Chinese Ambassador Hosts Reception

   Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Liu Xiaoming hosted a reception at his embassy on Dec. 26 on the occasion of New Year, Juche 97 (2008).
    Present there on invitation were Vice-President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly Yang Hyong Sop, Minister of Public Health and Chairman of the Central Committee of the DPRK-China Friendship Association Choe Chang Sik, Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su, acting Chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Mun Jae Chol, and officials of ministries and national institutions.
    Staff members of the Chinese embassy were on hand.
    Liu in his speech said that the Korean people under the leadership of Kim Jong Il and the Workers' Party of Korea have registered fresh successes in the economic development, in the efforts to improve the standard of the people's living, and in the north-south relations and the external relations through the single-minded unity and fortitude.
    It is the steadfast policy of the Chinese party and government to boost the Sino-DPRK relations of friendship and cooperation, he noted, declaring that the Chinese people would boost the cooperation with the Korean comrades in the new year.
    Yang Hyong Sop said that the DPRK-China relations of cooperation have grown stronger this year under the deep concern of the leaders of the two countries, adding that it is the consistent stand of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government to steadily boost the traditional DPRK-China friendship.
    He hoped that the Chinese people would register greater successes in their efforts to carry out the tasks set forth at the 17th Congress of the Communist Party of China.
    He expressed the belief that the DPRK-China friendly and cooperative relations would further develop in line with the expectations of the leaders of the two countries and thanks to joint efforts by the two sides and in the interests of the two peoples in the new year, too.

Day of DPRK Socialist Constitution Marked

   Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Papers today dedicate editorials to the 35th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's promulgation of the "Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea."
    Rodong Sinmun in an editorial says that the President's promulgation of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK on Dec. 27, Juche 61 (1972) was an event of epochal significance in the development of the Korean revolution and in the state activities and political life of the Korean people. It goes on:
    The institution of the Socialist Constitution made it possible to codify the great successes achieved by the Workers' Party of Korea and the people of the DPRK in the revolution and construction and provided a firm guarantee for developing the state and social system of the DPRK and dynamically pushing forward socialist construction.
    The idea of the President on building the Juche-oriented state and the feats performed by him in doing so have been firmly adhered to and brilliantly inherited thanks to the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Jong Il made sure that the Socialist Constitution was revised and supplemented and renamed Kim Il Sung Constitution as required by the new era of the Songun revolution at the 1st Session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly held in Sept. Juche 87 (1998).
    That was the demonstration of his firm will to glorify the DPRK as the country of the President forever.
    The promulgation of Kim Il Sung Constitution helped the people of the DPRK to fully apply the idea and exploits of the President in all fields of the revolution and construction including the politics, military affairs, the economy and culture and state activities and strengthen the function and role of the DPRK government in every way.
    Kim Jong Il saw to it that Kim Il Sung is held in high esteem as the eternal president of the DPRK and all work of the revolution and construction is orientated to successfully materializing the intention and the cause of the President.
    Thanks to his distinguished leadership socialism in the DPRK has made steady victorious progress full of vitality as socialism centered on the people century after century.
    Minju Joson in an editorial calls on all the people to fully embody Kim Il Sung Constitution in all spheres of the revolution and construction and thus strikingly demonstrate once again the dignity and might of Songun Korea to the whole world.

Rodong Sinmun on Trend of Times toward Global Independence

   Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- There may be turns and twists in the way of the advance of history but the main direction of the development of history can never change and no force on earth can stem the trend of the world toward independence.
    Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    This year the world progressive countries and people have waged a worldwide vigorous struggle against the imperialists' military intervention and war, domination and subjugation and for global independence under the banner of independence against imperialism.
    What drew public attention in the international arena this year was that the movement of the developing countries has been noticeably intensified to resolutely counter the unilateral high-handed and arbitrary practices of the imperialists contrary to the trend of the times by their concerted efforts.
    The 62nd session of the UN General Assembly and the annual meeting of foreign ministers of the non-aligned movement and other international meetings held this year provided them with occasions to powerfully demonstrate the might of the unity in the campaign to check and foil the unreasonable sanctions and pressures being imposed by the U.S. and other Western countries upon the sovereign states.
    The summit meeting of the South Africa Development Community was held in Lusaka from August 16 to 17 with attendance of heads of state and government of the member nations of the organization.
    The meeting discussed a series of issues such as ensuring regional peace and stability and eradicating poverty. It ended with adopting several documents.
    The member nations of the MERCOSUR held a summit at which they agreed to call on the regional countries to widely use their national currencies instead of U.S. dollar in trade. They reorganized the South American Community, an organization for regional cooperation whose ultimate aim is to realize the integration of South America, into the South American Union and set up its permanent secretariat.
    This year also witnessed an intensified positive movement of the Latin-American countries to counter by concerted efforts the U.S. move to found the "American Free Trade Zone" intended to establish domination over economy and trade.
    The above-mentioned movements eloquently prove that the activities of the developing countries to settle the issues arising in the struggle to build a new society and achieve regional stability and development by concerted efforts have gained in scope and strength, making big progress this year.
    Progress made in the efforts to achieve regional integration, stability and development this year is a clear indication of the trend of the times toward global independence.

Special Information Bulletin Published in Czech Republic

   Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association published a special issue of bulletin on Dec. 20 on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's assumption of office as supreme commander of the Korean People's Army and the 90th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk.
    The bulletin in an article titled "Songun Politics and Leadership Art" noted that no politics has ever attracted all people and gotten praises from the international community as the Songun politics pursued by Kim Jong Il did.
    His Songun politics has become an object of people's trust and praise for its firm revolutionary principle and strong creative nature and preeminence, the bulletin noted.
    The bulletin in an article titled "On the Occasion of the 90th Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Suk" highly praised her undying exploits for the country and the people. It stressed that Kim Jong Suk would be always remembered by the people as an anti-Japanese war hero no matter how much water may flow under the bridge and how frequently a generation is replaced by another.
    The bulletin introduced the day of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK.

Japan-resident Koreans Commemorate 90th Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Suk

   Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A lecture was given at the Korean Hall in Tokyo on Dec. 24 to commemorate the 90th birth anniversary of anti-Japanese war hero Kim Jong Suk. It was sponsored by the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon).
    Present there were So Man Sul, chairman of the Central Standing Committee of Chongryon, and Ho Jong Man, its chief vice-chairman, and other leading officials of its organizations and enterprises and other officials.
    So Man Sul delivered the lecture titled "Let Us Learn from Anti-Japanese War Hero Kim Jong Suk Who Established Tradition of Devotedly Defending Leader and Dedicated Her Whole Life to the Songun Cause of Juche."
    He said that the life of Kim Jong Suk, woman commander of Mt. Paektu, was a brilliant life as she single-mindedly upheld President Kim Il Sung and devoted her all to the liberation of the country, the happiness of the people and the prosperity of all generations to come, thereby performing distinguished feats for the country and the nation.
    He stressed that the most precious and greatest exploit performed by Kim Jong Suk was that she gave birth to Kim Jong Il and brought him up as the bright future of the Songun revolution amid snowstorm on Mt. Paektu and the tempest of the arduous revolution, thus giving a steady continuity to the revolution so that revolutionary cause of Juche started by Kim Il Sung can be accomplished.
    He called on all Koreans in Japan to turn out as one to implement the resolution adopted at the 21st Congress of Chongryon and thus win sure victory in the movement of Koreans in Japan in the new century.
    At the end of the lecture the participants watched the Korean film "Comrade Kim Jong Suk, Great Communist Revolutionary Fighter and Woman Commander of Mt. Paektu" (2).

For Spanish-speaking people

Kim Jong Il dirige sobre el terreno nuevas plantas porcinas

   Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- El Dirigente Kim Jong Il, Secretario General del Partido del Trabajo de Corea, Presidente del Comite de Defensa Nacional de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea y Comandante Supremo del Ejercito Popular de Corea, dirigio sobre el terreno las plantas porcinas nuevamente construidas o reconstruidas.
    Le acompanaron el jefe de departamento del CC del PTC Pak Nam Gi, los primeros subjefes de departamento del CC del PTC Ri Yong Chol y Ri Jae Il, y los generales de ejercito del EPC Hyon Chol Hae y Ri Myong Su.
    Primeramente, el Dirigente realizo una visita de orientacion a la planta porcina de Sariwon recien construida en la provincia de Hwanghae del Norte.
    Tras escuchar las explicaciones ante el cuadro panoramico de la planta, el Dirigente recorrio el interior y exterior de la planta para hacer conocimiento de la construccion y la administracion de esta.
    Al recorrer los corrales, la sala de elaboracion de pienso y otros lugares, se entero del estado de los equipos tecnicos, de la cria y cuidado, se mostro satisfecho de que los empleados de la granja dedican todas sus inteligencias y pasiones a suministrar mucho la carne al pueblo.
    Como resultado de haber construido en Sariwon una nueva planta porcina moderna, es posible aumentar productos ganaderos, dijo e indico las tareas que se presentan ante la granja.
    Acto seguido, el Dirigente visito la planta porcina 7 de Octubre, reconstruida por los militares del EPC.
    El Dirigente hizo conocimiento del estado de la reconstruccion tecnica, de la cria y cuidado de ganados, recorriendo los procesos de produccion.
    Tras hacer recorrido por las plantas porcinas presento sobre el terreno las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para desarrollar la ganaderia del pais.
    El desarrollo de la ganaderia es uno de los medios importantes para suministrar mucho carnes al pueblo y aumentar la produccion de cereales, senalo.
    Para aumentar la produccion de carne en las plantas porcinas, apunto, hay que establecer estrictamente el sistema de administracion cientifica basada en la tecnologia moderna.
    Como resultado de haber cientifizado la cria y cuidado en las plantas avicolas y porcinas y otras granjas construidas en los ultimos anos, se registra un vertiginoso desarrollo en la produccion ganadera, subrayo el Dirigente y agrego que la experiencia muestra que se puede traer en un corto plazo un nuevo cambio en la ganaderia si se basa en la superioridad del regimen socialista al estilo coreano y se ponen de pleno manifiesto el temperamento revolucionario y talentos creativos de los coreanos.
    El socialismo coreano apoya y realiza la demanda y los intereses del pueblo, afirmo y destaco que todos los sectores y unidades deben librar energicamente como movimiento de todo el pueblo la lucha por el desarrollo de la ganaderia y ofrecer a nuestro pueblo una vida mas abundante y culta.

Periodicos conmemoran el Dia de Constitucion Socialista

   Pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (ATCC) -- Los periodicos capitalinos publicaron este jueves los editoriales dedicados al 35o aniversario de la promulgacion de la "Constitucion Socialista de la Republica Popular Democratica de Corea".
    El Presidente Kim Il Sung la publico el 27 de diciembre del 61 (1972) de la Era Juche, lo cual significo un evento de importancia trascendental para el desarrollo de la revolucion coreana y la participacion del pueblo coreano en la politica estatal, adelanta el diario Rodong Sinmun y prosigue:
    La institucion de esa carta magna posibilito afianzar legalmente los grandes exitos logrados por el partido y el pueblo de Corea en la revolucion y la construccion y dio la firme garantia para consolidar el regimen social del Estado y acelerar dinamicamente la construccion del socialismo.
    @ Gracias a la direccion del Songun (priorizacion militar) del Dirigente Kim Jong Il, se defienden con firmeza y se glorifican la idea del Presidente sobre la construccion del Estado y sus hazanas realizadas en esta labor.
    @De acuerdo con la nueva demanda de la epoca de la revolucion del Songun, el Dirigente Kim Jong Il hizo enmendar la Constitucion Socialista y la hizo denominar como la Constitucion Kim Il Sung en el primer periodo de sesiones de la decima legislatura de la Asamblea Popular Suprema convocado en septiembre del 87 (1998) de la Era Juche. Esto manifesto la firme voluntad del Dirigente de hacer brillar a Corea como eterno pais del Presidente Kim Il Sung.
    @Gracias al nacimiento de la Constitucion Kim Il Sung, se hicieron posibles la materializacion cabal de la idea y las hazanas del Presidente en todas las esferas de la revolucion y la construccion como la politica, los asuntos militares, la economia y la cultura y en las actividades del Estado y el fortalecimiento por todos los medios de la funcion y el papel del Poder de la RPDC.
    Bajo la destacada orientacion del Dirigente quien enaltece al gran Lider Kim Il Sung como eterno Presidente de la RPDC e impulsa todas las labores de la revolucion y la construccion en direccion a cumplir con exito el proposito y la causa del segundo, el socialismo coreano avanza victoriosamente de siglo en siglo como la sociedad centrada en las masas populares.
    Por su parte, el periodico Minju Joson llama a todos a materializar mas consecuentemente la Constitucion Kim Il Sung en todas las esferas de la revolucion y la construccion para mostrar una vez mas al mundo la dignidad y el gallardo aspecto de la Corea del Songun.