Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration in south Korea made public a statement titled "Let us achieve earlier independent reunification of the country by inheriting the spirit of April 3 resistance" on Friday.
Noting that 61 years have passed since Jeju islanders turned out in the uprising against the moves of the U.S. imperialists and their stooges for Korea's division, the statement said that the April 3 resistance was the eruption of the aspiration and will of the people for independent reunification.
The U.S., which divided the Korean Peninsula into two, has so far kept its troops in south Korea seeking the permanent presence of its forces there and obstructing the reunification of Korea, the statement said, and went on:
The Lee Myung Bak regime is hell bent on distorting history terming the struggle of the people of Jeju Island for the reunification of the country and democratization of society an "armed uprising of the leftist forces."
The solidarity will revive the spirit of the April 3 resistance, wage stronger struggle against the U.S. and Lee Myung Bak and conduct a dynamic struggle until the day when the reunification and peace of the Korean Peninsula are achieved.