calendar>>November 1. 2010 Juch 99 |
Implementation of Inter-Korean Joint Declarations Urged
Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- It is the invariable stand and steadfast principle of the DPRK to improve the inter-Korean relations and pave the way for national reunification on the basis of the historic June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration. Rodong Sinmun Monday says this in a signed article. Noting that improving the north-south relations is a basic prerequisite for independent reunification, peace and prosperity, the article goes on: It is the best way for defusing the danger of war on the Korean Peninsula and achieving independent reunification by concerted efforts of all Koreans to turn the present inter-Korean relations of distrust and confrontation into the relations of trust and reconciliation. The historic June 15 joint declaration and its practical programme October 4 declaration serve as a foundation for improving the inter-Korean relations. It is the lesson taught by the trend of the situation this year that the inter-Korean relations can improve only when the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration are respected and sincerely implemented. The reality in which the inter-Korean relations were brought back to the state of acute confrontation before the publication of the June 15 joint declaration goes to clearly prove that it becomes a longer way to improve the relations between the north and the south and the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula are seriously threatened as long as the south Korean authorities' anti-DPRK confrontation moves persist. The south Korean authorities would be well advised to clearly understand the aspiration of the nation and the trend of the times and opt for improving the inter-Korean relations. If they truly stand for the improved relations between the north and the south, national reunification and prosperity common to the nation, they should respect the north-south declarations and sincerely respond to the dialogue and negotiations. The south Korean authorities should immediately drop their confrontation policy hostile to the DPRK out of compatriotism and stop such acts as stoking distrust and confrontation between the north and the south and escalating the tension. |
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