Pyongyang, May 22 (KCNA) -- A "joint inter-Korean Buddhist mass for urging Japan to return the cultural treasures looted by the Japanese imperialists" was held at the Kwangbop Temple on Mt. Taesong on Friday.
Present there from the north side were officials of the Central Committee of the Buddhist Federation of Korea and the National Believers Association of the federation and from the south side officials of the National Council of the south Korean Buddhist Jogye Order and the Committee for Recovering Books that Record Royal Events Kept in the Room of the King of Korea and those concerning the Movement for Recovering Cultural Treasures.
Speeches were made at the mass to be followed by the reading of a joint paper of prayer and adoption of an anti-Japanese joint statement.
The statement strongly urged Japan to behave with discretion, clearly understanding the grudge of the Korean people toward Japan and their will, and immediately stop the reckless moves to grab Tok Islet and launch militarist reinvasion and unconditionally return cultural treasures of the Korean nation.