calendar>>November 24. 2008 Juche 97
WIDF Supports Just Cause of Korean People
Pyongyang, November 22 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Women's International Democratic Federation (WIDF) held in Greece from Nov. 11 to 13 adopted a solidarity declaration supporting the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 declaration.

The declaration said:

The cause of Korea's reunification that has made a dynamic advance under the banner of the above-said declarations, milestones of independent reunification, is now facing a grave challenge due to the south Korean Lee Myung Bak group's such acts of treachery as pursuing sycophancy towards the U.S. and confrontation with the north.

The Lee group, hell-bent on sycophancy toward the U.S. and confrontation with compatriots, is now hatching all sorts of plots and resorting to base moves to scuttle the process of reconciliation and cooperation that had favorably developed between the north and the south, malignantly slandering the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 declaration, utterly indifferent to the destiny of the country and the nation.

The WIDF fully supports the June 15 joint declaration, a milestone of independent and peaceful renunciation of Korea, and the October 4 declaration, a programme for implementing it.

The WIDF vehemently assails the reckless moves of the U.S. and the Lee group against the DPRK and reunification, drawing the attention of the world to the stumbling blocks lying in the way of accomplishing Korea's cause of independent and peaceful reunification.

The WIDF extends full support and solidarity to the women and all other people of Korea in their just cause of forcing the U.S. troops to withdraw from south Korea and achieving the independent and peaceful reunification of the country by the concerted efforts of the Koreans under the banner of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration as early as possible.

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