calendar>>April 29. 2010 Juch 99 |
White Paper Released on S. Korean Human Rights Abuses
Pyongyang, April 29 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute released a white paper Thursday indicting the fascist clique for having reduced south Korea to the land with the worst human rights record through sycophancy and treachery, fascist dictatorship and confrontation with fellow countrymen. The white paper said: It is the most hideous human rights abuses committed by the fascist clique that it forced south Koreans to fall victim to outsiders' domination and war policies and wantonly violated their human rights. The U.S. imperialist aggression forces' more than six decade-long presence in south Korea is the crime-woven history with aggression, war, massacre, plunder and human rights abuses. The results of "the inspection of state administration" submitted to the puppet National Assembly disclosed that the U.S. imperialist aggression troops in south Korea committed hundreds of crimes of all forms on an annual average and such high-profile crimes as murder, robbery, rape and blow accounted for 60 percent of them. The U.S. imperialist aggression forces occupy vast areas extending more than 73.2 million phyong in over 100 regions of south Korea at present. If the areas around their bases are polluted, they move to other areas, grabbing a large area of land and turning it barren. The puppet group of traitors imported American beef seriously harming the health and life security of south Koreans and touching off outcries among them. This is the hideous human rights abuse of special mention. The group introduced to south Korea more than 1,000 U.S. nukes enough to destroy the Korean nation dozens or hundreds of times. It, however, has persistently taken issue with the DPRK's nuclear deterrent, while zealously shielding and conniving at the U.S. nukes which may inflict a nuclear holocaust upon the fellow countrymen. It is also staging together with the U.S. the dangerous nuclear war exercises against the fellow countrymen in a bid to force Koreans to fall victim to a nuclear war to be launched by its master. It is, at the same time, hurling young and middle-aged Koreans to the shambles of wars of aggression being waged by the U.S. in different parts of the world, forcing them to meet grievous deaths. It is another hideous human rights abuse committed by the puppet group that it revived fascist dictatorship and turned south Korea into a tundra of human rights where democracy is cruelly violated. Talking about "the lost decade", the group trampled down even sprouts of democracy won in the days of the preceding regime and drastically reinforced repressive machines and comprehensively revived all kinds of fascist laws and systems. There occurred unprecedented tragic incidents last year in which the two former "presidents" met unnatural deaths due to the fascist authorities' despicable politically-motivated harassment and retaliation. This clearly indicates what a deplorable phase the human rights performance has reached in south Korea. The number of the political parties and organizations that were labeled "illegal organizations" by the authorities since the conservative group's seizure of power reached more than 1 840. Politically-motivated investigation and surveillances are openly carried out and crackdown upon media is throwing people into consternation. The south Koreans' freedom of assembly, demonstration and association are ruthlessly violated and torture, violence and inhuman insults are rampant. The cases of human rights abuses committed by prosecution and police and in prisons, etc. numbered more than 3,490 out of over 5,000 cases reported to the puppet Human Rights Committee in 2008, accounting for nearly 70 percent of all reported cases. After its seizure of power the puppet group adopted anti-reunification and confrontation with fellow countrymen as a policy toward the DPRK and totally violated the north-south joint declarations reflecting the unanimous wishes of all Koreans. It has stepped up the moves for a nuclear war against the DPRK and kicked up smear human rights campaigns, pushing the north-south relations to a catastrophe. This only brought into bolder relief its true colors as a heinous human rights abuser. It is busy whipping together all types of human scum and riff-raffs in a bid to escalate confrontation with the DPRK and false propaganda against it. The group is getting frantic with the operations to lure and kidnap compatriots. Any activities for relations with the north and for reunification are labeled "enemy-benefiting ones" and suppressed and dialogue, contacts and cooperation between people of all strata and NGOs of the north and the south have been blocked since the puppet group came to power. The puppet conservative group will never be allowed to go scot-free for committing such human rights abuses as turning south Korea into the worst tundra of human rights but will certainly face a stern punishment by the nation. |
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