calendar>>November 24. 2008 Juche 97
Sit-In Strike Launched by South Korean Organizations
Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- Civic and public organizations including the South Headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification, the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification and the south Korean Federation of University Student Councils entered into a sit-in strike in Seoul on Nov. 19 in demand of the implementation of the June 15 joint declaration and the Oct. 4 declaration.

Speakers at a press conference held prior to the sit-in strike declared that 8 civic and public organizations formed groups of sit-in strikers and launched a struggle against Lee Myung Bak regime which has bedeviled the south-north relations in all fields, incited the permanent division of the nation and pursued servile diplomacy towards the U.S.

They condemned the present "government" for having violated even the democratic rights and human rights in the land and totally blocked the process of reconciliation and cooperation desired by all Koreans, negating even the June 15 joint declaration and the Oct. 4 declaration.

A press release read out at the press conference accused the Lee Myung Bak "government" of crying out for "cooperation" with the U.S. instead of dropping its "policy towards the north" aimed at standing in confrontation with fellow countrymen and further straining the situation through the "human right" racket designed to achieve a sinister purpose and the reckless war exercises targeted against it.

The release demanded Lee Myung Bak roll back at once his policy of confrontation against reunification and opt for implementing the June 15 joint declaration and the Oct. 4 declaration to the letter.

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