calendar>>August 29 2010 Juch 99 |
Koreans Called upon to turn out in Struggle against Japanese Militarists
Pyongyang, August 29 (KCNA) -- The North Side Council for the Reunification of Tangun's Nation and the South Side Council for the Peace and Reunification of Tangun's Nation Sunday issued a north-south joint declaration of a meeting for history of national independence for defending national sovereignty on the lapse of a century since the Japanese imperialists fabricated and promulgated by force the "Korea-Japan Annexation Treaty" and annexed the whole of Korea. Noting that the Japanese imperialists are the sworn enemies as they trampled down upon the state sovereignty of Korea and tried to stamp out the Korean nation for good and all, the declaration called for forcing them to pay for those crimes generation after generation. It added: Japan is distorting its history of aggression and becoming undisguised in its moves to grab Tok Islets to stage a comeback to Korea, far from making sincere apology and reparation for the hideous thrice-cursed crimes it committed by inflicting untold misfortune and disaster upon the Korean people in the past. What merits more serious attention is the fact that the conservative sycophantic forces who threw away the spirit of the Tangun's nation have staged reckless war exercises against the north almost everyday while tightening military tie-up with the Japanese reactionaries after drawing them into the moves for confrontation with fellow countrymen in league with foreign forces in a bid to bring the disaster of a nuclear war to fellow countrymen. We declare as follows to fulfill the mission as members of the Tangun's nation at the call of the era reflecting the demand and wish of the nation: We will stage dynamic patriotic struggle for independence and reunification of the country against foreign forces holding high the slogan "Let the Whole Nation Unite under the Banner of Inter-Korean Joint Declaration and Achieve National Reunification at an Early Date!" The national movement organizations in the north and the south will turn out in the sacred struggle to decisively reject the moves of foreign forces for domination, interference and war provocation against the Korean nation and foil the ambition of the Japanese militarists for reinvasion. We will dynamically conduct mass movement to force Japan to make apology for its past crimes and redress them with historical occasions this year as momentum. National movement organizations related to Tangun in the north and the south will decisively frustrate in firm unity the moves of anti-reunification forces to scuttle the inter-Korean relations and conduct the vigorous movement for implementing the June 15 joint declaration through solidarity and alliance. |
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