calendar>>December 8. 2008 Juche 97 |
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Yemeni Personage Gives Impressions of Korea
Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- I could hardly repress my admiration at the struggle of the Korean people defending peace and justice with their noble idea, said Abdullah Ahmed Ghanim, member of the General Committee and head of the Political Department of the General People's Congress of Yemen who visited the DPRK as head of the delegation of the congress, when interviewed by KCNA on Dec. 4. Noting that he was deeply moved through his first visit to the DPRK, he stressed that the Korean people have achieved great successes in different fields including politics, economy and culture. This is the brilliant fruition of the wise guidance of President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il, he added. The visit to the Party Founding Museum helped the delegation have better understanding of the source of the Korean people's strong mental power, he noted, saying: The experience gained by the Workers' Party of Korea is very precious as it won shining victory in the revolutionary struggle by closely uniting the broad masses of people and arousing them to the struggle. He stressed that he was convinced of the rosy future of the DPRK after witnessing the Korean people who are working hard for better tomorrow with firm confidence and optimism. We extend congratulations to the WPK and the friendly Korean people making great progress in all domains and wish them greater successes in the future, he said. |
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