calendar>>April 9. 2009 Juche 98 |
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SPA Deputy Credentials Committee on Composition of Deputies
Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- Deputy Kim Kuk Thae, chairman of the Deputy Credentials Committee, made a report of the committee at the First Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly held on Thursday. According to the report, the said committee confirmed the qualifications of 687 elected deputies to the 12th SPA, noting that the election of deputies was held strictly in accordance with the "Law on the Election of Deputies to People's Assemblies at All Levels of the DPRK" and the candidates registered at relevant constituencies got 100 per cent approval ballot from the voters. The deputies to the SPA are genuine representatives of the people as they are devotedly working for the building of a great prosperous and powerful socialist nation, the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche, the strengthening and development of the DPRK government and the people, remaining intensely loyal to the Songun idea and leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. Among the deputies are revolutionary fighters who took part in the anti-Japanese armed struggle led by President Kim Il Sung, war veterans who performed feats in the Fatherland Liberation War and persons of merits in the wartime. 16.9 per cent of them are servicepersons, 10.9 per cent workers, 10.1 per cent cooperative farmers and 15.6 per cent women. They include admirable officials of party, power and administrative and economic organs, working people's organizations and scientific, educational, public health, cultural and art, press and other organs and those of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and its affiliated organizations. 42.4 per cent of the deputies are winners of Order of Kim Il Sung, Kim Il Sung Prize and the titles of the Hero of the Republic and the Labor Hero and 90.4 per cent holders of academic degrees and titles including professorship and doctorate and scientists, technicians and experts. By age one per cent of the deputies are below 35 years, 48.5 per cent between 36 and 55 years and 50.5 per cent above 56 years, and 94.2 percent of them are university graduates. |
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