Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- Servicepersons, people from all walks of life and school youth and children are visiting everyday the "Hall Devoted to the Revolutionary Activities of Comrade
Kim Jong Suk" in the Revolutionary Museum of the Ministry of Culture on the occasion of her birth anniversary which falls on today.
On display there are historic relics which bear witness to how devotedly anti-Japanese war hero
Kim Jong Suk worked for building revolutionary and popular culture and arts in new Korea true to the intention of President Kim Il Sung till the last moments of her life from right after the liberation of the country.
Tens of thousands of people visited there this year, too, an indication that the reverence for the peerlessly great woman is getting deeper with the flow of time.
At least 700,000 people have visited the hall over the last more than a decade since its opening on the occasion of her 80th birth anniversary.