calendar>>November 24. 2008 Juche 97
Sinister Action to Destroy Jongyojo Blasted in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 23 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Teachers' Union (Jongyojo) released a statement on Nov. 18 denouncing the puppet Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for its sinister action.

Recalling that the ministry unilaterally issued a notice that day that the collective agreements concluded with the teachers' unions including Jongyojo in 2002 have already lost their validity, the statement branded this action as an undemocratic tyrannical act of totally denying the teachers' unions and violating the teachers' basic rights.

Querying what is the purpose of talking about the loss of the validity of the above-said agreements after the emergence of the present regime, the statement termed this action taken by the ministry a carefully hatched despicable plot of the Lee Myung Bak "government" to destroy Jongyojo.

The statement declared that they would fight to the last in solidarity with civic and public organizations against the above-mentioned action of the Lee "government."

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