Pyongyang, January 19 (KCNA) -- The People for Achieving Peace and Reunification in south Korea called a news conference outside the building of the puppet Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on January 15 in denunciation of the humiliating action of the group of traitors.
Speakers at the conference referred to the fact that that day the puppet minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade formally signed the bill on the 8th special agreement on sharing the funds for the upkeep of the U.S. forces in south Korea.
They said that whenever negotiations on adoption of the special agreement were held the organization and other people of south Korea demanded cut-down of the funds for the upkeep of the U.S. forces. However, the authorities ignored the demands this time again, they pointed out.
Although the diversion of the above-said funds into the transfer of the U.S. military base is evidently illegal, the authorities allowed this, thus forcing the south Korean people to cover the most of the funds for transferring the base, they deplored.
A press release, read out at the conference, stated that the organization would struggle to check the ratification of the bill on the special agreement by the "National Assembly", declaring the bill totally null and void.