calendar>>December 18. 2008 Juche 97
50th Anniversary of Victory of Revolution in Cuba Marked
Pyongyang, December 17 (KCNA) -- A photo exhibition took place with due ceremony at the Chollima House of Culture on Wednesday on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory of the revolution in Cuba.

Present there were Vice-chairman of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Jon Yong Jin, officials concerned, working people in the city, Cuban Ambassador to the DPRK Jose Manuel Galego Montano and his embassy officials here.

Diplomatic envoys of different countries here were present there on invitation.

Jon in his speech extended warm congratulations and militant salute to the Cuban people on this occasion.

He referred to the fact that the friendly relations between the DPRK and Cuba are growing stronger as the days go by under the deep care of General Secretary Kim Jong Il and Raul Castro Ruz.

He extended firm solidarity to the heroic Cuban people steadfastly advancing along the road of socialism.

The Cuban ambassador referred to the achievements made by the Cuban people this year, adding that the present reality proves that no force on earth can bring the Cuban people to its knees as they have risen up to achieve their cause.

He noted that the Cuban people would boost the support and cooperation with the Workers' Party, the army and the people of the DPRK led by Kim Jong Il.

He wished the heroic Korean people great success and progress in the New Year.

The participants went round the photographs showing the achievements made by the Cuban people in the revolutionary struggle and the socialist construction.

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