calendar>>May 3. 2009 Juche 98 |
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U.S. and Lee Group’s Reckless War Moves under Fire
Pyongyang, May 3 (KCNA) -- Some days ago, the commander of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in south Korea blustered that the s. Korea-U.S. mutual defense pact would remain valid and the U.S. would remain firmly committed to providing a nuclear umbrella although the "right to command wartime operations" is transferred to south Korea. He unhesitatingly let loose bellicose remarks that south Korea and the U.S. would "maintain the prompt combat readiness through "OPLAN 5027" and "OPLAN 5029," disclosing that the operation plan to cope with "any situation" is in the making together with the puppet joint chiefs of staff and asserting that "exercises have already been conducted under this plan and its immediate application is possible in contingency." Those concerned of the south Korean puppet army said it is expected to report the developed plan to the Chongwadae by the end of this month and they are at the phase of having rounded off the plan in which the counter-proposal has been specified. A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea in a statement on Sunday bitterly denounced the bellicose remarks made by the commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea and the moves for a war of aggression against the north stepped up by the south Korean puppets echoing them as a declaration of full-scale military confrontation with the DPRK and dangerous and reckless moves to spark off a nuclear war after bringing the inter-Korean relations to total collapse. Accusing the U.S. and the Lee Myung Bak group of frantically kicking up rackets of confrontation with the DPRK and a war of aggression against it, getting vociferous in describing the DPRK's satellite launch for peaceful purposes as a sort of "provocation, threat and violation of a UN resolution" and the like, the statement went on: The present situation goes to clearly prove that the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK has not changed at all and that the Lee Myung Bak group is a group of wicked traitors and warmongers keen to impose a nuclear war disaster upon the Korean nation in collusion with outside forces. Now that the sinister intention of the U.S. and the south Korean puppets playing the role of a shock brigade for it has been brought to bold relief, the DPRK will go straight in the direction of bolstering up its nuclear deterrent for self-defence as it had already clarified. The U.S. and the Lee group had better stop at once their reckless moves for a war, properly understanding who their rival is. |
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