calendar>>February 8. 2010 Juch 99 |
DPRK to Take Strong Measures against Anti-DPRK Fanatics
Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of People's Security and the Ministry of State Security of the DPRK released the following joint statement Monday as regards the south Korean authorities' attempt to bring down the system in the DPRK, which has recently gone beyond the danger line: The south Korean authorities are more persistently pursuing their moves to force the DPRK to "dismantle its nukes first" in a bid to deprive it of its nuclear deterrent for self-defence, while following outsiders in utter disregard of the dignity and security of the nation. Their military provocations for intruding into the inviolable territorial waters, airspace and land of the DPRK and espionage and conspiratorial plots to topple its system have reached an extreme phase. Typical examples of them are the adventurous military moves of the warmongers of the south Korean military to preserve the illegal "northern limit line" in the West Sea of Korea and the reckless "operations to destabilize the north" being staged by them via the frontline and coastal and border areas. The daily escalating scattering of leaflets over areas of the DPRK has escalated into its depth from the frontline areas and the foolish operations to bring down the system involving all spy forces and means find their way to the deep inland of the DPRK, after going beyond the boundary of areas around it. The "National Intelligence Service", the "Defense Security Command" and other ill-famed espionage and plot-breeding organizations of south Korea are acting a shock brigade for carrying them out. Involved in them are government institutions including the "Defense Ministry", the "Ministry of Unification" and the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade" and trigger-happy groups of the military and ultra-right conservatives under the direct control and command of those institutions as well as human scum. All these moves go to clearly prove that the south Korean authorities have entered into the phase of putting the already rounded off "OPLAN 5029" and "Emergency Ruling Plan-Puhung" into practice while deliberately creating the fiction of "emergency situation" in the DPRK. Under the prevailing situation which should not be overlooked the Ministry of People's Security and the Ministry of State Security of the DPRK clarify their principled stand as follows: 1. The People's Security and State Security forces of the DPRK will take all-out strong measures to foil the treacherous, anti-reunification and anti-peace moves of the riff-raffs to bring down the dignified socialist system in the DPRK and destabilize it. There is no room for the group of traitors to stay in Korea and on the earth as they bring harm to the country with their back turned on the nation. 2. Not only the revolutionary strong army of Mt. Paektu but also the people's security and state security forces and all their means will be mobilized for the sacred struggle to defend our socialist system and security of the country from the moves of all the hostile forces. We have world-level ultra-modern striking force and means for protecting security which have neither yet been mentioned nor opened to the public in total. 3. The south Korean authorities should immediately disband all the plot-breeding machines and bodies of the authorities going against national reconciliation, cooperation, peaceful reunification and prosperity and take due measures to eliminate the main culprits in the joint name of the nation, if they do not want to meet the same bitter end as the successive anti-DPRK confrontation fanatics and traitors did. There has already started a nationwide just retaliatory battle to make a clean sweep of all the unsavory forces hell-bent on the moves to stem the trend of the times. It is an invariable primary mission and duty for our people's security and state security forces to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution and ensure security of the country and people's happiness. The south Korean authorities would be well advised to behave themselves before being too late if they do not want to be judged by the nation on the day of national reunification for being "modern type of five traitors of 1905." |
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