70th Anniversary of Victory in Pochonbo Battle Marked

   Hyesan, June 3 (KCNA) -- An art performance to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Pochonbo battle was held at the Ryanggang Provincial Art Theatre on Sunday.
    The performers impressively represented the immortal revolutionary exploits of the three generals of Mt. Paektu through numbers including male vocal solo "Pochonbo, Land of Glory," female vocal solo and male pangchang "The General Shortens a Hundred Miles to a Span" and female quartet "Arirang Sounded in Jiansanfeng".
    The performance was appreciated by Kim Yong Chun, Choe Thae Bok, Kim Ki Nam and Choe Yong Rim, leading officials of party and armed forces organs, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions, servicepersons, officials in the fields of the preservation of revolutionary historic relics, science, education, culture and art and media, and officials and working people in Ryanggang Province.
    Meanwhile, a dancing party of youth and students to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Pochonbo battle was held at the plaza of the theatre on the same day.
    The dancing party began with the playing of the song "Long Live Generalissimo Kim Il Sung". The participants in the party presented a sea of dances of jubilation reflecting deep reverence and trust in President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Present to enjoy the dancing party were leading officials of the party, armed forces and power organs, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions, servicepersons of the Korean People's Army and officials and working people in Ryanggang Province.

DPRK Delegate Declares Sustained Efforts for Expanded South-South Cooperation

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- The DPRK government will as ever make continued efforts to expand and develop South-South cooperation with the developing countries under the banner of collective self-reliance, declared the DPRK delegate in his speech at the 15th Session of the U.N. High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation on May 30.
    Elaborating on the fact that the DPRK government has long constantly expanded and developed cooperation with developing countries in different fields, showing deep interest in South-South cooperation, he said:
    Today the developing countries are actively promoting and strengthening bilateral, regional and inter-regional political and economic cooperation and integration with the intention to achieve continuous economic development by their own efforts in face of the disadvantageous international economic order.
    The United Nations should show special concern to giving energetic impetus to the efforts of the developing countries for bilateral, regional and inter-regional cooperation and integration and take practical measures for most effectively utilizing the vast possibilities of economic and technical cooperation possessed by the developing countries.
    The DPRK thinks it important for the special bureau of South-South cooperation to define the domains to which preferential attention should be paid in South-South cooperation in close link with the organizations for South-South cooperation in the developing countries such as the G-77 Trust Fund and initiate and implement new plans and projects.
    And it should take care that the plans of cooperative objects are satisfactorily fulfilled according to the decision of the Ministerial Meeting of the G-77.

Return of U.S. Military Bases without Environmental Restoration Opposed in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- " The Urgent Action for Renegotiation on Environmental Purification of Polluted U.S. Military Bases to be Returned" formed of 28 civic and public organizations called a press conference in Seoul on May 30 and demanded a halt to the return of U.S. military bases without a measure for environmental restoration, according to the south Korean Internet paper "Thongil News".
    The press release read at the press conference exposed the injustice of the negotiation on the return of U.S. military bases, noting that it is oriented as the United States intended unilaterally.
    It noted that the U.S. forces decided to return 9 military bases including the Maehyang-ri bombing range where environmental pollution is serious without any measure for purification.
    Denouncing the south Korean authorities for deciding to take over bases where artillery shells of U.S. troops remain stuck in the earth, it demanded that the return of the U.S. military bases without any measure for environmental restoration be promptly stopped.

Anniversary of Pochonbo Battle Editorially Observed

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates an editorial to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the historic Pochonbo battle commanded by President Kim Il Sung.
    The gun-shot fired in Pochonbo was a solemn declaration that Korea was not dead but alive and the flames which raged in the nocturnal sky above Pochonbo represented the flames of the revolution that instilled the hope of national resurrection into the Koreans and aroused them to the sacred war for national liberation, the editorial says, and goes on:
    The Pochonbo battle served as a banner of faith that helped the Koreans wage an unflinching struggle with staunch spirit of national independence and a banner of struggle that enabled them to live and struggle in the steadfast anti-imperialist revolutionary spirit.
    The battle also served as a banner of unity that enabled all the servicepersons and people to get united as one and emerge ever-victorious.
    The torchlight of the revolution held high by the President should not be dropped under any circumstances and it is necessary to carry on the staunch struggle holding aloft the red flag despite rain or snow.
    Only doing so would guarantee an ever-lasting prosperity of Kim Il Sung's nation and a bright future of Songun Korea.
    No matter what difficult revolutionary tasks one may face and how grim the situation may be, it is necessary to intensify the education in the revolutionary traditions so that all the party members and other working people may wage an unflinching struggle for the final victory of revolution without vacillation despite whatever difficulties and hardships in the revolutionary spirit of Mt. Paektu.
    To struggle for independence against imperialism is a mode to keep Korean-style socialism alive and provides a fundamental source of all victories.
    It is necessary to hold more tightly the arms of revolution, the weapon of anti-imperialist class struggle, and firmly defend Korean-style socialism and eternally glorify it without the slightest vacillation no matter which way wind may blow.
    The prospect of the Korean revolution remains bright as long as it is led by Kim Jong Il, invincible and iron-willed commander, who is invariably holding high the torchlight of revolution lit in the early days of the Korean revolution, the editorial concludes.

Japan's Denial of History Flailed

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- A professor of the London University of Britain some time ago released a paper refuting the Japanese reactionaries' preposterous sophism that Japan's colonial rule provided a foundation for the economic growth of Asian countries.
    The paper served as an indictment stripping bare the shamelessness and impudence of the Japanese reactionaries who tried to justify the past history of Asian aggression by the Japanese imperialists and, as if it were not enough, have the cheek to beautify it as something that laid a foundation for the economic growth of Asian countries.
    Commenting on this, a Rodong Sinmun analyst today says:
    The shameless act of distorting and denying stark historical truth and insulting and making a mockery of human ethics and conscience and justice is bound to lash all people into wrath and be ridiculed and censured by the international community.
    It is an undeniable historical fact that the Japanese imperialists invaded Asian countries including Korea by force of arms, committed shuddering crimes against humanity and engaged themselves in robber-like economic looting.
    Nevertheless, the Japanese reactionaries are beautifying the history of their Asian aggression, claiming that it was beneficial and provided a foundation for economic growth. This is the height of shameless distortion of history and a mockery of the Asian people and world conscience and deception to fool them.
    This is a downright sophism which can be uttered only by the Japanese reactionaries steeped in the militarist view on history and aggressive consciousness to the marrows of their bones.
    Asian people are the most unbiased judge of Japan's past history. They know better than anybody else of the crimes of aggression and war committed by the Japanese imperialists as they directly witnessed them and suffered from them.
    If the Japanese reactionaries had a shred of conscience and an iota of will to make a clean break with the crime-woven past, they would not dare commit such brazen and arrogant act as to zealously justify the Japanese imperialists' aggression on and colonial rule over Asian countries. The Japanese reactionaries' vicious distortion of history clearly proves that they are dreaming of reinvasion of Asia.

KCNA Blasts Japan's Projected "Defense White Paper"

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Japan recently worked out and announced an outline of the projected "defense white paper" for this year.
    The Japanese reactionaries clarified in the outline that the Japan "Self-Defense Forces (SDF)" would participate in the "UN peace-keeping activities" as a main player.
    It was not the first time that Japan announced such military policy scenario. But this outline is of very dangerous nature and merits serious attention in the light of its content and the fact that it is the first of its kind since the Defense Agency was upgraded into the Ministry of Defense.
    The outline is nothing but a military operation scenario aimed at escalating the moves of the Japanese militarists for overseas expansion.
    The Japanese reactionaries have already adopted and effectuated a variety of laws including the "law on cooperation in UN peace-keeping activities," the "law on overseas troop dispatch," the "law on emergency in surrounding areas" and the "law on special measures against terrorism," thus legalizing Japan's participation in military actions including the use of force overseas. Moreover, they expanded the sphere of SDF's overseas activities from 1,000 miles fixed in the 1970s to 2,000 miles linked with the Indian Ocean. They have pushed forward overseas troop dispatch in real earnest under the pretext of "providing logistic support" to the U.S.-led "war on terrorism" since 9/11, in particular.
    The Japanese reactionaries have perpetrated all these actions for realizing their wild ambition for overseas expansion under the signboards of the "UN peace-keeping activities" and "international contribution." SDF was given the chance to cultivate its capability and test the power of weapons produced in Japan in the battles in which SDF was involved under the signboard of "international contribution."
    Japan's much touted "international contribution" is nothing but sophism to justify its invasion of other countries.
    What merits attention is that in the above-said outline of the "defense white paper" Japan completely discarded the signboard of "making contribution" which it has so far advocated for form's sake.
    The gravity of the outline lies in that the "white paper" is aimed at helping the SDF emerge a main player in the "UN peace-keeping activities" so that it may openly conduct joint military operations with the U.S. against a certain country and region any time.
    What should not be overlooked is that they decided in the outline to have the missile defense system (MD) in place as early as possible for the purpose of intercepting ballistic missiles flying in the direction of Japan under the pretext of the DPRK's missile launch, etc.
    Their loudmouthed "missile threat" from the DPRK is to serve their sinister political and military purposes. The Japanese militarists are keen to realize their invariable ambition to stage a comeback to Korea through joint military operations with the U.S. as they did in the past.
    All this goes to prove that the above-said outline is nothing but a scenario for reinvasion of Korea and a doctrine of aggression which calls for launching military offensives against the Asian continent and other parts of the world.
    Japan's overseas expansion is arousing concern of the international community as it is becoming a dangerous reality at present.
    It is as clear as daylight that Japan is set to embark upon the road of aggression to realize its old dream of the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere".
    Japan would be well advised to stop its rash acts, well aware that its reinvasion leads to a shameful defeat and self-destruction.

Floral Baskets Laid before Statues of Kim Il Sung

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Baskets of flowers were placed before the statues of President Kim Il Sung in different parts of the country on June 4 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Pochonbo battle.
    Laid before the statue of the President on Mansu Hill were floral baskets and bunches of flowers in the names of the Party, armed forces and power bodies, social organizations, ministries and national institutions, units of the Korean People's Army and scientific, educational, cultural and art, public health and media institutions and industrial establishments.
    Written on the ribbons of the floral baskets were letters "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will live forever" and "The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung will always be with us".
    Baskets of flowers were also laid before his statues at different units including Kim Il Sung University, Kim Il Sung Military University, the Ministry of People's Security and the Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Palace.
    Servicepersons of the KPA, working people and school youth and children in various parts of the country visited the statues of the President in the Pochonbo Revolutionary Battle Site, the Monument to the Victorious Battle of Pochonbo and the Samjiyon Grand Monument and in their local places to pay tribute to him.

Talks Held between Delegations of DPRK and Vietnam Law-making Bodies

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Talks between a delegation of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and a delegation of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam were held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Monday.
    Present there from the DPRK side were Hong Son Ok, Mun Sang Min, Kim In Nam, deputies to the SPA of the DPRK, and officials concerned and from the Vietnamese side members of the delegation of the National Assembly led by Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu, chairperson of its Committee for Social Affairs, and the Vietnamese ambassador to the DPRK.
    At the talks they exchanged views on boosting the relations between the two law-making bodies and a series of issues of bilateral concern.
    The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.

Book "Great Man and His Friends" Off Press

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- The book "Great Man and His Friends" (Vols.1 and 2) has been recently brought out by the Kum Song Youth Publishing House.
    President Kim Il Sung granted audiences to more than 70,000 foreigners in his lifetime, thus fully showing his admirable disposition as a peerlessly great man.
    The book contains some data on the external activities conducted by the President among heads of party and state and public figures of many foreign countries, anecdotes related with them and personal details.
    It impressively tells about the great trait of the President who possessed the veteran and seasoned leadership art, noble revolutionary obligation and matchlessly broad magnanimity on the basis of graphic data.
    Given in the book is the fact that charmed by his noble character, famous figures of various countries had visited Pyongyang one after another.
    The book Vol.1 consists of "1. Peerless Political Veteran", "2. Great Man with Versatile Talents" and "3. Great Human Being" and Vol. 2 "1. The Sun of All People", "2. The Leader of the People" and "3. Great Sage for the Century".

Flames of Pochonbo, Symbol of Victorious Songun Revolution

   Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- The flames flared up in Pochonbo 70 years ago still implants in the minds of the Korean people the truth that when they unyieldingly fight, they will certainly emerge victorious.
    The Japanese imperialists had resorted to every conceivable means to exterminate the Korean nation and keep Korea as their permanent colony, loudly talking about "oneness of Japan and Korea", "one and the same ancestry and roots" and "campaign for turning Koreans into loyal Japanese subjects".
    With a burning hatred for the Japanese imperialists who had trampled down the country, President Kim Il Sung came to the Mt. Kom secret camp in the Mt. Paektu secret base to get information on the enemy's situation in and around Pochonbo and make full preparations for operation to advance into the homeland.
    At 10 p.m. on June 4, Juche 26 (1937) the President sent a gun report for zero-time to the night sky of Pochonbo. The gunshot was a greeting presented to the motherland and a signal calling the Korean people to the battle for defeating brigandish Japanese imperialists.
    The Japanese police substation was fired severely first and then the subcounty office, post office, forest conservation office, fire hall and other enemy's administrative centers were engulfed in flames upon the attack.
    The news of the battle spread instantly not only to the whole country but to the world, making Pochonbo historic land.
    After the Pochonbo battle, the enemy met wholesale deaths again in Mt. Kouyushui and Jiansanfeng.
    As the Korean people won a victory in the Pochonbo battle thanks to the President's confidence and superb strategy, today they are winning victory after victory in the showdown with the US imperialists under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il with confidence and matchless courage.
    It is the confidence in sure victory and mettle of the Korean servicepersons and people that they will be certain to win a victory, frustrating all sorts of stifling moves of the enemies, under the great Songun revolutionary leadership of the brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu.
    The flames of Pochonbo serve as eternal symbol of the victorious Songun revolution.

Officials Tour Revolutionary Battle Sites

   Samjiyon, June 4 (KCNA) -- Officials of the Party, armed forces and power organs of the DPRK visited the revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites in the area of Mt. Paektu on June 3 and 4 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victorious Pochonbo battle.
    They first laid bouquets before the statues of President Kim Il Sung standing in Pochonbo and in Chongbong Bivouac and paid tribute to him.
    They looked round the command post, where Kim Il Sung commanded the Pochonbo battle to victory 70 years ago, the police substation and the sub-county office of the Japanese imperialists and other relics that bear witness to the battle fought at that time and the Pochonbo Revolutionary Museum.
    On June 4 they looked round the old home of Kim Jong Il in the secret camp of Mt. Paektu and historic relics preserved there with good care.
    They also toured the Chongbong and Pegaebong bivouacs and the Rimyongsu revolutionary site.

Sports Contest for Pochonbo Torch Cup Opens

   Hyesan, June 4 (KCNA) -- The Sports Contest for Pochonbo Torch Cup opened with due ceremony at the Hyesan Stadium Monday.
    Its participants will contest in at least 10 sports events in Pyongyang, Hyesan, Sinuiju and other parts of the country.
    Mun Jae Dok, chairman of the Physical Culture and Sports Guidance Commission, in his opening address called upon all the sportspersons to give full play to their technique, tactics and physical ability so as to attain good results and contribute to developing the sports technique of the country.

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il dirige preservacion de lugares revolucionarios en Kanggye

   Pyongyang, 4 de junio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea y Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea, dirigio sobre el terreno la labor de conservacion de lugares historicos de la revolucion en la ciudad de Kanggye.
    Le acompanaron Pak To Chun, secretario responsable del Comite del PTC en la provincia de Jagang, y Kim Ki Nam, secretario del CC del PTC.
    Ante todo, el Dirigente recorrio el lugar historico de la revolucion de Ryudong.
    El Presidente Kim Il Sung estuvo alli del 26 al 28 de febrero de 1953, duro periodo de la Guerra de Liberacion de la Patria, y presento una orientacion estrategica de consolidar la retaguardia y fortalecer el apoyo al frente para adelantar el triunfo final de la guerra.
    El Dirigente escucho tales explicaciones ante la lapida de senal y recorrio los originales edificios historicos para enterarse en detalle de la administracion de dicho lugar y la labor educativa.
    Subrayo que la provincia de Jagang tiene muchos lugares historicos donde estan impregnadas las nobles huellas del Presidente y apunto que por lo tanto, debe conservarlos en estados originales e intensificar la educacion a traves de estos para asi armar con mas firmeza a los militantes del partido, trabajadores, militares, jovenes y ninos escolares con la idea revolucionaria del Presidente.
    Acto seguido, el Dirigente hizo recorrido por el Museo de la Historia Revolucionaria del Camarada Kim Il Sung de la Provincia de Jagang.
    En este museo estan exhibidos sistematicamente los objetos historicos que muestran la sabia direccion del Presidente durante su visita a esta provincia en decenas de ocasiones.
    El Dirigente senalo que esta zona montanosa pobre se ha convertido en un paraiso del pueblo gracias a la sabia orientacion y minuciosa atencion del Presidente.
    El museo de la historia revolucionaria es una de las importantes bases de educacion para armar a los militantes del partido, trabajadores, militares, jovenes y ninos escolares con la idea revolucionaria de nuestro Partido, destaco el Dirigente y presento las tareas que se presentan en la administracion del museo y en la educacion a traves de este.
    Ese dia, el Dirigente presencio una funcion del grupo de propaganda artistica de la citada provincia.

Rodong Sinmun ratifica su rechazo a tergiversacion de historia en Japon

   Pyongyang, 4 de junio (ATCC) -- Recientemente, un profesor de la Universidad de Londres de Inglaterra publico su trabajo que refuta la sofisteria de los reaccionarios japoneses de que el colonialismo de Japon significo la "base del crecimiento economico" de los paises asiaticos.
    Este documento devino el acta de acusacion que revela la naturaleza cinica y descarada de los reaccionarios japoneses que justifican la historia de agresion a Asia del imperialismo japones en el pasado y hasta la describen como "base del crecimiento economico".
    Al respecto, el diario Rodong Sinmun publico en su edicion de este lunes un comentario individual que sigue:
    Ponen sumamente indignadas a todas las personas esas acciones tan cinicas encaminadas a tergiversar y negar los irrefutables hechos historicos y a insultar y burlar la conciencia humana y la justicia.
    @Por lo tanto, esos tipejos sinverguenzas seran objetos de repudio y burla de la sociedad internacional.
    Es una verdad historica que tras invadir con las fuerzas armadas a Corea y otros paises asiaticos, los imperialistas japoneses cometieron horrendos crimenes de lesa humanidad y se entregaron al brutal saqueo economico.
    Sin embargo, los reaccionarios japoneses califican este hecho de "beneficioso" y de "base del crecimiento economico", lo cual burla y engana a los pueblos asiaticos y a la conciencia mundial.
    Esa sofisteria se les puede ocurrir solo a los reaccionarios japoneses colmados de la concepcion de la historia militarista y de la conciencia agresiva.
    Los pueblos asiaticos son los que pueden enjuiciar mas imparcialmente que nadie la historia del pasado de Japon. Pues ellos la conocen mejor porque sufrieron en carne propia la agresion y los crimenes de guerra de los imperialistas nipones.
    Si los reaccionarios japoneses tienen un pedazo de conciencia y la voluntad de separarse de su pasado criminal, no incurririan en acciones tan atrevidas y arrogantes para justificar la agresion y el colonialismo sobre los paises asiaticos por parte de los imperialistas de su pais. Esta obstinada tergiversacion de la historia de los reaccionarios japoneses muestra claramente que ellos suenan con agredir de nuevo a Asia.

ATCC revela esencia del resumen de "Carta blanca de defensa" de Japon

   Pyongyang, 4 de junio (ATCC) -- Recientemente, Japon hizo publico el bosquejo de la "Carta blanca de defensa" de este ano haciendo enfasis en que las "fuerzas de autodefensa" desempenaran un papel protagonico en las "actividades de la ONU para el mantenimiento de la paz".
    Esta no es la primera vez que ese pais anuncia los planes de su politica militar.
    @Pero, ese resumen peligroso ya de por si adquiere mayor peligrosidad por ser el primer documento aprobado despues de la conversion de la Agencia de Defensa en el ministerio.
    Ese documento deviene un proyecto de operaciones militares para activar las maniobras de los militaristas japoneses que persiguen el expansionismo a ultramar.
    Anteriormente, los reaccionarios japoneses aprobaron y pusieron en vigencia la "ley de colaboracion con las actividades de la ONU para el mantenimiento de la paz", la "ley del envio de efectivos a ultramar", la "ley para el tiempo de emergencia en el contorno", la "ley de medidas especiales frente al terrorismo", etc. legalizando asi la participacion de las "fuerzas de autodefensa" en las actividades militares en ultramar, inclusive el uso de las fuerzas armadas.
    Tambien, la esfera de tales actividades se extendio de mil millas establecidas en la decada de 1970 a dos mil millas que alcanzan hasta el Oceano Indico.
    En particular, despues del "incidente del 11 de septiembre" Japon se mostro mas activista en el envio de sus efectivos a ultramar bajo el pretexto de "apoyo logistico" a la "guerra antiterrorista" liderada por EE.UU.
    Todas las maniobras del pais isleno encaminadas a realizar la ambicion de expansion a ultramar fueron perpetradas por conceptos fraudulentos de "actividades de la ONU para el mantenimiento de la paz" y "aporte internacional". En los campos de guerra, donde estuvieron las "fuerzas de autodefensa" bajo el segundo pretexto, fue aumentada la capacidad de ellas y fueron probadas las armas producidas en el territorio japones.
    En fin de cuentas, el "aporte internacional", de que habla ese pais isleno, no pasa de ser un sofisma para "justificar" la conquista a otros paises.
    Como si esto fuera poco, Japon tacho totalmente esa formal "contribucion" en el bosquejo arriba referido.
    Lo grave de este documento es que permitio a las "fuerzas de autodefensa" de Japon, en calidad de protagonistas de las "actividades de la ONU para el mantenimiento de la paz", desarrollar abiertamente en cualquier momento las operaciones militares conjuntas con EE.UU. contra todos los paises y regiones.
    Lo que no se puede pasar por alto es el hecho de que en ese documento los reaccionarios japoneses decidieron ordenar lo mas pronto posible el sistema antimisiles para interceptar los misiles balisticos con rumbo a Japon pretextando el lanzamiento de misiles de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea.
    La supuesta "amenaza" de misiles de la RPDC, pregonada por los nipones, esta vinculada con su malsano objetivo politico y militar. Hasta la fecha, los militaristas japoneses no abandonan su ambicion de agredir a Corea y tratan de realizarla mediante la operacion militar conjunta con EE.UU.
    Todo esto demuestra que el resumen en cuestion es la flecha de nueva agresion a Corea y la doctrina de agresion que fija como blancos de ataque militar a Asia y otras regiones del mundo.
    Hoy, la expansion de Japon a ultramar causa una gran preocupacion de la sociedad internacional siendo el movimiento peligrosisimo que no es un futuro sino ya es un presente.
    Es innegable el hecho de que ese pais isleno trata de emprender el camino de agresion para realizar su viejo sueno de la "esfera de coprosperidad de la gran Asia oriental".
    Los reaccionarios japoneses deben actuar con prudencia teniendo en clara cuenta que el camino de nueva agresion los conducira a la derrota y autodestruccion.

Kim Jong Il envia telegrama de condolencia a Hu Jintao

   Pyongyang, 4 de junio (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il envio el dia 2 un telegrama de condolencia a Hu Jintao, Secretario General del CC del Partido Comunista de China, por el fallecimiento de Huang Ju, miembro del Comite Permanente del Buro Politico del CC del PCCh y viceprimer ministro del Consejo de Estado de la Republica Popular China.
    El telegrama senala:
    .Al enterarme de la triste noticia de que fallecio a pesar nuestro por una enfermedad Huang Ju, miembro del Comite Permanente del Buro Politico del CC del PCCh y viceprimer ministro del Consejo de Estado de la RPCh, manifiesto mis profundas condolencias a usted y por su conducto, al PCCh y a los familiares del difunto.
    Huang Ju se dedico a la causa para construir la sociedad socialista modernizada al estilo chino bajo la direccion del PCCh.
    El camarada Huang Ju, como un amigo entranable, hizo un gran aporte al fortalecimiento y el desarrollo de la amistad entre Corea y China.
    Quedaran para siempre las hazanas que el camarada Huang ju acumulo para el partido y el pueblo de China y para el desarrollo de las relaciones de amistad Corea-China.