calendar>>December 20. 2008 Juche 97
Kim Jong Il Inspects Command of KPA Unit
Pyongyang, December 19 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il inspected the command of KPA Unit 955.

Conducted by the unit commander, Kim Jong Il looked round the room devoted to the unit's history.

The unit which was organized and grew up under the care of President Kim Il Sung is strong in its combat capacity as it has displayed popular heroism in defending the country, building socialism and protecting the life and property of the people, he said, highly appreciating the feats performed by it in the past.

He underscored the need for the soldiers of the unit to thoroughly carry out the last instructions of the President and exalt its honor as a praiseworthy unit.

Going round entertainment and educational facilities including the servicepersons' hall, he praised the unit for having trained servicepersons to be men strong in ideology firmly equipped with the revolutionary idea of the WPK and the transparent working class awareness after building good entertainment and educational centers and putting their operations on a regular basis.

A fresh turn has been effected in the politico-ideological and fighting traits of the servicepersons and the might of the KPA has remarkably grown stronger in the Songun era, he said, adding that socialist cause in the DPRK is sure to triumph as the invincible army replete with the spirit of devotedly defending the leader is standing guard over the defence line of the country.

Walking in the compound of the barracks, he acquainted himself with how the unit manages itself and praised the servicepersons of the unit for keeping the exterior of the barracks neat and tidy and having planted many trees in and around the compound to add to the beautiful landscape of the country.

He made the rounds of such supply service facilities as a mess hall, a kitchen and a non-staple food store to take deep care of the soldiers' living.

Pleased to see the unit providing the soldiers with good living conditions by developing the side-line farming and assiduously managing its economic life, he highly praised the spirit of self-reliance and fortitude.

He expressed the expectation and conviction that the servicepersons of the unit would creditably discharge their honorable mission and duty as standard-bearers and a shock brigade in carrying out the WPK's Songun politics. He had a photo session with them.

He was accompanied by KPA Generals Hyon Chol Hae and Ri Myong Su.

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