Joint Communique on Reestablishment of Diplomatic Relations between DPRK and Union of Myanmar Released

   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- A Joint communique on the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the Union of Myanmar was released in Yangon on April 26.
    According to the joint communique, the government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the government of the Union of Myanmar, desirous of developing friendly relations and bilateral cooperation between the two countries and peoples, based on the principles of respect for each other's sovereignty, non-interference in their internal affairs, and equality and mutual benefit, as well as the norms of international law and the objectives and principles of the United Nations Charter, have agreed to reestablish the diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18th April 1961.
    The governments of the DPRK and the Union of Myanmar expressed their assurances that the reestablishment of diplomatic relations responds to the national interests of both countries and will consolidate the strengthening of international peace and cooperation.

DPRK's Important April Holidays Marked

   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Seminars took place in Syria, Mongolia and Tanzania from April 7 to 12 on the occasions of the Day of the Sun, the 14th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and the 75th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. A remembrance meeting of communist parties and friendship and solidarity organizations in Nordic countries was held in Sweden on April 13 to commemorate the Day of the Sun.
    On display in the venues of the seminars were famous works of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, photos showing their undying feats and photos introducing the successes gained by the Korean people in socialist construction.
    Speakers at the seminars and the meeting praised Kim Il Sung as a great thinker and theoretician who fathered the immortal Juche idea and an outstanding strategist who set a living example in the anti-imperialist struggle by victoriously leading the two revolutionary wars against the U.S. and Japanese imperialists.
    They noted that the 75 years covered by the KPA is a history of victory and glory in which it has won one victory after another in the stand-off with the imperialists and defended the sovereignty and independence of the Korean nation and socialism under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    Messages to Kim Jong Il were adopted at the seminar held in Mongolia and the remembrance meeting in Sweden.
    Hamilton Green, leader of the Good Green Guyana who is mayor of Georgetown, released a statement on April 13 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun.

Japan's Moves to Grab Other Country's Territory Blasted in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- The south Korean MBC disclosed and denounced Japan's persistent moves to seize other country's territory on April 22. Recalling that some days ago, the Japanese Diet passed very provocative bills that betray Japan's wild ambition to grab other country's territory, MBC said that these bills glaringly reveal its intention not to make any concession to south Korea over the issue of Tok islet and so on.
    MBC said that Japanese media also support its government's policy for grabbing Tok islet.

Cambodians Mark KPA Birthday

   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Crewmen of Cambodia met at Wonsan Port to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Korean People's Army.
    Present at the meeting were the captain and crewmen of a Cambodian-flagged ship.
    Speakers there noted that the KPA has grown to be an invincible revolutionary army under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung.
    Saying that the KPA led by Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il is winning one victory after another, they stressed that the revolutionary exploits of him, a peerlessly brilliant commander who has provided a sure military guarantee for the accomplishment of the socialist cause with his Songun politics, would remain long.
    A congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Greetings to Tanzanian President

   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete on April 23 on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the United Republic of Tanzania.
    Expressing the belief that the traditionally good relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries would grow stronger, Kim in the message wished the president and the people of Tanzania greater successes in the work to achieve the national unity and economic development.


   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea led by Kang Chang Uk, chairman of its Central Committee, left here today to visit Syria and Egypt.
    Arriving on the same day was a delegation of the Iran Parties House led by Yadollah Tahernejad, first vice-president of its Central Council.

What Overseas Koreans Say about Military Parade Held on Army Day

   Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Overseas Koreans were deeply impressed by the might of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK grown to be invincible under the care of the illustrious commanders of Mt. Paektu, when watching the military parade held to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the Korean People's Army.
    Nam Sung U, vice-chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), said he felt highly honored and proud to be a member of the Korean nation while watching the columns of the participants in the military parade marching in fine array. They strikingly demonstrated the spirit and might of the invincible heroic KPA, he noted, and continued:
    President Kim Il Sung, upon embarking on the road of revolution in his early years, founded the Juche-oriented revolutionary armed forces, and thus liberated Korea and provided a powerful military guarantee for carving out the destiny of the nation independently.
    The army and people of the DPRK under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il have registered great successes, frustrating the moves of the imperialists to stifle it by holding aloft the banner of socialism.
    The columns of admirable paraders of the KPA standing firm guard over the sky, land and sea of the country whom I have seen reinforced my conviction that Korean-style socialism is sure to triumph and heightened the honor and pride of being an overseas citizen of the homeland of Juche.
    Only victory and glory are in store for our country dynamically advancing with the might of the single-minded unity under the banner of Songun, with Kim Jong Il at the helm of the revolution.
    Yang Yong Dong, chairman of the General Association of Koreans in China, noted that words fail to express his immense joy at seeing Kim Jong Il whom he has always revered.
    He went on:
    One could read on the faces of the participants in the military parade dynamically marching past the tribune of honor while shouting "Hurrah!" for Kim Jong Il the firm faith and will to remain true to his leadership.
    It is thanks to this strong army that the country remains so powerful and no enemy dares encroach upon even a blade of its grass and single tree.
    The KPA reliably standing guard over the country has admirably discharged its mission as a main force of the revolution in the building of a great prosperous powerful socialist nation.
    The Koreans in China will make a tangible contribution to the prosperity of the country and the cause of reunification, true to the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Kwon Kyong Ae, chairperson of the Kanagawa Prefectural Headquarters of the Union of Democratic Korean Women in Japan, had this to say:
    The military parade clearly showed the true appearance of our army and people single-mindedly united around the great Songun brilliant commander.
    While watching the columns of paraders marching in fine array, I keenly realized how great the Songun policy pursued by Kim Jong Il is.
    It is the great honor and pride for the Korean nation to have the Songun policy and the single-minded unity.
    Our motherland is a great country demonstrating its dignity and might to the world with the might of the Songun policy and the single-minded unity.
    Ri Ryong Su, chairman of the Nishi Tokyo Headquarters of Chongryon, noted that the military parade was magnificent, indeed, adding:
    Watching the parade, I keenly realized the profound trust of our army and people in Kim Jong Il.
    It is the great honor for the Korean nation to have Kim Jong Il at the helm of the revolution, who is identical to Kim Il Sung.
    Our motherland will prosper forever as an invulnerable fortress as it has the powerful revolutionary armed forces led by Kim Jong Il.

For Spanish-speaking people

Marcha con antorchas por 75o aniversario del EPC

   Pyongyang, 26 de abril (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar el dia 25 por la noche en la Plaza Kim Il Sung una solemne marcha con antorchas de los jovenes y estudiantes intitulada "Fuerzas Armadas Victoriosas" en homenaje al 75o aniversario de la fundacion del Ejercito Popular de Corea.
      Aparecieron en la tribuna los cuadros del partido, el ejercito y el Estado, los presidentes de partidos amigos, los funcionarios directivos de instituciones de las fuerzas armadas y los comandantes de todos los ejercitos y armas del EPC.
     Fueron invitados los funcionarios de organismos del partido y el Poder, organizaciones sociales, ministerios y organos centrales, oficiales y soldados del EPC, directivos de los dominios de ciencia, educacion, cultura y arte, salud publica y prensa e informacion, heroes, personas relacionadas con la lucha revolucionaria antijaponesa, ameritados y trabajadores capitalinos.
     Tambien, se distinguian entre los invitados el representante de la sucursal del Frente Democratico Nacional Antiimperialista en Pyongyang, los integrantes de la delegacion de coreanos residentes en Japon y de las otras de coreanos radicados en varias regiones del mundo, los representantes diplomaticos de varios paises y los representantes de organizaciones internacionales, los miembros del Cuerpo de Agregados Militares, acreditados en Corea y otros huespedes extranjeros.
     Al tiempo que aparecieron en la plaza las letras "Fuerzas Armadas Victoriosas" y "75", se inicio la majestuosa marcha con antorchas.
     Entraron en la plaza los jovenes de ambos sexos, quienes levantaban en alto la bandera de la Union de la Juventud con la imagen del Presidente Kim Il Sung y la antorcha de la revolucion, y las filas de los veteranos de la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria, los benemeritos, los funcionarios de la Union de la Juventud, los alumnos de las Escuelas Revolucionarias.
     Seguidamente, aparecieron las columnas de los jovenes y estudiantes inscribiendo las letras de "Kim Il Sung".
     Recordando las inmortales proezas del Presidente acumuladas en la construccion del ejercito, los marchantes dibujaron con antorchas la pistola, la estrella y las letras de "UDI" (Union para Derrotar al Imperialismo), "1932" y "25 de abril".
     Coincidiendo con el paso del bloque que inscribia las letras de "Kim Jong Il" llevandose el estandarte del Comandante Supremo del EPC, aparecieron en la plaza un modelo de la estrella del mariscal y los caracteres de "General Insigne del Songun".
     Entre las filas, que marchaban impetuosamente formando grandes letras de "Ejercito poderoso del monte Paektu", "Gran potencia prospera", "Unidad monolitica", "Reunificacion de la patria", etc., resonaron energicos gritos: "!Defendamos con la vida a la Direccion de la Revolucion encabezada por el gran camarada Kim Jong Il!"
     Despues de terminada la marcha, detonaron los fuegos artificiales que adornaron de mil maravillas el cielo nocturno de abril.

Repudian en el Sur de Corea expansionismo de Japon

   Pyongyang, 26 de abril (ATCC) -- La radio surcoreana "MBC" desenmascaro y denuncio el dia 22 las incesantes maniobras de Japon encaminadas a arrebatar los territorios ajenos.
    Esta cadena trascendio que hace poco, la dieta de Japon aprobo una serie de sospechosos proyectos de ley, que manifiestan expresamente el expansionismo territorial del pais isleno.
     Critico que en esos proyectos, Japon puso a flote su intencion de no ceder nunca al Sur de Corea en el litigio por la isla Tok y los otros problemas.
    Ademas reporto que los medios de prensa japonesa defienden tal politica de su gobierno en torno a dicha isla.

Desfile militar tiene repercusiones entre coreanos en ultramar

   Pyongyang, 26 de abril (ATCC) -- Los coreanos residentes en ultramar, que acabaron de ver el desfile militar por el aniversario 75 de la fundacion del Ejercito Popular de Corea, quedaron muy conmocionados por el poderio de estas fuerzas armadas revolucionarias que crecieron como las invencibles en el regazo de los Generales Insignes del monte Paektu.
    Nam Sung U, vicepresidente del presidium del comite central de la Chongryon (Asociacion General de Coreanos residentes en Japon), declaro como sigue:
    Las columnas del desfile, que avanzan a pasos firmes, me hicieron enorgullecer muchisimo de ser un integrante de la nacion coreana.
    Ellas muestran tal como son el impetu y la gallardia del invencible y heroico EPC.
    Tras emprender temprano el camino de la revolucion, el respetado Lider, Generalisimo Kim Il Sung fundo las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de tipo jucheano y logro liberar el pais. De esta manera, preparo una firme garantia militar para la forja del destino independiente de la nacion coreana.
    Bajo la direccion del Songun (priorizacion militar) del gran General Kim Jong Il, el ejercito y el pueblo de Corea alcanzan grandes exitos con la bandera del socialismo en alto frustrando las maniobras de hostigamiento de los imperialistas.
    Viendo los fidedignos bloques del desfile de nuestro EPC, que defiende como un bastion de acero el cielo, la tierra y el mar de la patria, redoble mi conviccion de que es invencible el socialismo al estilo coreano y me enorgulleci una vez mas de ser un ciudadano en ultramar de esta patria del Juche.
    Siempre habra victorias y glorias en el camino de nuestra patria que avanza impetuosamente con el poderio de la unidad monolitica bajo la bandera del Songun siguiendo al respetado General, quien se halla al frente de la revolucion.
    Por su parte, el presidente de la Asociacion General de los Coreanos residentes en China, Yang Yong Dong, confeso que no le alcanzan las palabras para expresar la gran alegria que le dio la oportunidad de encontrarse con el gran General Kim Jong Il, a quien respeta siempre.
    Prosiguio que en los rostros de los participantes en el desfile, que pasaban gallardamente por delante de la tribuna de la plaza coreando "Vivas" hacia el General, se palpaban la ferrea conviccion y voluntad de apoyar con fidelidad su direccion.
    Gracias a este ejercito digno de confianza, nuestra patria es tan fuerte y los enemigos no se atreven a tocar ni una hierba ni un arbol de ella, afirmo.
    Reitero que nuestro ejercito, que defiende con firmeza las trincheras de la patria, cumple hoy con su mision del grueso de la revolucion en la construccion de una gran potencia prospera socialista.
    Los coreanos radicados en China contribuiran sustancialmente a la prosperidad de la patria y a la realizacion de la causa de reunificacion de la patria en pleno acato a la direccion del General mediante el Songun, concluyo.
    Mientras tanto, Kwon Kyong Ae, presidenta de la direccion departamental de Kanagawa de la Union de Mujeres Democraticas Coreanas residentes en Japon, expreso su impresion como sigue:
    El desfile militar mostro fielmente el verdadero aspecto del ejercito y el pueblo de Corea, unidos monoliticamente en torno al gran General Insigne del Songun.
    Contemplando las columnas avanzando vigorosamente, pude conocer mejor de cuan grandiosa es la politica de Songun, que practica el respetado General Kim Jong Il.
    El poderio de esta politica y la unidad monolitica deviene el gran orgullo de nuestra nacion.
    Nuestra patria es grandioso pais que con ese poderio exalta a todo el mundo su dignidad e impetu.
    De otro lado, Ri Ryong Su, presidente de la direccion de Nishi Tokyo de la Chongryon, adelanto que ha visto una parada verdaderamente majestuosa.
    En esta ocasion, senti en carne propia la infinita confianza del ejercito y el pueblo de Corea depositada en el respetado General.
    Resulta un gran honor para nuestra nacion enaltecer en la Direccion de la Revolucion al gran dirigente, General Kim Jong Il, identico al respetado lider, Generalisimo Kim Il Sung.
    Gracias a las potentes fuerzas armadas revolucionarias guiadas por el General, nuestra patria prosperara para siempre como baluarte inexpugnable.