calendar>>July 19. 2010 Juch 99 |
Kim Jong Il Enjoys Performance Given by Art Squads
Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed an art performance given by the art squad of the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Silk Mill and the itinerant art squad of the Pyongyang Textile Mill. Put on the stage were such colorful numbers of diverse genres as chorus "The General Is Our Father", dialogic poem "We Sing of the Loving Care Shown by the Three Commanders of Mt. Paektu", female chorus and pangchang "Recollecting the Birthplace," female chorus "Oriole Chirps in Compound of Our Mill", agitation and story-telling "There is 'Pueblo' in Front of the Gate to Our Mill", drum beating and singing in chorus "Our Country Is Witnessing Changes", male quintet and chorus "Do Proper, the Era of the Workers' Party" and poem and chorus "Let Us Dash Ahead toward a Thriving Nation". The performers enthusiastically sang of their happiness and pride of dynamically making a breakthrough towards building an economic power as strong vanguard unit of the revolution under the loving care of Kim Jong Il and powerfully demonstrated the militant spirit of the heroic working class of Korea dashing ahead like the wind toward the eminence of a thriving nation full of faith in sure victory and optimism. They truthfully represented the proud appearance of new culture of the working class born in the era of Songun through the performance replete with revolutionary enthusiasm and militant spirit. He acknowledged the enthusiastic cheers of the performers and audience and congratulated them on their successful performance. He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the members of the above-said art squads presented a splendid performance flawless in ideological contents and artistry with art works of great cognitive and educational value as they truthfully represented their life. He extended high appreciation and thanks to them for their successful performance. All the numbers put on the stage fully reflect the unshakable faith, revolutionary optimism and transparent spiritual world of the Korean working class pushing ahead the socialist cause of Juche in the van while strictly adhering to the working class principle, undeterred by any storm and stress, he said, adding that the popular art now in full bloom among the workers of the mills serves as an example of new noble culture of the working class in the Songun era based on the revolutionary soldier culture. He advanced important tasks that would serve as guidelines for intensifying the popular cultural and art activities. He expressed great expectation and conviction that the working class in the DPRK would bring about uninterrupted leap forward and innovations in production and construction in the future, too, sounding the advance for a great surge and beating drums of the revolution. Among the audience were Vice Marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Yong Chun, vice-chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and minister of the People's Armed Forces, KPA General Kim Jong Gak, member of the NDC of the DPRK and first deputy director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA, KPA General Ri Yong Ho, chief of the General Staff of the KPA, KPA General U Tong Chuk, member of the NDC of the DPRK, and other commanding officers of the army and armed forces organs, Jang Song Thaek, vice-chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and department director of the WPK Central Committee, Secretary Kim Ki Nam, Department Directors Kim Kyong Hui, Thae Jong Su and Kim Yang Gon and other leading officials of the WPK Central Committee and leading officials of the mills concerned and servicepersons. |
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