Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- The Emergency Measure Committee of the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration of south Korea made public a statement in denunciation of the puppet police's crackdown upon the candlelight cultural event on Dec. 13.
The statement accused the police of storming into the venue of the candlelight cultural event in front of Posin Temple in Seoul and committing such rowdyism as snatching a microphone from a singer and destroying stage settings including lighting equipment on the same day.
The police barred sit-in strikers from pitching up tents, terming it "illegal," and, not content with this, regarded the singer's expression of his simple feelings before beginning his song as "an illegal act," it deplored.
Branding the police's suppression of even a peaceful cultural event as a violation of a law, the statement urged the police authorities to immediately make an apology and pay damages for it.