Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association and the Czech Group for the Study and Materialization of the Juche Idea issued a joint statement on Monday in demand of the immediate cancellation of the plan of the U.S. and the south Korean authorities to stage the Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercises.
Recalling that the south Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command announced it would stage the joint military exercises from August 17 to 27, the statement noted the danger of the exercises lies in that the newly worked plan for joint operations would be applied instead of the existing OPLAN 5027.
The projected joint maneuvers aimed at the invasion of the north either in their contents or scale reveal a sinister design for aggression hidden behind the signboard of "preserving peace" and "dialogue" touted by the U.S. and south Korea, it said.
The statement branded the projected joint military exercises as a new provocation to the DPRK and an act of threatening world peace and strongly demanded the U.S. and south Korea cancel the plan at once.