calendar>>February 6. 2010 Juch 99 |
Joint Calls Issued to Mark 65th Anniversary of WPK
Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea issued joint calls on February 3 to mark the 65th birthday of the WPK, expressing firm belief that all the Party members, servicepersons and people will intensify the drive for a great revolutionary surge on all fronts in hearty response to the Party's appeal and thus glorify this significant year as a year of great changes to be especially recorded in the history of the country and as a year of prosperity in which the people will fully enjoy happiness. The calls stress that they are faced with vast tasks this year but they are sure to win a shining victory in the on-going sweeping campaign and more loudly shout hurrah for socialism and sing the song of Arirang of prosperity as there are the wise leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the unbreakable single-minded unity of the Party, the army and the people around the headquarters of the revolution, the powerful military strength and the solid foundation of the self-supporting economy. They say that it is the greatest cause in the nation's history for perpetuating the memory of President Kim Il Sung to glorify his country as a great prosperous and powerful nation and it is, at the same time, a noble moral obligation of the service personnel and people, his soldiers and disciples. It is the highest tribute to the President to implement his behests to the letter, they note, stressing the need to devotedly realize what he planned and desired in his lifetime just as the workers of the Songjin Steel Complex did and make the legendary Chollima brought by him fly higher in the sky over Songun Korea. The on-going advance for a great surge is an advance being made by the entire Party and army and all the people on the basis of single-minded unity for ushering in the era of great prosperity of Exalt the nation's honor of holding in high esteem Comrade Kim Jong Il, the peerlessly brilliant commander! Devotedly defend Comrade Kim Jong Il by winning a victory in the drive for a great surge! Let us defend with our very lives the leadership of revolution headed by the great Comrade Let us cement as firm as an iron wall the single-minded unity of the Party, the army and the people around the great Comrade Kim Jong Il! Let us regard the Songun idea and leadership exploits of the great Comrade Kim Jong Il as our lifeline and glorify them forever! Build a paradise of happiness under the blue sky of Songun provided by the great General Let us breathe the same breath and keep pace with the forced march of Comrade Kim Jong Il, the peerless patriot! Let us become true patriots of Songun Korea who have personified the great Comrade Kim Jong Il's noble outlook on the country and play the role of a foundation of a thriving nation! Give full play to the great mental power of Kim Il Sung's nation to bring about great innovations and leap forward on all fronts for building a thriving nation! It is the fixed will of the WPK to bring great happiness to our people who have steadfastly made a long and arduous march, following the Party, and it is the general orientation of the drive for a great surge this year to bring about a decisive turn in improving the people's standard of living, the calls point out, and continue: Courageously turn out in the general offensive for improving the people's standard of living in hearty response to the appeal of the workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex! Dash ahead, racing against the time at "the Huichon Speed", a new Chollima speed in the era of Songun! Surpass the level of the peak production year at all sectors and units! Bring about a radical turn in the people's standard of living by accelerating the development of light industry and agriculture once again this year that marks the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea! Carry through the Party's policy of making a revolution in light industry! Drastically increase the production of consumer goods through the efforts of the whole Party and state! All sectors and units, supply in time raw and other materials needed for the production of light industrial goods! All efforts for implementing the Party's policy of agricultural revolution! All agricultural workers! Bring rich harvests of all crops and fruits this year marking the 65th birthday of the WPK! Pile up stacks of harvested bumper crops in all farm fields across the country! A high pile of compost means a high heap of grain. Produce a large quantity of organic fertilizer to turn all paddy and non-paddy fields fertile! Increase the production of meat, eggs and processed milk to make the people's diet bountiful! Turn all orchards into thriving orchards and put the fruit farming on a scientific and modern basis! Radically increase the production of vegetables and industrial crops! Boost the production of cocoon and cotton to make silk and other textiles come out in an endless stream! The whole Party and country and all the people, render strong support to the countryside! Let's increase aquatic production to make the people's diet bountiful! Expand and develop foreign trade to make a positive contribution to improving the people's standard of living! The workers in the field of metal industry! Hit the target for the production of pig iron, steel and rolled steel set by the Party! Round off the Juche-based steel-making system and drastically increase the production of iron and steel! The workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex! Hold high the torch lit at the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex as well as the torch kindled in Kangson and make a breakthrough towards improving the people's standard of living! Mine more iron ore and send it to the metallurgical bases! The workers in the field of power industry! Drastically increase the power production to make the whole country alive with the drive for a great surge and turn it into a brightly lit paradise! Build many small- and medium-size power stations which ensure great profitability to increase the number of villages and counties rich in electricity! The workers in the field of coal industry! Send more quality coal to the thermal power plants and metal, chemical and light industrial factories! The workers in the field of railway transport! Wage a dynamic drive for increased transport and carry greater quantities of freight faster to the fronts for bringing about a great surge including light industry and agriculture! Decisively increase the production of electrical and diesel engines and wagons and reinforce the railroads! Intensify the coordinated railway-motor way-marine transport! Let the whole country turn out to render strong support to the fields of power, coal and metal industries and railway transport! The workers of the February 8 Vinalon Complex! Effect a great surge in the production of chemical goods to put spurs to light industry and agriculture! Fertilizer producers across the country including the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex and the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex! Fertilizer precisely means rice. Produce more fertilizers and send them to the agricultural front! The workers in the field of machine-building industry! Produce more modern textile, shoe-making and food processing equipment and farm machines and send them to the fields of light industry and agriculture! Produce and supply major custom-built equipment in good time in a responsible manner! Produce more CNC machine tools, a pride of the Juche industry! Energetically put machines and equipment on a CNC basis! Actively contrive and manufacture new type machines and equipment! Step up the modernization of the tool production bases to intensify the revolution in the production of tools! Let the whole Party and army and all the people turn out to dynamically step up the construction of the Huichon Power Station true to the militant tasks set forth in Kim Jong Il's letter of special thanks! Create new "Pyongyang speed" in the construction of the capital city to bring about "prosperity of Pyongyang" in the era of Songun! Build 100,000 flats in the city of Pyongyang at the best level with those in Mansudae Street as a model! Bring about a revolutionary turn in the city management in order to provide the people with modern living conditions! Step up the road revolution to make roads more modern and solid! Let's turn the country into a thick woodland and greenery! Let's turn all cities and villages into those in parks clad in thick verdure! Discover more underground treasures! Step up the modernization of post and tele-communications to provide every convenience to the people's living! Officials in the field of economy! Strictly abide by the socialist principles in economic management! Work out scientific management and business strategies and actively accelerate the advance for a great surge! Establish strict planning and financial disciplines! Self-reliance is the only way out! Let's decisively frustrate the "sanctions" of the imperialists through a high-pitched drive for a great surge based on self-reliance! Let's successfully put the production processes on an indigenous and Juche basis on all fronts for economic construction with the same mettle as displayed by the workers of the Songjin Steel Complex! Push back the frontiers of science and technology! Courageously rush towards the world! Conceive and create everything our own way! Plant our feet on our land and look at the world! Create everything our own way to be far better than others and be bold enough to create everything new in the world! Explore cutting-edge technology as required by the age of knowledge-based economy and leap higher and faster! Boost the creative cooperation among scientists, workers and technicians to energetically push forward the work for putting the production processes on modern and IT basis! Conduct the brain and technology campaign to surpass the world level! Hold supremacy in all spheres in the same spirit as displayed in scaling the eminence of CNC technology! All the scientists and technicians! Become pioneers in pushing back the frontiers of science and technology in the IT age! Put all the fields of science and technology on the ultra-modern level in the same spirit as displayed in acquiring the space science and technology and nuclear technology! Make a great leap forward in the development of IT and Nano technology and bio-engineering! Rapidly develop technological engineering and basic science! A great prosperous and powerful nation of Juche is a highly civilized one with developed culture and the spirit of pushing back the frontiers of science and technology should run high in the field of culture, too, the calls note, and go on: Let's glorify our country as a world educational power with a large contingent of talents! Train reliable hard cores for the Songun revolution equipped with noble spirit and a wealth of knowledge! Develop the education to give fuller play to the advantages of the free compulsory educational system! Thoroughly implement the Party's policy on preventive medicine! Decisively increase the production of ordinary and essential medicine to make the free medical care system pay off profusely! Dynamically conduct the ideological campaign, fighting spirit battle and speed and technical campaigns to create new "myth of sports" of Songun Korea! Popularize physical culture and sports and make them part of one's daily life to be ready for labor and national defence! Make revolutions in movies and literature and arts in the era of Songun with an innovative eye of the 21st century and creative way and work style dating back to the 1970s! Media persons, become buglers in the charge powerfully arousing all the service personnel and people to a campaign for a great surge! It is the philosophy of arms of Mt. Paektu to accomplish with arms the revolutionary cause of Juche started with arms and a great surge today is the one of Songun, the calls note, and go on: All men and officers of the KPA, the Korean People's Security Forces and people's security institutions! Firmly guarantee the victory in the great drive for building a thriving nation and the happiness of the people with matchless arms! More thoroughly establish respected Supreme Commander Comrade Kim Jong Il's unitary commanding system and revolutionary military discipline throughout the army! Revolutionize the whole army and arm it with socialist patriotism! Give full play to the trait of assisting people to cement the great unity of the army and the people, the foundation of Songun Korea, as firm as an iron wall! Glorify this significant year marking the 65th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers' Party of Korea with laudable successes in making combat preparations and boosting the combat capability! Firmly combat any illusion about the enemy and "peace!" Keep a sharp eye on the enemies' maneuvers and be fully ready! Mercilessly wipe out any enemy coming in attack and accomplish the historic cause of national reunification! Create a model of society in the revolutionary soldier spirit which helps turn everything impossible into something possible and dynamically lead the advance for a great surge! Resolutely foil the psychological warfare of enemies to make the army degenerate ideologically and morally! The organs of the people's security, become the Supreme Commander's reliable interior force firmly defending the outpost of the class struggle! The people's security, judicial and prosecution organs, creditably discharge the honorable mission to defend the leader, the system and the people! The national defence industry is a source of the dignity and mightiness of Songun Korea and a sure guarantee for improving the people's standard of living, the calls say, and go on: Workers in the field of national defence industry! Firmly reinforce the arsenal of a thriving nation, the revolutionary industry of Mt. Paektu! Sound the drive for victory in the sector of national defence industry to open the gate to a great, prosperous and powerful nation! All sectors and units, supply everything needed for the development of national defence industry in time on a top-priority basis! Sincerely assist the People's Army! Put all the people under arms and fortify the whole country at a higher level! Members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Young Red Guards! Get fully ready to go into action with a transparent view on the fight against the enemy! The calls underline the need to thoroughly establish the unitary leadership system of Kim Jong Il throughout the party, adding: Firmly preserve and eternally glorify feats performed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Il in the party building! Develop our Party into a promising party steadfastly carrying forward the revolutionary traditions of Mt. Paektu! Let the whole party breathe and act in line with the great Comrade Kim Jong Il's idea of effecting a great surge and his spirit of the forced march! Thoroughly implement the Party's mass line! We serve the people! Strengthen the Party leadership over administrative and economic work as required by the building of a thriving nation! Effectively wage the Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement so that its red flags may fly in each work site for a great surge! Let more persons of merit in the Songun era emerge in the drive for a great surge! Supply service precisely means political work! Consider supply service as an important part of the party work! Increase the function and role of the people's power in every way as required by the building of a thriving nation! Preserve the Juche character and national identity in all fields of state activities! Strengthen the observance of socialist law to firmly establish the revolutionary law and order! The power organs, devote themselves to the well-being of the people! All the officials! Let us become comrades in the forced march who have the same idea, determination and pace as the great Comrade Kim Jong Il's! Carry through the Party's policies in a do-or-die spirit under any hard conditions to become staunch implementers unfolding all fantastic sceneries of Songun! All the Party members! Let the Party members become vanguard fighters devotedly defending the leader, first-line workers in the campaign for a great surge and skilful agitators for masses! The working people's organizations, creditably play the role of transmission belts for the Party and its reliable helpers in the on-going advance for a great surge! Let them strengthen the organizational and political work to give fullest play to the mental power of their members and briskly wage the mass movement including socialist emulation! National reunification is the most urgent task of the nation, the calls note, and go on: Let us carry out the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's instructions for national reunification! Let the entire nation unite under the banner of the north-south joint declarations and achieve national reunification at the earliest date! Let us bring about a new phase in independent reunification this year marking the 10th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 joint declaration and the 30th anniversary of the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo! Let us frustrate the anti-reunification forces' confrontation with fellow countrymen and actively realize national reconciliation and cooperation! All the fellow countrymen in the north and the south and abroad! Let us build a great dignified, prosperous and reunified power on the land of three thousand-ri and hand it down to posterity! Independence means justice and justice is sure to win! Firmly maintain an independent stand in foreign relations and demonstrate the dignity and spirit of Songun Korea before the whole world! Let us defend and advance socialism, the ideal and future of humankind! Let us smash the imperialists' moves for a war of aggression and protect peace on the Korean Peninsula and the world! Let us expand and develop the good neighborly and friendly relations with all the countries of the world that respect the sovereignty of our country! All the Party members and servicepersons and people! The drive for a great surge is sure to triumph and a rosy future is in store for us. Let us all dash towards the square for October celebrations full of conviction of sure victory and optimism! Let us successfully realize the lifelong desire and idea of President Kim Il Sung who dedicated all his life to the people's happiness and make a report of victory and joy to him in profound reverence! Make the world look up to the great Party and Kim Il Sung's Korea! |
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