calendar>>December 21. 2010 Juch 99 |
Kim Jong Il Inspects Huichon Ryonha General Machinery Plant
Pyongyang, December 21 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il provided field guidance to the Huichon Ryonha General Machinery Plant, a model plant in the 21st century. He went round various places of the plant including the newly built CNC-based assembling shop and CNC-based processing shop to acquaint himself in detail with its technological updating and production there. Looking round the interior of the plant and watching new type CNC-based machine tools standing in rows, he said that it has undergone radical changes in a matter of a few months. He was greatly pleased with the leaping progress made in the technological updating. The workers of the plant, their hearts burning with patriotism, have put the machine-building industry on the world's level with persevering will, he said, adding that it is another great victory won in the Songun era that the DPRK has ranked itself among the countries most advanced in the latest science and technology in the wake of firmly holding supremacy in CNC-based technology. He said: "The revolutionary practice in the DPRK goes to prove that only those strong in thinking and faith can acquire ultra modern technology stirring the era and they are true patriots and indomitable fighters who glorify the Juche idea not in words but in practice". Noting that the slogan "Push back the frontiers of science and technology!" put up by the party serves as a militant banner for dynamically pushing forward the process of placing the economy on a Juche-oriented, modern and scientific basis, he underscored the need to powerfully push ahead with the modernization based on the latest science and technology in all sectors and at all units. Pointing out that it is necessary for the plant to continue steadily dashing ahead toward a higher eminence of science and technology on the basis of the successes made in placing its production processes on a CNC basis, he set the targets to be attained in the near future and specified the orientation and ways to do so. The DPRK boldly developed CNC technology, thus becoming able to manufacture high performance CNC-based equipment as it pleases, he said, underlining the need to continue paying deep attention to bringing the machine-tool industry to a higher stage. He called on the workers of the plant to effect a great surge in the production of machine tools by fully displaying patriotic devotion and thus successfully carry forward and develop the shining tradition in which they produced 10,000 machine tools in the past. Noting that the party has great expectation towards the plant, he expressed conviction that it would contrive and manufacture more highly efficient CNC-based machine tools to make a positive contribution to further consolidating the industrial foundation of the country. He was accompanied by Kim Jong Un, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK, Kim Kyong Hui, member of the Political Bureau and department director of the C.C., the WPK, Jang Song Thaek, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the WPK and vice-chairman of the NDC, Pak To Chun, Choe Ryong Hae, Thae Jong Su, and Kim Phyong Hae, alternate members of the Political Bureau and secretaries of the C.C., the WPK, and Hyon Chol Hae and Ri Myong Su, department directors of the NDC. |
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