Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- Ristiyanto, secretary general of the National Guidance Council of the Vanguard Party of Indonesia, on Mar. 11 made public a statement in denunciation of the joint military exercises being staged by the U.S. and south Korean bellicose forces.
The statement noted that the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises for aggression being staged by the U.S. and south Korean authorities are a dangerous provocation which may spark off a new war on the Korean Peninsula where a tense situation is prevailing.
The statement went on:
The Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army issued an order to all the servicepersons of the KPA to be fully combat-ready to cope with the moves of the U.S. and south Korean authorities for a war. And a spokesman for the KPA General Staff clarified the stand of the KPA to counter with strong blows any enemy's hostile act of infringing upon the sovereignty of the country even a bit.
The statement strongly demanded the U.S. and south Korean authorities immediately stop the on-going nuclear war exercises targeted against the DPRK.