calendar>>December 16. 2010 Juch 99 |
FM Spokesman Accuses US of Sidestepping Proposals for Dialogue
Pyongyang, December 16 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry released a statement on Thursday lashing out at the United States for its sinister strategic attempt. The statement says: The U.S. is keen on stirring up a war atmosphere on the Korean Peninsula and in its vicinity while persistently sidestepping proposals for dialogue with all kinds of preconditions. Lurking behind this attitude of the U.S. is a sinister strategic scenario to obstruct the economic construction in the DPRK and establish a military domination on it and thus use its military deterrence against its neighboring countries. The DPRK is at a very important juncture in which it should channel all its efforts into the economic construction as it should attain the goal to open the gate to a thriving nation in 2012. In expanding foreign investment in the country it requires a stable peaceful atmosphere, not a war atmosphere. In order to disturb the environment necessary for focusing efforts on the economic construction in the DPRK the U.S. is employing a trick to strain the situation and, at the same time, pass the buck for it to the DPRK. This is evidenced by the fact that it is trying to make the public believe that the situation remains tense and dialogue is not opened because the DPRK "violates" international agreements and perpetrates "provocative actions". The history and the reality go to prove that it was none other than the U.S. that has systematically breached all the international agreements calling for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. It was again the U.S. that introduced nuclear weapons into south Korea, scrapping the Armistice Agreement and causing the nuclearization of the peninsula, not content with shipping war equipment there in gross violation of the AA in 1953. It is still not implementing the resolution 3390 of the UN General Assembly held in 1975 which calls for replacing the AA by a peace treaty and disbanding "the UN Forces Command." The U.S. also violated the 1994 DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework and reduced to a dead paper the U.S. President's message of assurances in which it promised to provide two light-water reactors to the DPRK till 2003. It was also none other than the U.S. which increased the military threat to the DPRK in violation of the DPRK-U.S. joint statement adopted in June, 1993 which called on both sides to refrain each other from using armed forces including nuclear weapons and posing a threat with such armed forces and the DPRK-U.S. joint communique adopted in October, 2000 in which both sides vowed not to antagonize each other. The U.S. also violated the spirit of mutual respect and equality, the provisions for the normalization of relations and ensuring peace and the principle of simultaneous actions on which an agreement was reached in the September 19 joint statement adopted at the six-way talks in 2005. It is also preposterous for the U.S. to take issue with the DPRK's nuclear activities for peaceful purposes under the pretence of dodging dialogue. The DPRK's independent building of LWRs and its production of enriched uranium for their fuel are nuclear activities for the peaceful purpose to produce electricity. The right to peaceful use of nuclear energy is the universally recognized right which the countries inside and outside the NPT substantially exercise on the principle of equality and this right of the DPRK is stipulated in the above-said joint statement, too. All these facts clearly indicate who truly desires dialogue and peace on the peninsula and who wants confrontation and war atmosphere. The DPRK supports all proposals for dialogue including the six-party talks, prompted by the desire to prevent a war and realize denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula but will never beg for it. |
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