calendar>>September 7. 2010 Juch 99 |
Kim Jong Il's China Visit Hailed
Pyongyang, September 7 (KCNA) -- Organizations in France and Switzerland made public statements in congratulation of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's successful visit to China. The France-Korea Friendship Association in a statement on Sept. 1 said that Kim Jong Il's recent China visit was a historic one as it made great contribution to further consolidating the DPRK-China friendship and enhancing the international prestige of the DPRK. The association, encouraged by his successful visit to China, will more widely conduct the solidarity activities for support to the Korean people in their just cause of building a thriving nation, achieving national reunification and realizing peace, stability and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula, the statement stressed. The Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of Switzerland in a joint statement on August 31 noted with high appreciation that Kim Jong Il powerfully promoted the development of the traditional DPRK-China relations of friendship and cooperation by visiting China again this year. Cuautemoc Amezcua Dromundo, chairman of the Central Committee of the Socialist Popular Party of Mexico, said in a statement on the same day that Kim Jong Il's China visit gave a shock to the international community, causing a great sensation. Paying the highest tribute to Kim Jong Il who made distinguished contribution to preserving peace and security of the world and advancing the human cause of independence against imperialism through his recent China visit, all the members of the Socialist Popular Party of Mexico heartily wish him good health and great success in his noble work to lead the struggle of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people and the world progressives for building of a thriving nation, the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea and global independence, the statement said. |
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