calendar>>June 22. 2010 Juch 99 |
KCNA Indicts US-S. Korea for Fabricating "Cheonan" Case
Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency released Monday the following indictment laying bare the truth about the case of sunk warship: One month has passed since the U.S. and the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors announced the "results of investigation" into the case of the sunken south Korean puppet navy warship "Cheonan". The U.S., in conspiracy with the south Korean group of traitors, cooked up the "story about a torpedo attack by the north" in a bid to shuffle off the responsibility for the sinking of the warship upon the DPRK. It referred the case to the UN, getting all the more undisguised in its moves to stifle the DPRK. But their despicable attempt proved futile. Public is becoming increasingly vocal negating the "results of investigation" and criticizing the real culprits of the case and provocateurs worldwide. The Korean Central News Agency releases an indictment dismissing the case of the sunken warship "Cheonan" forged by the U.S. and the Lee group of traitors as an unpardonable infringement upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and laying bare the truth about it: 1 The "story about a torpedo attack by the north" is a sheer fabrication as it is devoid of scientific accuracy. As for the 1.5 meter-long propelling body, it is what dozens of U.S. and south Korean warships equipped with up-to-date radars failed to find out in more than 50 days of search operations. But they claim it was suddenly netted by a civilian fishing boat, something incredible and not understandable either. The group of traitors even produced a video showing the propelling body being netted by the fishing boat and helicoptered, and then took it to the UN in a bid to justify it. But it is clear to everybody that such video showing "the retrieval" of this mysterious thing can hardly serve as evidence proving the propelling body of the torpedo. A screw of propelling axis and an engine, etc. which they alleged were used for breaking "Cheonan" into two were neither bent nor damaged. Yun Tok Yong who headed the "joint investigation team" said its American and Australians concerned were "surprised" to learn that the propelling body was in very good shape. There is a rumor in south Korea that the story about the retrieval of the propelling body is just like asserting that "a stone picked up at roadside dates back to the Old Stone Age." The U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces claimed that the property of the metal used in making the propelling body is just the same as that of "the north's training torpedo" obtained 7 years ago and its design is also same as the design introduced in the "north Korea's torpedo brochure." This is sheer sophism. Yun, when announcing the results, said that no comparison was made in the metal property between the two torpedoes. As for the brochure which he said he saw for himself, puppet Minister of Defence Kim Thae Yong later said that "it was recorded on CD", an indication that this "evidence" is also doubtful. As far as "No.1" written on the propelling body is concerned, there is need to call attention to the fact that the north and the south use the same language. If there is possibility that it was written in the writing style of the north it is similarly possible that it can be written in the style of the south. The puppet authorities, deliberately defying the stark reason, persistently asserted that it was written in the north's style. They have consistently dodged analysis of the felt-tip pen used for writing it. Kyunghyang Daily News of south Korea dated June 1, referring to the scientific discrepancy of the letter, said: The boiling points of general-use ink are 138.5℃, 110.6℃ and 78.4 ℃. Had the propelling body been heated up to 300℃ it might have been melted away. If the paint of the hull had burnt away, the letter "No. 1", too, might have done so. This is science. But high temperature-resistant paint burnt away while low temperature-resistant ink remained. The group of traitors presented "evidence" proving that absorptive found in the bow, stern, funnel and other parts of the ship is aluminum oxides that was found in the propelling body of the north's torpedo. This is unscientific. They asserted that this substance is a byproduct of fine aluminum powder that was mixed with the gunpowder in a bid to increase the effect of their propaganda that the warship was broken into pieces by the "north's torpedo attack", adding that this substance turned into non crystalline substance due to intense heat at the time of "explosion" and contact with cold sea water. A test and analysis of it conducted by a Korean professor at Virginia University of the U.S. at the request of a National Assemblyman from the south Korean Democratic Party proved that not all fine aluminum powder turn to crystalline substance in that case. The professor made public a paper on this test and sent it to the UN. Much upset by this, the "joint investigation team" officially admitted its investigation error at a session of the "National Assembly" on June 11. Survivors of the sunken "Cheonan" said that they smelt no gunpowder at the time of sinking. But the puppet forces insisted on the "story about a torpedo attack by the north", turning down for no reason the public opinion about the possible formation of aluminum oxides in the course of the firing of artillery pieces from the warship. The "investigation results" are censured by south Koreans and the world public for their contradictions and doubtful points. The Solidarity for Democratic Society and the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification, the progressive organizations of south Korea, together with a Korean organization in the U.S. sent letters to the member nations of the UN Security Council on June 11 and 14. The letters totally negated the "story about the north's torpedo attack," saying that had the "north's torpedo" exploded near "Cheonan", its fragments might have embedded in the warship body, leaving some deaf and some with broken bones, etc. Fluorescent lamps of "Cheonan" remain intact and not a shoal of sand eels was found dead in the waters where the warship sank. Such humors as "magic fluorescent lamps" and "intelligent sand eel shoal in waters off Paekryong Islet" are rampant in south Korea, a refutation and derision of the authorities' "investigation results". Non-confidence in the "government" grows strong even among government officials. It is by no means fortuitous that they held even a meeting in the building of the "ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade" on June 7 to "brace themselves up to be ready mentally to cope with rational suspicions" about the "story about north's torpedo attack". The June 17th issue of Chinese Huan Qiu Shibao carried an article "Was 'Cheonan' sunk by torpedo" contributed by a Chinese expert on military strategic affairs. It said: It seems to me that it is hard to agree with the conclusion that "Cheonan" sunk by an explosion caused by a torpedo attack in view of "evidence" produced by the south Korean side only at present. When the ship sank, broken into two, the U.S. and the south Korean navy were staging joint anti-submarine exercises in those waters. It is hard for a warship to enter the waters where exercises were at their height as lots of underwater sound detectors were at work. Moreover, the rival and target of search were submarines of the north. The south Korean side claimed that the north's mini-submarine sent the warship to the bottom of the sea but it has not released any record proving that the submarine moved to the waters where "Cheonan" sank, much less explanation about how it remained undetected after making its way to the said waters despite many-fold blockade and quietly left without leaving any trace after firing a torpedo. Only God knows about it. One of crucial "evidence" produced by the south Korean side so far is the propelling body of the torpedo. Much more evidence is needed to link the propelling body to the above-said case. The Russian Moskovskii Komsomolets on May 28 said that Russia and China do not believe in the "investigation results" at all. They lack lots of other possible evidence and facts and are full of contradictions. The "objective investigation" touted by the U.S. and the south Korean authorities is a product of the plots hatched by the U.S. and the Lee group. U.S. President Obama in his telephone dialogue with traitor Lee on April 1 said that he would actively "cooperate" with south Korea in "investigating the case" and U.S. forces Commander in south Korea Sharp told the puppet ministry of Defence that he would not "spare utmost support". So, personnel and equipment for the fabrication of the case were flown to south Korea from the U.S. and hardware and even troops of the U.S. forces in south Korea and the U.S. Pacific Fleet were involved there. The U.S., in fact, took over the work and ruled the roost even interfering in the fields which south Korea could take charge of. The U.S. and the group of traitors included south Korean civilians and foreigners in the "civilian-army joint investigation team" in a bid to ensure the "objectivity" of the "investigation process" but those civilians were, in fact, excluded from the investigation. An expert recommended by the Democratic Party of south Korea could not obtain even a single piece of information about the investigation schedule and particulars concerning the participation in the investigation from the military. The information available was that he was told to stay on ship "Tokdo" on Paekryong Islet till the end of the investigation. The puppet military even kept the details of the formation of the "investigation team" and its line-up in top secrecy. Commenting on this, An Kyu Baek, National Assemblyman from the Democratic Party, said that it is becoming clear that "civilians" are used as waiting maids to blindfold the civilian members of the investigation team and stop their ears. Activities of foreigners involved in the "joint investigation team" were nothing but a screen to hoodwink people. The June 6 issue of the Russian newspaper Forum M S K/. ru reported that "more than half of the 'international joint investigation team'" were Americans and the rest were made up of those from Britain and other countries" Russian Internet News Ruskie Novosti reported on June 1 as follows: Groundless "evidence" produced by the "investigation team" is sparking off serious criticism. The first question is why only U.S. allies are included in the "investigation team" and why such countries as Russia and China were not invited to participate in the investigation. Moreover, the proposal for the dispatch of an inspection group of the DPRK was turned down for no clear reason. What is not understandable is that south Korea, far from proving its arguments and evidence after the announcement of the "investigation results", kicked off hysteria, crying out for "retaliation" and "punishment" and then, stepping back from its earlier stand, gradually began talking about "apology" and "punishment of those responsible". On June 5 an American Seoul correspondent said that all of the foreigners accounting for more than half of the members of the investigation team were experts from those countries which sent troops to the Korean war in the past, except one Swedish. There is suspicion that they were ordered to keep mum about the case. Britain still keeps mum even though it received official request for the notification of its experts participating in the "investigation". Canada announced that it would send experts on May 16, four days before the announcement of the "investigation results". But nothing is known if they arrived in south Korea and if they participated in the "investigation" or not. Sweden was said to have given technical help only, not involving itself in clarifying who is responsible for the case. The head of the "investigation team" said that "experts" from the U.S. and Australia had no history of surveying sea bottom to look for a torpedo. This arouses strong doubt as to their "expertness". The U.S. and the Lee group concealed or modified those data unfavorable for the "story about north's torpedo attack". The waters where the "Defense Ministry" said the incident took place is about 1.6 km away from those recorded in the automatic communications system of the puppet navy and low waves and mild weather in the waters near the scene of the incident were registered by civilian weather stations while high waves and bad weather were registered by the military. Why "Cheonan sailed close to Paekryong Islet, away from his routine course, how it was possible for it to sail about 1 km more if it had been really hit by a torpedo and cut into two pieces, giving rise to a big column of water. Data about this are not mentioned in the "investigation results" at all. Animation files of TOD showing the warship at the time of sinking, a crucial point in probing the truth, a gas turbine room situated in the place where the warship was broken into two pieces and a diesel engine are all excluded from the "investigation", much less being known to the public. TOD files taken by puppet army outposts on Paekryong Islet and in areas around it contained photos of the ship before and at the time of its sinking. But those showing it at the moment the incident took place are not available. Only available was a file lasting for only 1 minute and 20 seconds at first. But it was increased to 40 minutes in face of the public criticism. Additional scenes were also made public later under continued stronger pressure. This proves that the animation file showing the warship at the crucial moment is missing. Ri Jong Hui, National Assemblywoman from the Democratic Labor Party, on May 19 said that the "Defence Ministry" told a whopping lie when it said it had no TODs showing the bow and stern of "Cheonan" at the moment of their split and sinking, mentioning the names of those who watched those files. The "joint investigation team" made public that a gas turbine room and engine were directly hit by the "north's torpedo". But the gas turbine room, a key factor in investigation," was lifted only on May 19, just before the announcement of the "investigation results." Asked why a gas turbine room and diesel engine are not included in the "investigation results" with the engine still left under the sea, an official of the "joint investigation team" concerned openly rejected investigation, saying that "investigation has been conducted enough to presume the cause of the incident." The Special Committee for "Cheonan" of the Democratic Party recently requested the puppet authorities to make public 63 data including records of situation of Cheonan, records of exchange of messages, report, track chart, TOD animation files, analysis of retrieved fragments, etc. This proves that so many data are kept under seal by the group of traitors. The U.S. and the group of traitors made no scruple of cooking up "evidence" to make the "story about north's torpedo attack" an established fact. The lifted stern of the ship was transported to the place near Taechong Islet and special warfare brigade and salvage team were hurled there allegedly to "confirm the net" but there is increasing suspicion that they tried to remove evidence and distort information. The permanent representatives of the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification of south Korea in a joint statement on June 11 said that the military authorities deliberately hid TOD files and the chairman of the "Joint Chiefs of Staff" was not in his commanding and control room, got drunken at the moment of occurrence of the case. This proves that the military said only lies. The statement added that they can not repress astonishment at the military as it hoodwinked and made a mockery of not only the south Korean people but the world by deliberately concealing facts and cooking up lies in a bid to dodge its responsibility. It is exactly the U.S. and traitor Lee who encouraged to do so. The U.S. state secretary during her visit to south Korea to express the U.S. support for the "investigation results", said that the "400 page investigation report" was full of objectivity and persuasive facts". Former U.S. Secretary of State Powell at the UN Security Council blamed Iraq for its access to weapons of mass destruction. This was a whopping lie. National Assemblymen from opposition parties on June 12 demanded the puppet minister of Defence to present the "400 page report" referred to by the U.S. state secretary. But he only said "such report is not available". Right after the occurrence of the incident traitor Lee talked about "thorough-going investigation" and "full revelation without shred of doubt". But now he keeps mum about so much date kept under secret. This is a deliberate negligence which proves that he is a chief culprit of the case. The U.S. and the Lee group of traitors completely ignored and flatly refuted the world criticism of them, when investigating the case. The broad public of the world have become vocal blaming the U.S. and the south Korean authorities for the case from its outset and demanding the international community punish them. A reconnaissance source of the Russian Pacific Fleet clarified that it was true the "Cheonan" was sunk by a torpedo but it was not sunk by the "north's torpedo" but by a special torpedo fired by a small diving machine of the latest nuclear-powered submarine of the U.S. forces. The May 27th issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda quoting a captain of the General Staff of the Russian Navy, said that the recent case is an invention of those who sought to deceive the international community. The U.S. is a "skillful director" in this field. There is the need to recall that the U.S. deceived the UN with false information before launching an Iraqi war. The Cheonan case was also a work of the U.S. An American journalist said he confirmed that a wrecked German torpedo was found in the waters where the ship sank but Germany said it has never delivered weapons to north Korea, adding that the story about the north's torpedo attack is a classical deceptive operation. A Swiss newspaper on May 27 reported that some American experts say that the warship sank by a "torpedo fired by the north". This is similar to the assertion made by former U.S. Secretary of State Powell at the UN General Assembly where he blamed Iraq for its access to weapons of mass destruction. The June 1st issue of Indonesian newspaper Kompas noted that "Cheonan" was likely to be sunk by the U.S. forces' submarine. There is the need to remind that a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine was on a secret combat duty in the waters near Paekryong Islet on the very day the incident took place. KBS of south Korea on June 7 reported as follows: AP reported that south Korea and the U.S. were staging large-scale anti-submarine exercises on the very day "Cheonan" sank. A spokesman for the "U.S. forces in south Korea" was reported to have said that south Korea and the U.S. conducted the exercises from 10 p.m. the day before the sinking of the ship to 9 p.m. the next day in the waters 120 km away from where the warship sank. U.S. forces' warships including two U.S. destroyers staged mobile exercises regarding a submarine of the south Korean navy as an imaginary target. A spokesman for the "south Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command" was reported to have confirmed that a sound detector was at work at the time the ship sank. It is the first time that the anti-submarine exercises staged at the time of the ship's sinking were open to public through briefing. On April 7 KBS reported that the U.S. and south Korea kept in secrecy the fact that a submarine of the U.S. forces sank in waters very close to the waters where "Cheonan" sank, adding they did so because they were afraid of their U.S. submarines' presence in waters around Paekryong Islet for surprise attacks on north Korea in case of emergency from being brought to light and were fearful of touching off anti-Americanism among south Koreans. The Headquarters of the Movement for the Withdrawal of the U.S. Forces of south Korea said on April 17 that the stern of "Cheonan" was raised, an indication that it was not sunk by an explosion, adding: The most suspected assailant is a U.S. forces submarine. The U.S. ambassador to south Korea made great haste to tour the waters at issue with the U.S. forces commander in south Korea. This was something unprecedented. And a south Korean diver died while working in waters presumed to be where U.S. forces submarine sank, not where "Cheonan" sank. The U.S. forces' divers were keen on looking for something in those waters, paying no heed to the sunken "Cheonan". All this increases doubts. This reminds one of saying "Criminal is bound to visit the scene of crime". All this goes to prove that the above-said case was a farce orchestrated by the U.S. and the south Korean group of traitors in a deliberate and purposeful manner to cover up their crime and lay the blame for it at the door of the DPRK side. 2 Lurking behind the assertion about the "torpedo attack by the north" made by the United States and the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors are the sinister political aims sought by them through the case and the sordid inside story about the collusion and nexus for achieving them. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that the U.S. and the group of traitors have closely cooperated in taking "follow-up measures" in the wake of faking up the "results of investigation." No sooner had the "results of investigation" been made public on May 20 than U.S. President Obama instructed the U.S. forces to be ready for "deterring future aggressions from north Korea" in a coordinated operation with the south Korean puppet army. He thus created the impression that "threat from north Korea" and the resultant "security unrest" in the region have reached an extreme phase. As a result, the United States and Japan immediately agreed on the issue of transferring the Futenma U.S. forces airfield in Okinawa. The U.S. secretary of State toured south Korea and Japan to support the "results of investigation" and referred to the "very dangerous situation" on the Korean Peninsula. A confab among the United States, south Korea and Japan is making progress in real earnest to tighten the military alliance to cope with "a contingency on the Korean Peninsula." The issue of extending the "transfer of the right to command wartime operations" to south Korea was tabled at U.S. Congress and an open discussion was made between the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group to bring the main force of the U.S. Pacific Fleet to the West Sea of Korea under the pretext of large-scale joint military exercises. It was in this context that the U.S. Department of Defense openly disclosed its plan to work out an "Asia-Pacific strategy report", new security guidelines centering on East Asia till October this year and further tighten the sphere of domination over this region in the 21st century, the Asia-Pacific era. The ultra-right conservative forces including the secretary general of the "Grand National Party" have frantically kicked up such "north wind" racket as declaring all-out confrontation with the DPRK, likening the "Cheonan case" to the "Sept. 11 incident" and crying out for learning from the U.S. method of combating terrorism and the like. When the "north wind" scenario of the U.S. and the puppet group proved totally bankrupt through the "elections to the local self-governing bodies" and their plot to prod the international community into "tightening the sanctions" against the DPRK was scuttled, they raised even the issue of relay telecasting of World Cup games to brand the DPRK as "a criminal state" only to become a laughing stock of the world. When looking back on history, Hitler did evil deeds after faking up "the Reichstag fire case", Japan embarked upon the road of invading China after fabricating the "Marco Polo Bridge incident" and the U.S. escalated its war of aggression against Vietnam by cooking up the "Gulf of Bac Bo incident". Foreign figures of various circles and media of the world including U.S. commentators are now comparing the case of "Cheonan" sinking with the "Gulf of Bac Bo incident" in August 1964. A Canadian figure said the "Cheonan case" was another "Gulf of Bac Bo incident", adding that it reminds one of "an aggressor accusing his victim in a bid to justify his policy of aggression under the pretext of self-defense". Alexandr Zhevin, chief of the Korean Affairs Study Centre of the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said on June 8 there were many contradictory points in the "Cheonan" case, adding: There is even an assertion that the case was a politically motivated provocation. Experts cite the tragic case that happened in the Gulf of Bac Bo in 1964 as an example. At that time the U.S. escalated the Vietnam War, claiming that a U.S. destroyer was attacked. Then, I would like to cite what happened some years ago as an instance. Seven years ago, the U.S. president and the U.S. secretary of State deceived their people and allies and, furthermore, the whole world by insisting that there were WMDs in Iraq and invaded it. But no WMDs are to be seen there even today after the lapse of seven years. Ria-Novosti of Russia reported on May 26 as follows: At first glance everything on the patrol ship of south Korea looks very simple. That is the point at issue. East Asian countries remember well how similar cases took place. The same can be said of the KAL case of south Korea. In 1983, a south Korean Boeing with passengers aboard intruded into the territorial air of the USSR 650 km away from its air route for no reason and was shot down. The flow of time disclosed that KAL pilots regularly worked for the CIA and photographed the territory of the USSR. As everybody understands, anyhow, official hypothesis does not give answers to all questions and everything is very similar to a provocation. Such comments of the world public and history tell that the "Cheonan" case was a farce in which the United States and the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors employed the same trite method to the Korean Peninsula as aggressors did after hatching a plot whenever they found themselves in a pretty fix and unhesitatingly did foolish things under that pretext. The U.S. and the south Korean clique of traitors sought the following aims in using the case for branding the DPRK as a "criminal state" and hyping the "threat from north Korea" to make it sound real: first, to prove successful in "the elections to the local self-governing bodies" at hand in south Korea and the Congressional mid-term election slated to take place in November for the purpose of ensuring the stability of the regime and stay in power and second, to successfully pursue the policy of "strategic patience" and the policy of confrontation with fellow countrymen to destroy the environment for international investment in the DPRK and stifle it. A particular mention should be made of the fact that the U.S. calculated it could threaten China and Russia and tighten the master-servant relations with its allies in the Asia-Pacific region. The farce orchestrated by the U.S. and the Lee Myung Bak group is fated to go bust. The public in various parts of the world is becoming vocal critical of their plots. The Arab Socialist Party of Egypt said in a statement issued on May 29: The United States and the south Korean authorities forged the case of sunk warship and are staging an anti-DPRK campaign by linking it with the DPRK, pushing the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of war. The "Cheonan" case is a farce, a product of the collusion and tie-up between the present south Korean authorities keen to stifle the DPRK firmly defending its sovereignty and dignity and tone down the angry public opinion of south Korea to tide over their ruling crisis and the U.S. working hard to strengthen its strategic position in Northeast Asia. Georgi Toloraya, director for Korean Platform of the Institute for Economic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said in his interview with ITAR-TASS on May 26: The present worst crisis on the Korean Peninsula in two decades after the end of the Cold War can be characterized by the fact that it was deliberately faked up by the south Korean authorities. This action taken according to a script is obviously of political nature, ie it is aimed to isolate and weaken north Korea. Alexandr Vorontsov, chief of the Section for Korean Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said on June 10 in his article titled "The secret of the south Korean Patrol Ship:" The moves of the United States and the south Korean authorities after the publication of the "results of investigation" into the "Cheonan" case give strong impression that the moves were taken by them according to the carefully prearranged "scenario". South Korea regarded it as its "ideal plan" to use the case for increasing the "pressure on the north" through the UN Security Council and is taking much pain to plug China and Russia into it. There is already the U.S. view that the case created the possibility of better meeting the U.S. military and political interests in the areas close to China. Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban revolution, said on June 4 that the U.S. cooked up the "Cheonan" case to hold its hegemony in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world. The U.S. is resorting to such arbitrary practices as posing military threats to the DPRK, Iran and other countries which incur its displeasure, misleading the world public with lies and plots against these countries, he noted. Russian Internet News Ruskie Novosti said in an article titled "U.S. trace left on 'torpedo of the north'": The escalated tension on the Korean Peninsula is not beneficial to both the north and the south. Only the U.S. gets benefits from it. Now that the U.S. is stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan, it seeks to use "other's hand" after making a switchover in its tactics. In other words, it seeks to put the burden of stifling north Korea on the shoulder of south Korea while "preserving its image". Its another calculation was that it could put China in an awkward position and tear north Korea off China. The June 9th issue of the Hong Kong newspaper Asia Times said that the "Cheonan" case was a revelation of a foolish attempt of the U.S. and south Korea to drive a wedge between north Korea and China whose relations are developing favorably with each passing day. It continued: The "Cheonan" case is a campaign targeted against China. The U.S. recent strong support for the south Korean authorities is aimed to isolate China in Asia. China finally realized that the "Cheonan" campaign was a curtain raiser to Obama's policy for re-intervention in Asia. The June 8th issue of the Chinese Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao said: The "Cheonan" case was more badly required by the U.S. than any other countries. Now that the U.S. presence and role in Northeast Asia are becoming increasingly questionable, the "Cheonan" case offered Washington a good pretext for beefing up its military presence in the region. The regime of the Democratic Party of Japan, yielding to the U.S. pressure, was compelled to change its stand and reconsider its relations with Washington. Through the "Cheonan" case the U.S. not only boosted its relations with south Korea but influenced Japan to move, thus hitting two birds with one stone. Referring to the aims sought by the Lee group through the case, the paper commented: "First, to divert elsewhere the people's attention second, elicit sympathy from broad world public and point an accusing finger at north Korea and third, tighten alliance with the U.S. What is clear is that the Lee regime sought through this case to make south Korea a geo-political partner of the U.S. and a diplomatic mainstay in Northeast Asia and put stronger international pressure upon north Korea." The director general of the Finnish Commun Forum Information Agency in a statement issued on May 20 said that the Lee regime might have orchestrated the case for its politically-motivated purpose to escalate the tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK can never take a military action against its fellow countrymen in the light of its political ideal. It is a country based on justice and no military plot against this country is workable. All facts go to clearly prove that the "Cheonan" case was a conspiratorial farce orchestrated by the U.S. and the Lee group of traitors to serve their foolish political and military purposes to tarnish the daily rising prestige of the DPRK and isolate it in the international arena. The U.S. and the south Korean puppet clique have ceaselessly perpetrated all forms of hostile acts against the DPRK for nearly six decades since the ceasefire in 1953. Typical examples are "Pueblo" incident and EC-121 large spy plane incident. This being a hard reality, they have run the whole gamut of intrigues to flee from the responsibility for these crimes. But the truth about these cases was brought to light and the criminals faced a stern judgment of justice. The "Cheonan" case was a conspiratorial farce and charade orchestrated by the U.S. and the Lee Myung Bak group of traitors of south Korea to achieve their political purposes. It is the lesson taught by history that the U.S. fabrication of cases is bound to be followed by aggression and interference. It is the U.S. which fishes in troubled waters, taking advantage of the confrontational hysteria kicked up by the south Korean group of traitors who level their guns at innocent fellow countrymen in the wake of the outbreak of the case. The U.S. and the south Korean warlike forces should not miscalculate. The DPRK will probe the truth behind the "Cheonan" case to the last and will never tolerate any provocation of the hostile forces but certainly force them to pay for all their crimes. |
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