calendar>>July 8. 2011 Juch 100 |
Traitor Lee Myung Bak Accused of His Confrontation Remarks against Reunification
Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute Wednesday issued the following white paper bringing to light how systematically traitor Lee Myung Bak of south Korea has deteriorated the inter-Korean relations through his reckless remarks: The north-south relations have been pushed to the worst catastrophe due to the puppet group of traitors' hideous provocations. His reckless remarks recorded in history roundly expose how systematically he has deteriorated the relations. Provocative Remarks against North-South Joint Declarations The inter-Korean relations which had favorably developed since the publication of the June 15 joint declaration were put into catastrophe primarily because traitor Lee negated the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 declaration and blocked their implementation. Even before taking office Lee laid bare his black-hearted intention of negating the joint declarations. On May 10, 2007 he, in his declaration of puppet presidential election campaign, described the signal development of the inter-Korean relations since the publication of the June 15 joint declaration as "south-north relations led by the north" and "a lost decade." At a talk with the U.S. ambassador in south Korea on August 29, 2007 he said "the Roh Moo Hyun government and the Democratic Party put emphasis on the inter-Korean relations in the light of national cooperation but I am giving importance to cooperation with the U.S., a traditional friendly country." In an election campaign rally on Nov. 27, 2007 he branded the implementation of the joint declarations as "drain on resources", crying out that he would take it into account when he takes presidential office. After he took office, Lee let loose vituperations openly denying the inter-Korean joint declarations. At a New Year press conference on Jan. 14, 2008 he said that "the agreed points reached at the south-north summit in October 2007 are not specific but theoretical", groundlessly slandering the October 4 declaration to lay bare his black-hearted intention to evade its implementation. At a press interview on Feb. 1, 2008 he said: "It does not mean that the successor has to implement what his predecessors signed in Pyongyang. I will clarify what to do first and the next and what should not be done." This meant his total negation of the implementation of the declaration. He blatantly insulted and violated even the idea of "By our nation itself", the core of the north-south joint declaration, in particular. In his "presidential" inaugural address on Feb. 25, 2008 Lee blustered that he would pursue the policy toward the north not with ideology as a yardstick but pragmatism as a yardstick. In his speech at the March First commemoration meeting, his first one after his "presidential" inauguration, and a ceremony of appointing generals of the puppet army on April 3 he asserted "By our nation itself" represents "narrow-minded nationalism" and "national chauvinism" and "this would not help settle the south-north relations." Lee purged all those concerned with the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration and their supporters not only from Chongwadae but from the Ministry of Unification, the Intelligence Service and other ministries and bureaus of the puppet regime while negating and violating the inter-Korean joint declarations. He brutally suppressed the organizations related to the June 15 joint declaration. He went the lengths of hurling the clan of the ruling parties and political gangsters into hurting and persecuting the two former "presidents" who signed the north-south joint declarations. Finally he drove them to death. What hostile feelings he harbored against the inter-Korean joint declarations can find a vivid expression in the fact that he has never appeared in a series of events commemorating the anniversary of the publication of the joint declaration held by non-governmental organizations nor has he uttered any word about its implementation while he has been in office. The inter-Korean relations could not get rid of the abyss of catastrophe from the outset as the traitor savagely trampled down upon the historic north-south joint declaration, a milestone for reunification common to the nation fully supported and welcomed by all the Koreans and the whole world. Reckless Remarks Negating Inter-Korean Relations Lee Myung Bak suspended overnight the inter-Korean dialogues which had been underway according to the historic north-south joint declarations, and severed the inter-Korean relations in all fields. On March 14, 2008 right after his assumption of power Lee instructed the puppet ministry of Unification not to make any proposal for dialogue and contact to the north. At a meeting for receiving the first working report from the ministry on March 26 he called for changing the negotiating posture so far maintained, totally negating the inter-Korean dialogue. When his remarks created a big uproar at home and abroad, Lee at the nationally televised press conference on April 13, 2008 said: "The government is now undergoing an adjustment period in which the framework of south-north relations which existed in the last decade is newly formulated. It is approaching the relations with the north with a principle from that viewpoint." This was nothing but sheer sophism. When interviewed by the Time magazine on June 3, he said that he would not make separate approach of advancing south-north relations at the six-party talks. Lee put up all kinds of pretexts including "dismantlement of nuclear weapons", "sincerity", "adherence to principle" and "change of north's attitude" in a bid to block inter-Korean dialogues and relations. At a meeting receiving a working report of the puppet Ministry of Unification on March 26, 2008, etc. he put a checkbar on the inter-Korean cooperation undertakings, talking about "north's dismantlement of nuclear weapons first" and "drain on resources." On Nov. 12 he claimed: "I am waiting for the north to change its attitude and waiting is a strategy." He has so far turned his face away from the sincere efforts made by the DPRK for inter-Korean dialogue and improved relations. The DPRK repeatedly urged the south Korean authorities to stop acts of bedeviling the inter-Korean relations and honestly come out for dialogue from the very day the puppet conservative group came to power. It has advanced every sincere constructive proposal for the inter-Korean dialogues and the improved relations. However, Lee raved that "there is no going back in the south-north relations" and "there may be one year of standstill in the more than six decade-long history of division." "Dialogue only helps the north consolidates its power and refusal of dialogue is the only way for keeping the policy toward the north alive," he said. He went the lengths of letting loose such rubbish as "I would not have talks without a principle", "it is my view that the present south-north relations are on the most normal orbit" and "it would not be bad not to have even an opportunity to have a summit during my term of office." Lee told his cohorts: "Do away with the idea that the deteriorated and strained inter-Korean relations adversely affect economy." "It is not bad not to have any progress in south-north relations during the five years' term of my office." "It is necessary to shape a long-term strategy, not trying to hear that there are good inter-Korean relations." He thus zealously prodded them into escalating the inter-Korean confrontation. When the then minister of Unification presented Lee Myung Bak with a next year proposal calling for dialogue between authorities, economic cooperation, humanitarian projects, dispatch of special envoy, etc. at a meeting for making a working report of his ministry on Dec. 31, 2008, Lee scolded him, saying "the resumption of dialogue should not be the target of the south." He fired him in the end, replacing him with Hyon In Thaek, a diehard anti-reunification confrontation element. As the grudge against Hyon mounted high in south Korea, Lee at a TV chat on Feb. 1, 2011 was asked if he had any idea of replacing conservative hardliners including the minister of Unification. He replied: "There should be guys disliked by the north." When there occurred an incident of a tourist at Mt. Kumgang resort due to her carelessness, he unilaterally suspended the tour of the mountain and refused the resumption of the tour, crying out for its thorough investigation, assurances against the recurrence of the similar incident and personal safety measures. Groundlessly pulling up the DPRK over provocative warship sinking case and Yonphyong Island shelling incident, he is putting up what he called "admission" and "apology" as preconditions for inter-Korean dialogue, asserting that "more dialogues and cooperation would be meaningless." All these facts go to prove that Lee has not an iota of intention to resume dialogue and improve the relations with the north but only a sinister aim to obstruct them by picking a quarrel with the north at any cost. Reckless Anti-DPRK Remarks over Nuclear Issue It is universally known that the nuclear issue spawned on the Korean Peninsula due to the U.S. introduction of nukes, its nuclear war racket and nuclear threat. Nevertheless, Lee kept mum about the U.S. moves to start a nuclear war against the DPRK and has actively cooperated with it in executing its policy and toed it. He joined his American master in calling for "the DPRK's dismantlement of nuclear weapons." He put it up as a precondition for the improvement of the north-south relations. This is preposterous as it is designed to disarm the north and achieve the goal of aggression. Former puppet rulers of south Korea also kicked up the anti-DPRK nuclear racket. But no one else but traitor Lee brought the nuclear issue to the fore in collusion with outside forces and used it for achieving the purpose of confrontation against dialogue, peace and reunification. At a press interview with reporters of broadcasting services on Nov. 19, 2007 and an interview with a reporter of Choongang Ilbo on Sept. 10, 2007 Lee said: "It is the most important matter among the pending issues related to the south-north relations to force the north to dismantle its nuclear weapons." "Unlike Roh Moo Hyun and Kim Dae Jung governments I will pursue the north policy, keeping nuclear dismantlement in mind." Not content with this, on Nov. 30, 2007 he said: "The north should know that it cannot expect anything unless it dismantles its nuclear weapons and opts for reform and opening." At a press conference early in February 2008, he said the north's nuclear dismantlement is the major premise for south-north relations. On February 25, 2008 in his presidential inaugural address Lee went the lengths of openly declaring "no nukes, opening and 3 000 dollars" as "his north policy". In a speech made at an opening session of the 18th "National Assembly" on July 11, 2008 and at a press conference with foreign reporters on Sept. 26, he defined the "north's scrapping of nuclear program" as "the priority task of the north policy," "pressing task" and the "master key" and the like, openly revealing his intention not to improve the north-south relations even a bit unless the issue is settled. During his U.S. tours in mid-April and November, 2008 and in September, 2009 and on several other occasions of meeting his U.S. master, he held anti-DPRK confabs over the nuclear issue. He said the goal of the north policy during his term was to force the north to scrap the nuclear program and join the international community. He spelt out extremely unsavory "grand bargain" in a bid to kick up more desperate anti-DPRK nuclear racket. He said: "If the north is recognized as a nuclear weapons state, the nuclear proliferation issue will be serious." "One should not allow oneself to follow in the footsteps of the nuclear talks held over the last two decades." In his phone talk with the then Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama on Aug. 31, 2009 and talk with the Japanese foreign minister on Jan. 15, 2011 Lee said: "The solution of the south-north issue is premised on the north's scrapping of its nuclear program. It is the government's stand that nothing will be possible without nuclear dismantlement." "It is necessary to approach the talks on the premise of the north's will to completely scrap its nuclear program." "The north's uranium enrichment issue should be brought for discussion at the UN Security Council." Lee implored his U.S. master for the "extended nuclear deterrence" so that nukes may be positively used in contingency on the Korean Peninsula the same way they would be used for the defense of the U.S. mainland. He cried that the nuclear program of the north can never be tolerated, frequently introducing U.S. nuclear carriers and nuclear submarines into south Korea. He put up the north's "scrapping of nuclear program" as a precondition for the north-south dialogue and the north-south relations. These are shameless remarks. That is why people of different social standings in south Korea and public opinion at home and abroad are chiding the reckless remarks of Lee as pointless ones ignorant of the essence of the nuclear issue and pretexts for putting brakes on the south-north relations. The north-south relations could not advance even a step owing to Lee's persistent anti-DPRK campaign over the nuclear issue. Reckless Remarks Inciting Confrontation of Systems The historic July 4 joint statement and north-south joint declarations call upon the north and the south to recognize and respect each other's ideologies and systems and clarify issues of achieving national reunification on the principle of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity and in the spirit of "By our nation itself". Lee has desperately pursued the confrontation of systems, talking about "change" and "opening" of someone and "unification under liberal democracy" in wanton violation of the main principle governing the north-south relations and the three principles of national reunification. This drove those relations to such phase where they are no longer repairable. At round-table talks with foreign reporters on Feb. 6, 2007 and on other occasions, he said: "There is an urgent need to pursue a strategic policy to lead the north to opening, the policy aimed to bring about a substantial change." "I will be different from the former presidents if I become president. I won't allow myself to be taken in." At the press conference on Dec. 20 after he was elected "president", he said: "I won't refrain from criticizing the north nor unilaterally curry favor with it, not the way the previous regimes did." "I will say to the north what I would like to do." After taking office Lee became evermore undisguised in his behavior fostering the confrontation of systems. During his U.S. junket in November 2008 Lee said: "Good consultation with Obama would help the north make a substantial change." "My ultimate goal is to unify the country under liberal democracy". At an interview with the Wall Street Journal on June 13, 2009 he said: "The previous governments thought that raising the human rights issue of the north would be detrimental to the south-north relations, but I don't think so." At a party in Chongwadae on April 20, 2010 he vociferated about "basic rights" and "right to happiness," disclosing his sinister intention to escalate the confrontation of systems. He went the lengths of decrying firework galas held in the DPRK. Referring to the duty and function of the puppet ministry of Unification of south Korea, he said the mission of the ministry was to achieve "unification by absorption", not improvement of south-north relations and reconciliation and cooperation. He brought together riffraffs and human scum and urged them to intensify the leaflet scattering campaign and anti-DPRK smear broadcasting. At round-table talks with compatriots during his German tour on May 8, 2011 Lee said the Chancellor of West Germany predicted in 1989 the Berlin Wall would exist 50 years longer, but it was pulled down 10 months later, adding that the unification of the south and the north would come so. He brought together members of the Advisory Council for Democracy and Peaceful Unification of south Korea on June 21, 2011 and talked nonsense "unification might come at dead of night like a thief," creating big uproar. In fact what Lee uttered in a bid to escalate the confrontation of systems was something unprecedented in its malignant and vicious nature. It, therefore, lashed the whole nation into great fury. Reckless Remarks Inciting Military Confrontation and War The north-south relations have been pushed to the brink of war because Lee has egged the military warmongers onto provocations since he came to power, while being keen on military confrontation and moves for a war against the north, backed by the U.S. No sooner had he been elected "president" than he visited a forefront unit in Kangwon Province of south Korea, fanning up war fever. On Jan. 11, 2008 he visited the puppet Ministry of Defense where he cried out for maintaining "high awareness of security" and keeping itself in combat ready to invade the north. While receiving a working report of the Defense Ministry at the puppet third field army command on March 12, 2008 Lee ranted that it was facing the world's strongest military muscle of the north and "what was important was the awareness of close south Korea-U.S. cooperation and security." At a state council meeting on Aug. 18, 2008 he openly talked about "possibility of local dispute and war." On Sept. 26, 2008 the traitor visited the puppet army's joint demonstration firing exercise ground where the warmongers fired at the DPRK flag. There he complemented them, blustering "there is no rear separated from front in a modern warfare. The army should get fully ready to go into action." At major commanding officers' meeting on May 4, 2010 he cried out for "establishing principal enemy concept" while talking about "hostile relations with the north" and "specific situation". At talks with the people over "Cheonan" case and talk-fest with those of the Advisory Council for Democracy and Peaceful Unification he blustered that "one should know there is the most warlike group just 50 km ahead", "one should take a firm stand", "one should not be afraid of a war" and "now is the time to show action rather than words." When he inspected the commanding control post of the puppet Joint Chiefs of Staff on Nov. 23 and a forefront unit of the puppet army on Dec. 23, 2010 he said "countermeasures should be taken even in violation of wartime rules," "a big counterattack should be mounted", "we will make them pay due price" and "one should open one's eyes wide to watch the north." On June 24, 2011 he called members of the Defense Committee of the puppet National Assembly to Chongwadae where he said he "regrets so deeply for failing to strike the north during Yonphyong Island shelling." He added: I felt surge of anger. Still I can't calm down myself. I can't tolerate. Lee was entirely to blame for the above-said hideous provocations such as target and slogan firing incidents orchestrated by the puppet military group recently to hurt the system and the dignity of the leadership of the DPRK as they were encouraged by his reckless remarks, vituperation and instructions. What has been mentioned above is just a tip of iceberg of the outbursts disclosed by south Korean media. No space is enough to cite all his outpourings. No wonder, south Koreans from all walks of life bitterly denounce his anti-reunification remarks for confrontation, saying that "the tongue-wagging of the president has thrown all the people into calamity," "Lee Myung Bak's north policy is one of viper", " Lee Myung Bak had better shut up." The highest treason committed by Lee will never be pardoned. The army and people of the DPRK together with all other compatriots will surely punish Lee and his group. |
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