calendar>>December 8. 2008 Juche 97 |
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Lee Myung Bak Group Accused of Having Pushed Inter-Korean Relations to Stalemate
Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- Leading officials of central organizations of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) in Tokyo separately issued statements on Dec. 4 demanding traitor Lee Myung Bak stop the confrontation with the DPRK and implement the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration. Ri Han Su, chairman of the Association of Koreans in Japan for Peaceful Reunification, declared that the Lee Myung Bak "government" in south Korea is wholly to blame for having pushed the inter-Korean relations to the phase of total severance as it has pursued the treacherous and anti-reunification confrontational policy. Should the group of traitors continue pursuing confrontation with fellow countrymen, it will not be able to evade a stern judgment of the times and the compatriots, he added. Choe Song Yong, chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the Korean Youth League in Japan, said all the officials of the league and Korean youth and students in Japan are simmering with rage at the Lee group, adding that the league will further strengthen the solidarity and alliance with the youth and students in the north and the south of Korea and overseas and play a pioneer's role in the struggle to bring about a reunified country, not stepping back even a bit in the struggle against the anti-reunification forces . Kang Chu Ryon, chairwoman of the Central Standing Committee of the Union of Democratic Korean Women in Japan, accused the group of traitors of committing anachronistic acts to create split and antagonism in the Korean community in Japan by instigating the south Korean Residents Association in Japan." She demanded the traitor roll back his wrong policy of confrontation towards the DPRK at once and opt for implementing the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration. Kim Jong Su, chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the Union of Korean Writers and Artistes in Japan, made clear that all the Korean writers and artistes in Japan lashed at the Lee Myung Bak group for having followed a treacherous and anti-reunification policy of confrontation, driving the inter-Korean relations to the crisis of collapse. The union and the Korean writers and artistes in Japan, regarding the above-said historic declarations as the only milestone and action programme for national reunification, will firmly preserve, uphold and implement them to the last, he stated. |
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