15th Reunion of Inter-Korean Separated Families and Relatives

   Mt. Kumgang Resort, May 10 (KCNA) -- The 15th reunion of separated families and relatives from the north and the south of Korea started at Mt. Kumgang Resort.
    The separated families and relatives from the north side had a group reunion with those from the south side on May 9.
    The families and relatives from the north and the south shared warm feelings, exchanging greetings and showing photos of those who were unable to come with them.
    The families and relatives from the north side told their kin from the south about a worthwhile life they have led under the man-centred socialist system.
    The Central Committee of the Red Cross Society of the north side arranged a reception for the separated families and relatives from both sides.
    Families and relatives from the north side had a family reunion with their kin from the south side on May 10 to exchange long-pent-up inmost thoughts before touring the area of scenic Samil Lagoon.

Candlelight Rally Held in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A candlelight rally to check the expansion of the U.S. military base was reportedly held in front of Phyongthaek Railway Station in south Korea on May 4 under the sponsorship of the All-People Measure Committee for Checking the Expansion of the U.S. Military Base in Phyongthaek.
    Speakers at the rally, attended by members of civic and social organizations, disclosed the fact that a year ago the Defence Ministry hurled a huge military force into Phyongthaek, reducing the Taechu Primary School to debris and forcibly evacuating its inhabitants.
    Those who had been deprived of their cradles are forced to lead a "life in a concentration camp," they deplored.
    Noting that the people will continue to undergo misfortune and pain as long as the U.S. troops remain in south Korea, they declared that the south Koreans would wage a fierce struggle against the U.S.
    Prior to the rally, the participants held a meeting to vow to check the expansion of the above-said base and staged a protest demonstration.

Repeal of NSL Demanded in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- The People's Solidarity for Abolition of the "National Security Law" (NSL) in south Korea reportedly released a statement titled "We assail the security authorities keen to maintain the NSL" on May 7.
    The statement accused the security authorities of perpetrating on May 3 such outrage as arresting a mediaman on the charge of violation of the NSL for the mere reason that he distributed the e-book "The Flower Girl" through the Internet.
    It termed the above-said arrest a premeditated action taken by the anti-reunification forces to hold in check the activities of the progressive forces for reforms and turn the public opinion conservative with the "presidential elections" at hand and a last-ditch effort of those who regard the NSL as a lever to prolong their remaining days.
    It is by the force of the NSL that the security authorities are intensifying the crackdown upon the pro-reunification forces, the statement noted, bitterly denouncing the authorities for invoking the law aimed at suppressing human rights.

Antique Trinkets Displayed

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- The Korean Relics Show has been going on from April 10 amid deep public attention.
    On display there are 500 pieces of trinkets belonging to the period of Ri dynasty.
    They include body-trinkets such as finger rings, ornamental hairpins and ribbons, dress-ornaments including norigaes, tasseled bands, ornamental knives, ornamental purses, buttons and headgears for children and women.
    Displayed in the ring show-window are gold, silver, jade and amber rings for women.
    The exhibits include ornamental hairpins for everyday use and dragon-shaped and phoenix-shaped hairpins used for national and wedding ceremonies in the feudal period and beautiful headgears such as ayam, hwagwan and jokduri.
    The graceful one-piece, three-piece and five-piece norigaes (pendent dress ornaments), ornamental purses are well blended with the Korean costumes and are of high craftwork value. Various shapes of buttons made with different materials are seen among the exhibits.
    The relics show part of the traditional emotional life of the Korean people.
    Dr. Chon Sok Gun, a section chief in the Korean Folklore Museum, said that a lot of overseas Koreans and foreigners are visiting the museum to see the relics and highly spoke of the wisdom and prominent talent of the Korean people.

Ssokjang, Health Food

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- Ssokjang (a kind of bean paste) good for health has been widely used in the dietary life in Korea, home of bean, from olden times.
    The ssokjang is made by the method of incubating ssokjang bacteria in a pot packed with boiled bean and rice straw for two-three days.
    It is called "Ttejang", "Thungthungjang", "Tambukjang" and "Chonggukjang" in local areas.
    It, with special taste, is efficacious for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
    It, which contains lots of various physiological activators such as anti-cancer, anti-oxidation and immune-increasing agents, is potent for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
    As it has protease cleansing cholesterol and substances accelerating insulin secretion and alcoholysis, it prevents thrombus, diseases of blood vessel system and diabetes and promotes liver and stomach functions.
    Thirty grams of ssokjang contains a lot of microorganism good for health.
    Today, too, ssokjang is widely encouraged in Korea as a health food with only elements good for the human body.

Pyongyang Medical Scientific Symposium on Neurosurgery Held

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A Pyongyang medical scientific symposium on neurosurgery was held at the People's Palace of Culture on May 9 and 10.
    Present there were officials in the field of public health of the DPRK including Kim In Guk, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Medical Association, a Japanese delegation led by Tetsuo Kanno, vice-president of the WFNS and president of the Asian-Australasian Neurosurgical Society, and Kim Tae Sik, vice-chairman of the Korean Medical Association in Japan.
    Officials in the field of public health of the DPRK presented papers titled "Study on the distribution of stress and displacement in Subdural Hematoma", "The study on 3-D reconstruction modeling of brain tumor and the distribution analysis of stress and displacement by Finite Element Method", etc.
    Members of the Japanese delegation spoke on such subjects as "Microvascular Decompression for TN and HFS" and "Gamma Knife Surgery for TN".

Individual Contest for February 16 Art Prize Closes

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- The 17th Individual Contest for February 16 Art Prize was closed.
    The participants of the contest that opened on January 25 competed in national stringed instrument, western vocal music, piano, wood-wind instrument, brass and dance.
    A closing ceremony took place at Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory on May 10.
    Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su in a closing address called upon the creators and artistes to implement the Workers' Party of Korea's policy on literature and art to the letter and thus put the Juche-oriented art on a higher stage.
    Then the standing in the individual contest was announced and certificates and medals went to at least 50 successful entrants.
    Jo Chun Ok, an artiste of the Mansudae Art Troupe, placed first in western vocal music and Nam Un Ha, a student of Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory, in national stringed instrument.

Kim Yong Nam Meets S. Korean Delegation

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, met and had a talk in a compatriotic atmosphere with a delegation of the East Asia Future Foundation of south Korea headed by permanent advisor Son Hak Gyu at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    Present there were Choe Song Ik, vice-chairman of the National Reconciliation Council, and others.


   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A KCNA delegation led by Deputy Director General Kim Chang Gwang left here today for a visit to China.
    Arriving here on the same day was a delegation of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations led by President Cui Liru.

S. Korean Warlike Forces Urged to Halt Intrusion into North's Territorial Waters

   Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Navy Command of the Korean People's Army in a statement on May 9 vehemently denounced the south Korean military warhawks for amassing forces in the waters off five islets in the West Sea and infiltrating warships deep into the territorial waters of the DPRK almost everyday and strongly urged them to immediately pull back those forces and stop at once the intrusion.
    All these recent military moves are a premeditated military provocation to escalate the tension in the above-said waters and spark off fresh shocking incidents and an intolerable and blatant challenge to the DPRK, the statement said, and continued:
    The situation in the West Sea of Korea is so unpredictable and serious that the third West Sea skirmish can occur there anytime due to the arrogant moves of the south Korean warlike forces.
    They are seriously mistaken if they think that they can contain the DPRK and defend the illegal "northern limit line" by amassing troops and infiltrating warships.
    It is clear to everyone what consequences the outbreak of another armed clash in the West Sea will entail.
    The south Korean warlike forces had better stop acting rashly and clearly understand that there is a limit to the patience of the DPRK side.

For Spanish-speaking people

Prosigue exhibicion de reliquias folcloricas de Corea

   Pyongyang, 10 de mayo (ATCC) -- Continua la exhibicion de reliquias folcloricas de Corea, inaugurada el 10 de abril, centrando gran atencion de los trabajadores de distintos sectores.
    En la ocasion estan expuestos 500 adornos que fueron creados y usados por el pueblo coreano en el periodo de la dinastia de los Ri.
    Entre ellos figuran los atavios del cuerpo como anillos, pasadores, cintas y los adornos de prenda como alhajas, cordones con borla, cuchillos con vaina, bolsillos, botones, aparte de caperuzas para ninos y mujeres.
    En la vitrina de anillos saltan a la vista las sortijas de oro, plata, jade y ambar, ampliamente usadas por las coreanas.
    Igualmente, se ven los pasadores para cada una de las 4 estaciones del ano y los mismos en forma de dragon o ave fenix y los gorros de piel, tocados de seda, coronas adornadas de flores, entre otros ornamentos de cabeza.
    Tambien acaparan gran atencion las alhajas de alto valor artesanal, los bolsillos y los botones en diferentes formas, hechos de varias materias primas.
    Todas estas ponencias muestran las costumbres de vida cultural del pueblo coreano heredadas desde remota antiguedad.
    Citado por la Agencia Telegrafica Central de Corea, el doctor Chon Sok Gun, jefe de seccion del Museo Folclorico de Corea, subrayo que concurren a este evento numerosos coreanos residentes en ultramar y extranjeros quienes quedan maravillados por la gran inteligencia y talentos del pueblo coreano reflejados en los articulos mostrados.

Efectos medicinales de soyas fermentadas

   Pyongyang, 10 de mayo (ATCC) -- Desde remota antiguedad, la nacion coreana, que habita en el lugar de origen de soya, vino usando mucho en su vida alimentaria soyas fermentadas.
    Este manjar se prepara al fermentar durante 2 o 3 dias las soyas cocidas metidas en una tinaja con pajas de arroz.
    Tiene varios nombres segun las localidades del pais.
    @Esta comida da un sabor original y tiene grandes efectos en la profilaxis de varias enfermedades.
    Especialmente, sus propiedades de activacion fisiologica, generadas en el proceso de fermentacion, resultan muy efectivas en la prevencion y tratamiento de cancer y elevan las funciones antioxidantes e inmunes.
    Ademas, contienen las enzimas de descomposicion proteinica, eficaces para prevenir la trombosis y eliminar el colesterol, y otras sustancias que aceleran la secrecion de insulinas y la desintegracion del alcohol, por lo cual contribuyen a tratar las enfermedades del sistema de vasos sanguineos y diabetes y a mejorar las funciones del higado y estomago.
    La ingestion de 30 gramos de sojas fermentadas es igual a tomar numerosos microbios buenos para la salud.
    Este alimento sigue siendo hasta hoy un alimento infaltable en los hogares de Corea.

Transcurrido seminario de ciencias medicas de Pyongyang

   Pyongyang, 10 de mayo (ATCC) -- Tuvo lugar los dias 9 y 10 en el capitalino Palacio Cultural del Pueblo el seminario de ciencias medicas de Pyongyang sobre la neurocirugia cerebral.
    En el foro participaron Kim In Guk, vicepresidente del Comite Central de la Asociacion de Medicos de Corea, y otros funcionarios del sector sanitario, la delegacion de Japon presidida por Tetsuo Kanno, vicepresidente de la Asociacion Mundial de Neurocirugia Cerebral y titular de la Asociacion de Neurocirugia Cerebral de Asia-Australia, y Kim Tae Sik, vicepresidente de la Asociacion de Medicos Coreanos residentes en Japon.
    En la ocasion los funcionarios sanitarios de Corea dieron a la publicidad una serie de trabajos intitulados "Estudio sobre la distribucion de estres y desplazamiento en hematoma bajo duramadre", "Estudio sobre la modelacion de reconstruccion tridimensional de tumor cerebral y el analisis de la distribucion del estres y desplazamiento por el metodo de elemento limitado", etc.
    Tambien intervinieron los integrantes de la delegacion japonesa sobre varios temas a saber "Decomprension microvascular para neuralgia trigemina y calambre facial (HFS en ingles)", "Tratamiento con cuchillo Gamma de neuralgia trigemina", etc.