

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The Korean revolution has won victory after victory.
    Under the great banner of Songun, the Korean army and people dealt shameful defeat to the Japanese imperialists in the 1940s who styled themselves "leader of Asia" and the US imperialists in the 1950s who boasted of being "the strongest" in the world. Today they are ushering in the dawn for building a great, prosperous and powerful nation, courageously overcoming unprecedented ordeals.
    It is none other than President Kim Il Sung who had made the ever-victorious history of the Korean revolution.
    He had regarded the issue of carrying forward the cause of army building as the vital question of the revolution and directed a deep attention to the inheritance of the idea of attaching importance to arms.
    He handed over a pistol associated with the patriotic spirit of the Mangyongdae family to Kim Jong Il in the operation room of the Supreme Command in July Juche 41 (1952), saying that the arms guarantee the victory of revolution.
    True to the intention of the President, Kim Jong Il has made a long drive of Songun since he inspected the KPA Guard Seoul Ryu Kyong Su 105 Tank Division in August 1960, making a new history for building the revolutionary army as an army of the Party.
    In particular, the President had taken important measures to establish Kim Jong Il's command system in the KPA thoroughly.
    Kim Jong Il cultivated the pluck and commanding art as an illustrious commander in the flames of the Fatherland Liberation War and has conducted revolutionary activities by dint of arms. The President transferred the KPA supreme commandership to him on December 24, 1991 to lay an eternal foundation for the victory of Korean revolution.
    The President earnestly instructed the commanding members of the KPA to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the command of Kim Jong Il, awarding to them pistols inscribed with the letters "Paektusan" on April 25, 1994. On the occasion of the Army Day, the Korean army and people are hardening their determination to implement the instruction.

Congratulations to Kim Jong Il from Foreign Diplomats

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received floral baskets and congratulatory letters from the military attaches' corps and the economic and commercial councillors' corps here on the occasion of the 75th birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army.
    The baskets and letters were conveyed to KPA Vice Marshal Kim Il Chol, minister of the People's Armed Forces, by Chinese Military, Naval and Air Attache Yang Xilian, doyen of the military attaches' corps, and to an official concerned by Economic and Commercial Councilor of the Chinese Embassy Gu Jinsheng, doyen of the economic and commercial councillors' corps, on April 23.

KPA Birthday Marked by Military Attaches Here

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The military attaches' corps here laid a wreath before the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong on April 23 to mark the 75th founding anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army.
    Amidst the playing of wreath-laying music, the wreath in the name of the corps was placed before the cemetery.
    The members of the corps observed a moment's silence in memory of the revolutionary martyrs.
    And they laid bouquets before the bust of Kim Jong Suk, an anti-Japanese war hero, and paid a silent tribute to her.
    On the same day, the corps laid a basket of flowers before the Monument to Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War and paid deep respects to the officers and men of the heroic KPA who honorably defended the dignity of the nation and the sovereignty of the country during the Fatherland Liberation War.

Congratulations to Nepalese Prime Minister

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Il, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, sent a congratulatory message to Girija Prasad Koirala upon his re-assumption of office as prime minister of the Nepalese provisional government.
    Expressing the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to develop in the future, too, the message sincerely wished him success in his work for stability and prosperity of the country.

Seminar for Independence and Peace Held in Japan

   Pyongyang, April 23 (KCNA) -- The Japanese National Liaison Council of Societies for the Study of the Juche Idea sponsored a national seminar for independence and peace in Osaka on April 7 to commemorate the 95th birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.
    Present there were Japanese adherents to the Juche idea, citizens in Osaka and officials of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon).
    Masaji Ie, representative of the National Liaison Council of the Japan Society for Study of Kim Jong Il's Works, made an opening address at the seminar. Then followed speeches of Seiichi Sakugawa, president of the Japanese National Liaison Council of Societies for the Study of the Juche Idea, Tooru Matsuoka, member of the House of Councillors from the Japanese Democratic Party, So Chung On, director of the Department of International Affairs of the Central Standing Committee of Chongryon, and Kikuo Tashiro, president of the Japanese Society for the Study of Kimilsungism.
    Lectures titled "Opening of the era of independence and peace" and "The DPRK building a man-centered society" were given by Kinhite Mushakoji and Han Tong Song, directors of the International Institute of the Juche Idea.
    Fujio Hanawa, secretary general of the Japanese National Liaison Council of Societies for the Study of the Juche Idea, made a closing address.
    Read out at the seminar was a congratulatory message from the Korean Social Scientists Society.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il inspecciona Unidad No. 790 de fuerzas navales del EPC

   Pyongyang, 23 de abril (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea (PTC), Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea (EPC), inspecciono la Unidad No. 790 de las fuerzas navales del EPC que ostenta el titulo de Septimo Regimiento de O Jung Hup.
     El Dirigente recorrio la sala de presentacion del historial y un buque de guerra historico.
     Dijo que como que los objetos y datos historicos, donde estan impregnadas las nobles huellas del Presidente Kim Il Sung, son preciosos patrimonios de la revolucion que deben ser transmitidos eternamente junto con la historia de la marina de guerra de Corea, es preciso conservarlos y cuidarlos bien y realizar la educacion sustancial con ellos.
     Al dar revista a los buques de guerra, el Comandante Supremo se entero del estado de cumplimiento del deber de la unidad y vio un entrenamiento de los marineros.
     Se mostro satisfecho de que los marinos de la unidad se han formado como invencibles combatientes y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer las fuerzas navales del pais.
     Recorrio la casa de los miliares, la sala de educacion y otras instalaciones culturales y educacionales, el comedor, la base de servicios publicos generales y otras de intendencia y presto una profunda atencion a la vida de los marinos.
     Les dio como recuerdo binoculos y fusil automatico y se fotografio junto a ellos.
     Le acompanaron el general de ejercito del EPC Kim Kyok Sik, jefe del Estado Mayor General del EPC, los generales de ejercito del EPC Kim Yun Sim, Ri Myong Su y Hyon Chol Hae, y los primeros subjefes de departamento del CC del PTC Ri Yong Chol y Ri Jae Il.

Kim Jong Il inspecciona la Unidad No. 1637 del EPC

   Pyongyang, 23 de abril (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, inspecciono la Unidad no. 1637 del EPC.
     El Dirigente entro en la sala de leccion militar, donde hizo conocimiento del estado de ejercicios de la unidad y vio un entrenamiento de los militares.
     Al verlo, se mostro muy satisfecho de que todos los militares crecieron como combatientes preparados con firmeza tanto en lo ideo-politico como en lo tecnico-militar de modo que puedan frustrar de un solo golpe cualquier invasion inesperada de los enemigos y defender firmemente la patria socialista y presento las tareas que se presentan para fortalecer mas la combatividad de la unidad.
     El Comandante Supremo senalo que el EPC, heredero de las brillantes tradiciones de la lucha antijaponesa, se ha fortalecido como la invencible fila revolucionaria que defiende a costa de la vida al partido y el lider y consagra su vida sin vacilacion alguna por la causa del partido, la del socialismo y destaco que contar con tal ejercito invencible constituye un gran orgullo para el partido y el pueblo de Corea.
    El Dirigente recorrio la sala de educacion, el dormitorio, el comedor, la cocina, el bano, el almacen de alimentos subsidiarios y otros lugares y atendio cordialmente la vida de los militares.
     Dejo como recuerdo binoculos, ametralladora y fusil automatico a los militares de la unidad y se fotografio junto a estos.
     Le acompanaron el general de ejercito del EPC Kim Kyok Sik, jefe del Estado Mayor General del EPC, los generales de ejercito Kim Yun Sim, Ri Myong Su y Hyon Chol Hae y los primeros subjefes de departamento del CC del PTC Ri Yong Chol y Ri Jae Il.

CRPP denuncia a las autoridades surcoreanas

   Pyongyang, 23 de abril (ATCC) -- En estos dias, a fin de cuestionar el lugar de origen de los productos de la Zona Industrial de Kaesong, el "premier" y un juez de la corte del Sur de Corea alegan la supuesta "territorialidad" y los "articulos de la constitucion" atentando gravemente la soberania de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
     Al respecto, el portavoz del Comite por la Reunificacion Pacifica de la Patria (CRPP) hizo publica el dia 22 una declaracion que va como sigue:
     Las autoridades surcoreanas denigraron muchas veces la alta dignidad y la autoridad de la RPDC, pero nunca se escucho la perorata tan provocativa y antinacional como esta vez.
    Este caso significa negativa total a la Declaracion Conjunta del 15 de Junio y desafio frontal a la RPDC.
    Las palabras de esas figuras surcoreanas significan una declaracion de guerra y de confrontacion con el Norte, encaminada a retrogradar al pasado las actualmente positivas relaciones Norte-Sur y perturbar la paz de la Peninsula Coreana.
    El CRPP no permitira jamas sino ajustara la cuenta de todos esos actos anti-reunificacion de las autoridades surcoreanas.
    Las autoridades surcoreanas deben reconocer la gravedad del caso y pedir disculpa a toda la nacion por tales palabras muy provocativas y anti-reunificacion. Al mismo tiempo, deben anular todos los aparatos juridicos e institucionales que contravienen a la epoca del 15 de Junio.

Rodong Sinmun vaticina fracaso de politica de garrote de EE.UU.

   Pyongyang, 23 de abril (ATCC) -- El diario Rodong Sinmun publico en su edicion de este lunes un comentario individual que augura el fracaso de la politica de garrote de Estados Unidos que partiendo de su extremada arrogancia, incurre en acciones despoticas y arbitrarias.
     En estos tiempos, se agudizan en EE.UU. las contradicciones politicas y la disputa entre el Partido Republicano y el Democratico y entre la administracion Bush y la segunda entidad en cuanto al problema de Irak, adelanto el comentarista y prosiguio:
     Tras dar por un hecho consumado el fracaso de la guerra iraqui, los democratas, que lograron la mayoria en el congreso, aprobaron una resolucion en este organo legislativo sobre la retirada de las tropas estadounidenses de esta nacion arabe, que proyecta hasta su horario.
     A cambio, el presidente Bush amenaza con ejercer el veto a esa resolucion calificandola de "capitulacion y retroceso".
     El congreso norteamericano insiste en que cuando eso suceda, la responsabilidad por haber frenado el egreso presupuestario recaera sobre Bush mientras la banda de este trata de imputarla al parlamento.
     Durante todo su mandato, Bush ejercio el veto solo a un proyecto de ley, pero se inclina a hacerlo a 16 planteamientos que fueron aprobados en el senado apenas en tres meses despues de que los democratas tomaran el control del congreso.
     Los magnates del Partido Democratico dicen abiertamente que se debe resolver todos los problemas enfrentandose frontalmente con los republicanos. Hace unos dias, la presidenta de la Camara de Representantes, militante del Partido Democratico, realizo una visita a Siria haciendo vista gorda de la reiterada negativa de la Casa Blanca, lo que representa a esta un desafio frontal.
     La ejecucion de la politica de garrote de la banda de Bush genero la vulnerabilidad de EE.UU. no solo en el campo politico-militar sino tambien en el sector economico.
     Marcan el hundimiento total de la politica interna y externa de EE.UU., la pelea entre ambas bancadas en torno al problema iraqui, la miserable popularidad del presidente, la denuncia y condena de todo el mundo a la politica de despotismo y fuerza.
     La realidad demuestra elocuentemente que les tocara un destino tragico a los que recurren a la politica de garrote desoyendo la unanime voz de repudio de la sociedad internacional.
     EE.UU. debe sacar debida leccion de esta realidad y abandonar esa vana ilusion de dominar el mundo.