calendar>>July 4. 2010 Juch 99 |
Anti-DPRK Moves Denounced in Britain
Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Members of political parties, organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people and Juche idea study organizations in Britain held a rally and staged a demo outside the U.S. embassy and the south Korean puppet embassy in London on June 25 to denounce the U.S. and the south Korean authorities' moves against the DPRK on the occasion of the June 25-July 27 month of anti-U.S. joint struggle. Read out at the rally were the KCNA memorandum "The U.S. imperialists are aggressors who provoked the Korean War" and the KCNA report "Thrice-cursed crimes pending compensation". Then followed speeches. Andy Brooks, general secretary of the Central Committee of the New Communist Party of Britain, Dermot Hudson, chairman of the British Association for the Study of Songun Policy, Kevin Cain, organizational secretary of the British Branch of the Korean Friendship Association, and other speakers said that the Korean War ignited by the U.S. imperialists six decades ago was an unjust war. They denounced the U.S. imperialists as the murderers who perpetrated in Korea the most bestial and cruel crimes and thrice-cursed massacres unprecedented in the world history of wars. During the war the U.S. imperialists massacred innocent people in Sinchon County and other areas and used even germ weapons, they noted. They charged that the U.S. imperialists have constantly sought to stifle the DPRK in wanton violation of the U.N. Charter and international law, thus bringing unspeakable damage to the Korean people. They also condemned the U.S. and the south Korean puppet group for orchestrating the case of the warship "Cheonan's" sinking. The participants in the rally staged a demonstration, chanting slogans "U.S. forces, withdraw from south Korea!" and "Down with Lee Myung Bak!", with flags of the DPRK and placards reading "Down with the U.S. imperialists!" "The U.S. imperialists, take hands off Korea!" and "Korea is one!" in their hands. |
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