Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- The People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, the South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification, the Family Movement for Realizing Democracy, the Catholic Alliance for Justice, the Confederation of Trade Unions and other civic and public organizations of south Korea held the 112th rally for solidarity against the U.S. in Seoul on Jan. 13.
The speakers recalled that the illegal 8th special draft agreement on sharing the upkeep for the U.S. forces which calls for forcing south Koreans to cover the funds for the transfer of the U.S. military bases in south Korea pursuant to the U.S. military strategy was passed at the State Council of south Korea on Jan. 6. They called on all south Koreans to turn out in the action to have the "alliance" with the U.S. scrapped.
An action resolution read out at the rally warned that the Korean nation will never tolerate the U.S. if it pressurizes the DPRK to make unilateral concession while persistently pursuing its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
It is impossible to settle the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula unless the U.S. completely rolls back its hostile policy toward the DPRK, it held.
The resolution called for turning out in a dynamic struggle to put an end to the war crisis on this land and bring lasting peace to it through the total withdrawal of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and the conclusion of a peace agreement on the peninsula.