calendar>>July 23. 2011 Juch 100 |
Puppet Group of Traitors Indicted for Enforcing "NSL"
Pyongyang, July 23 (KCNA) -- The Democratic Lawyers Association of Korea and the DPRK Association of Human Rights Studies issued on July 22 a joint indictment to expose the crimes of the Lee Myung Bak group in turning south Korea into the worst grave yard of human rights on the strength of "National Security Law," a fascist law ever known in history. The full text of the indictment reads: The NSL, anti-human rights fascist law, was revived by the Lee Myung Bak group to mercilessly violate human rights and democracy in south Korea. This law should have been abrogated, swimming with the strong trend of the June 15 era of independence and reunification but it came into force again to savagely violate the independent rights of the south Korean people and throw a stumbling block in the way of national harmony and reunification. This is lamentable, indeed. The above-said associations issue this joint indictment in order to disclose once again internally and externally the criminal contents and anti-human rights nature of the NSL unprecedented in the history of world laws and let the world community know how the group has turned south Korea into the worst tundra of human rights on the strength of the fascist law. Unprecedented Fascist Law against Human Rights The "National Security Law", consisting of four chapters and 25 sections and annex, is the most fascist law against human rights unprecedented in its contents. This anti-reunification law, first of all, denies national reconciliation and reunification, the most elementary human rights issue for the Korean nation who are suffering from tragic division, and incites confrontation. It is the worst misfortune for the Koreans to live separated from each other in the north and the south by foreign forces, unable to meet each other, though they had lived in the same territory for 5,000 years. That is why human rights issue and reunification issue are inseparably linked with each other for the Koreans and barring national reconciliation and reunification is the worst human rights abuse. This traitorous law deems it as a legal premise and a starting-point to be extremely hostile towards compatriots and deny reunification. The second section of the NSL which is the core of the law and stipulates all other sections of the law calls for branding any organization having a command system as "an association or group at home or abroad aimed at seizing government power or toppling the state" as an "anti-state organization." Every section of the NSL contains expressions hostile to fellow countrymen such as "anti-state organization" and "its members." The first sentence of paragraph 2 of the first sub-section of Section 4 of the NSL, in particular, stipulates the north as "an enemy state." In the final analysis, the NSL defines not only the DPRK but also bodies and organizations relating to it and their members as the "main targets" and "principal enemies" to be antagonized and fought and codifies and stipulates confrontation with fellow countrymen, denying the very existence of the DPRK and national reconciliation, unity and reunification. This law puts a total ban on visit, contact and dialogue between the north and the south as it is aimed to extremely antagonize fellow countrymen and seek confrontation and war only. Visit, contact and dialogue between fellow countrymen in the north and the south are an important way for achieving national concord and reunification, and they are legitimate rights that should be fully guaranteed in the light of human rights. But, the NSL says any south Korean's visit to the north is punishable on the charge of violation of "infiltration and escape," its section 6, his or her contact, dialogue and correspondence with the north liable to punishment on charge of violation of "meeting and communication," its section 8, one's sympathy with the assertion of the north is punishable on charge of violation of "praise and encouragement," its section 7, one's offer of convenience to the north liable to punishment on charge of violation of "offer of convenience," its section 9, one's exchange of things with persons of the north in a third country also punishable on charge of violation of "voluntary assistance and offer of money," its section 5 and the case of not reporting the said facts is liable to punishment on the charge of violation of "failure to report," its section 10. Punishment by the NSL is up to death penalty. On the strength of provisions of this law many persons were severely punished and suppressed and persecuted on charge of "benefiting the enemy." Among them were former south Korean Progressive Party leader Jo Pong Am, Rev. Mun Ik Hwan, former member of parliament Yu Won Ho, Painter Hong Song Dam, Rev. Han Sang Ryol and many other south Korean pro-reunification patriots who called for national reconciliation, unity and reunification and met fellow countrymen in the north. The NSL is a law against democracy and human rights as it mercilessly tramples down upon not only democratic freedom and rights of the south Korean people but elementary rights to existence. The NSL is violating at random the people's rights to politics, economy and social and cultural activities on charge of "security" and "state disturbance". The NSL punishes those who call for the repeal of the south Korea-U.S. "SOFA" and the withdrawal of the U.S. forces and oppose joint military exercises with the U.S. after bringing groundless charges that they sympathize with "the north's strategy of communizing the south" and do harm to the "state existence." It suppresses even those who accuse the authorities of pursuing unpopular policies and demand a wage increase and stable job on charges that they are "pro-communist forces" and leftist forces." Even when people expose injustice, lies and evils and stand for truth and justice, this law suppresses them on charges of violation of "appraisal and encouragement" of activities of "an anti-state organization." Even when a person speaks out what he knows after it was reported by media of south Korea, he is liable to a severe punishment on charge of providing information favorable for an "anti-state organization," section 4 of the NSL, and on charge of "propagandizing and agitating it in favor of that organization, sub-section 1 of section 7 of the NSL. The NSL makes rallies, demonstrations and sit-ins staged by south Koreans of different circles punishable as "offer of places for rallies, communication and liaison", "illegal rowdyism" and "illegal rallies" favorable to "anti-state organization" if they are detrimental to the fascist dictatorial rule even a bit. As seen above, the NSL is the most draconic law applicable to all activities of those going against the requirements and interests of the ruling quarters on charges of "state disturbance" and "threat to the state existence". For this reason, south Korean lawyers criticize the NSL as an all powerful law being abused for "the security of power" because its provisions are ambiguous and abstract. The NSL is a very harsh fascist law in view of stipulation of penalties quite different from other laws. The south Korean "criminal law" demands penal servitude or imprisonment for the charge of "forming a criminal organization" but the NSL imposes death or life imprisonment for the same charge according to its section 3. Section 27 of the "law on inter-Korean exchange and cooperation" of south Korea inflicts prison term for less than three years for any person visiting the north and exchanging goods and cooperating with it without the approval of the authorities but the NSL imposes less than ten years in jail for the charge of "infiltration and escape" when dealing with the same case. Moreover, the violators of the NSL are excluded from the category of special amnesty and commuting prison terms and conditional release can never be dreamed of by them. As seen above, the NSL consists of provisions against human rights, the nation and reunification from the issue of reunification, the most important issue of human rights of the Korean nation, to the issue of elementary human rights. History records a lot of evil laws such as the "Manou Code" of the ancient slavery society which harshly suppressed human rights and the "Catholic Church Code" which burned at the stake the scholar who advocated the heliocentric theory. But there have never been such draconic laws as the NSL which brought unspeakable tragedy, misfortune and pain to all Koreans, stifling justice and democracy and crudely violating human rights. Evil Product of Sycophancy, Treachery, Confrontation with Compatriots and Fascist Dictatorship Generally, the background against which a law was instituted and developed may suggest the nature and character of the party and group which enacted the law. The course of the enactment of the NSL and its retrogressive revision make it possible to clearly know about the ulterior purpose and nature of those who instituted this draconic law. The NSL is a legal and institutional mechanism the Syngman Rhee clique of traitors set up on December 1, 1948 to justify the puppet colonial regime installed through the "separate election" for territorial division and freeze the national split. At that time the NSL had six sections. It was a copy of "The Maintenance of the Public Order Act" in the period of the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule which called for punishing "those who organized an association aimed at transforming the state system." It was also a copy of a "decree" of the U.S. military administration which called on it to suppress the independent rights of the south Korean people. After the enactment of the NSL, the Syngman Rhee puppet clique arrested, imprisoned and killed on the strength of the law many patriots and people who demanded the reunification and independence of the country, opposed to the moves of the sycophantic and traitorous forces for national division. Even according to an official report of the "UN Commission on Korea", a patronized tool of the U.S. imperialists, more than 118,000 south Korean people were arrested and imprisoned in one year after the NSL was put into force. That was why, as soon as it was enacted, the NSL met bitter rebuff and denunciation from the south Korean people as a law against the nation and human rights as it stood in the way of Korea's reunification and trampled down upon the independent rights of the people. And even the then members of the "National Assembly" expressed concern, saying it was obstructive to reunification and contrary to democracy. This law has steadily undergone a retrogressive revision to be a tool of the puppet ruling quarters for maintaining and strengthening the fascist dictatorial system and escalating the confrontation with compatriots. The Park Chung-Hee military fascist dictatorial regime proclaimed "anti-communism" as the "primary national policy" after the May 16 military coup. In July 1961 it, not content with the NSL, enacted a new "anti-communist law" aimed to thoroughly check and control activities of all progressive and reunification-oriented organizations and personages and dramatically expand the scope, objects and terms of punishment. With these two evil laws the regime brutally cracked down upon personages and people of various strata whom it considered as hurdles to the fascist rule, turning south Korea into a tundra of human rights. The NSL and the "anti-communist law" called for branding any joking or utterance made while being drunken as "act of benefiting the enemy" and "espionage" and referring them to a summary trial. No wonder, at that time south Koreans derided them as "raw rice wine-like NSL" and "raw rice wine-like anti-communist law" and described the south Korean society where these laws were in force as a dark society where one could neither see anything though one had eyes nor speak though one had mouth nor hear though one had ears. Traitor Chun Doo Hwan wrested power at the point of bayonet in 1980 after the "Yusin" dictator met a miserable end. Chun retrogressively revised the NSL by way of absorbing and combining the "anti-communist law" in a bid to reinforce the legal foundation of the military fascist rule. In May 1991 under the regime of Roh Tae Woo the "draft amendment to NSL" was railroaded in just 35 seconds by the political tricksters of the "Democratic Liberal Party" which disguised as a merge of three parties. This disclosed the true nature of the south Korean legislation which defied even the elementary law-making procedures. The Kim Young Sam "government" retrogressively revised the NSL in the subsequent period by preserving the evil nature of the law that existed in the past. This law is still in force. The repeal of the NSL, the leftover of the old era, was high on the agenda with the trend of the times and the unanimous demand of the public at home and abroad after the publication of the historic June 15 joint declaration, but the conservative group of the "Grand National Party" has made desperate efforts to preserve it. A particular mention should be made of the fact that the Lee Myung Bak group, availing itself of the opportunity of seizing power, seeks to comprehensively revive the NSL despite the just demand of the south Korean people for its abrogation. It is set to retrogressively revise the provisions of the law in such a manner as to brand the organizations calling for independence, democracy and reunification as "anti-state organizations" and "enemy-benefiting organizations" and forcibly disband them and more severely punish those concerned, asserting that the existing NSL provides a weak legal ground for disbanding the "illegal and enemy-benefiting organizations." All facts go to clearly prove that the NSL is the unparalleled law against human rights as it was retrogressively revised by the group of traitors to block the independent and democratic development of the south Korean society and the country's reunification and prolong its dirty remaining days. Human rights abuses on the strength of "NSL" Since the very day it took office the Lee Myung Bak group revived fascist dictatorial system including the NSL and savagely violated the rights of the south Koreans, talking about making up for "the lost decade". The group has harshly suppressed the people who rose up demanding independence and democracy of the south Korean society and national reunification on charges of the violation of the NSL. The puppet conservative group is steeped in sycophancy towards the U.S. to the marrow of its bones. No sooner had it come to power than it executed those people who called for putting an end to the U.S. domination and interference, by invoking the NSL, talking about "priority to south Korea-U.S. relations" and "strategic alliance in the 21st century." It thus disclosed its true colors as A-class stooge and henchman serving the U.S. It groundlessly labeled the massive candlelight demonstrations waged by the people in protest against its sycophantic and traitorous policy including the import of American beef "rallies planned by pro-north leftist forces". It indiscriminately arrested and put into custody the personages of progressive organizations, saying that they were behind the demonstration. It also cracked down on the participants in the rallies, terming them "forces intended to overthrow the system." Brutal suppression by the riot police armed with electric guns, truncheons, shields and water cannons blinded and ruptured the eardrums of demonstrators. A university schoolgirl was trampled down underfoot by police and young boys had their heads broken, hit hard by shields. The police threw tear gas even at babies on baby carriages. The Lee group branded the producers of MBC's "PD handbook", who created a TV documentary dealing with the danger of the American beef, as "forces active at the instruction of the north". It set up a detective group assigned to investigate them and arrested all of them on charges of the violation of the NSL. Moreover, the group purged from the puppet government, public service institutions, businesses and schools at all levels those conscientious and democratic figures whom it put on the "wanted list", terming them "leftist forces". Professors who made a declaration on the situation were fired en masse and put behind bars. A total of more than 1,840 political parties and organizations were branded as "illegal organizations" on the strength of the NSL in one year and a half period since the conservative group came to power, according to media of south Korea. The Lee group mercilessly violated the south Koreans' freedom of speech, press and expression by invoking the NSL. When the Citizens' Solidarity for Democratic Society sent a letter expressing suspicion about the results of investigation into the warship sinking case and calling for reinvestigation into it to the UN and the People for Achieving Peace and Reunification was conducting just activities, the group cracked down on them, terming their just activities "enemy-benefiting acts". It even conducted total investigation into those Internet subscribers who posted on Internet articles disclosing the authorities' smear campaign. The Lee group's suppression of personages of different social standings and organizations calling for reunification through alliance and the implementation of the north-south joint declaration is typical of its human rights abuses. The puppet group is punishing those standing for national harmony and reunification and the implementation of the north-south joint declaration, treating them as criminals. It asserts that "it cannot live with the north in the bright world," "the south should not consider the north as fellow countrymen with whom it can live together" and "the north should be regarded as the target of confrontation." In 2009 the puppet group indicted teachers of the Teachers' Union, who posted on its Internet homepage articles supporting the Songun politics of the DPRK and its proposal for reunification by federal formula, charging that they praised the north. It arrested 3 students of Ajou University who presented paper "Songun politics and army-people unity" to a seminar in 2007 on charges of the violation of the NSL. The fascist authorities deleted off at least 14,000 articles praising the north from Internet, charging that they violated the provision "appraisal and encouragement" of the NSL, and arrested those related to it in 2009 alone. Last year when the Government Employees' Union of south Korea posted 108 songs of the DPRK on Internet homepage, the puppet group suppressed the organization, saying it "agitated revolution in the south" and "praised and encouraged the north". In June this year when the permanent representative of the Taegu and North Kyongsang Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration and the policy section chief of the Andong People for Achieving Peace and Reunification posted on Internet statements of the DPRK Foreign Ministry and other articles released by the DPRK from June 15, 2006 to May 31 this year, the group searched their houses and offices on charges of the violation of the NSL. The group also indicted the representative of the Internet Broadcasting Service Chongchun who posted "Moranbong" and other songs of the DPRK on Internet broadcasting site, by invoking the NSL. On July 6 it searched the house of the chief editor of Minjok 21, a magazine which conducted legitimate exchange of articles with Choson Sinbo, the organ of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, from 2005 with the approval of the preceding regime, on the charge of the violation of the provision "reception of instruction" of the NSL. There are lots of examples proving the group's suppression of the people. Typical of them are the case of the society for the study of capitalism in which the group suppressed the university students' economic and academic research activities, on charges of violating provisions of "appraisal and encouragement and publicity and agitation" which it claimed they endangered the "fundamental order of liberal democracy" and the case of the meeting of workers for democracy and the case of the Youth and Students Solidarity for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration in which the group unilaterally cracked down on their members, charging that they called for independence, democracy and reunification and the repeal of the NSL at the instruction of the north and they sided with the north and praised and encouraged its activities. The puppet group suppressed those who called for the conclusion of a peace agreement, saying that they made the same assertion as the north's. It cracked down upon those who urged a probe into the truth about the crimes related to the burial of defoliant by the U.S. forces in south Korea, saying their assertion is identical with phrase of "independence" called for by the north. The group is also suppressing those who demand wage hike, saying that they have something in common with the north's strategy of fomenting conflict among south Koreans. It is due to the puppet group that the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration, the South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance of Youth and Students for Korea's Reunification, the south Korean Council of Youth Organizations and lots of other legitimate reunification movement organizations were suppressed, after being labeled "enemy-benefiting organizations" and "illegal violent organizations". The executive members of the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration, teachers of the Teachers' Union and farmer poets have been arrested and persecuted as "spies" and "pro-communist elements." Even those progressive and pro-reunification patriotic figures who had been set free after serving their terms on charges of the violation of the NSL were forced to stand trial again soon after their release on charges of the violation of other provisions of the NSL. They included Yun Ki Jin, former chairman of the South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance of Youth and Students for Korea's Reunification, and Mun Kyong Hwan, policy chairman of the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration. The group arrested by dint of the NSL Rev. Han Sang Ryol who visited the DPRK last year marking the 10th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 joint declaration out of his firm determination to kindle the flame of reunification and patriotism in the minds of the fellow countrymen and carry forward the trend of independent reunification. Earlier, it stormed the Pusan Headquarters of the South Side Committee for Implementing June 15 Joint Declaration, the office of the Council for Promoting the Reunification of Our Nation By Federal Formula and houses of their members and arrested their core members. It also kicked up the whirlwind of suppression of the Teachers Union and other progressive organizations. Co-representative of the Solidarity for Progress of south Korea Han Chung Mok and members of other pro-reunification and patriotic organizations met the representatives from the north in Pyongyang and other places abroad and discussed the issues of national reunification, cooperation and exchanges with the approval of the authorities during the preceding regime. But the group of the present regime arrested and suppressed them on charges of the violation of the NSL, saying that they "met and communicated with operatives of the north and received instructions from them." Any south Korean dining at the restaurants run by Koreans from the north in foreign countries is liable to suppression by the group which claims this is tantamount to meeting with members of anti-state organization or those who "received instructions for communication or other liaison purposes". This shows what extent the puppet group's hysteria for confrontation with fellow countrymen has reached. Recently the Lee group let the puppet Intelligence Service and the Security Investigation Group search houses and offices of more than 10 personages of workers, political and academic organizations on absurd charges that they "conducted espionage and built an underground party" at the "instruction of the north". The group also seeks to suppress those concerned of the South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification and even the opposition party, charging that they are involved in the "Iljin Association case." The suppression by the puppet group is aimed to calm down the people's resentment caused by its domestic and foreign policy failure, economic bankruptcy, people's destitution and the anti-reunification policy for confrontation. It is also aimed to divert elsewhere the people's criticism of it and prolong its remaining days. The group even invokes NSL to suppress the people demanding basic rights including the right to existence and the right to learn. The planning section chief of the south Korean University Education Research Institute published a book "Country mad with registration fee" and supported the students' actions to get the registration fee lowered. In the book he said the puppet authorities sidestepped the issue of the skyrocketing registration fee, dashing the hope of the students for learning. On July 9 the Intelligence Service searched the work place of the planning section chief, saying that there was "suspicion that he acted at the instruction of the north." The group also asserted that the "north was behind" the strike by the members of the trade union of Ssangryong Motors and the labor movement by Pak Jong Thae who was a member of the trade union of the Freight Workers' Solidarity. The group suppresses all those whom it considers the eyesore for it. According to data underreported by the puppet group, the number of the people arrested or put behind bars on charges of the violation of the NSL increased to 350 percent after the emergence of the present regime as against the preceding regime. The south Koreans jeered the NSL as a "raw rice wine-like law" in the past. At present they denounce it as "elastic law", "taffy law", "nose ring-ear ring law" and "random law". They are calling the Lee Myung Bak regime "a plant enacting NSL". All facts prove that NSL stalks in south Korea due to the conservative group, depriving the people of their elementary democratic rights, freedom and human rights. The south Koreans are waging unflinching actions to get the NSL repealed, saying that "Lee Myung Bak is a traitor shaping policy based on NSL" and "NSL-unethical, traitorous, undemocratic and anti-reunification evil law-must be repealed at once". The UN Commission on Human Rights and other international bodies and organizations are strongly calling for the repeal of the NSL. Voices demanding the abolition of the law are heard even from the U.S., which engineered the enactment and the retrogressive revision of the law, as the human rights abuses and their consequences by the invocation of the law get serious in south Korea. The Lee Myung Bak group is, indeed, the arch criminal of the human rights abuses who turned south Korea into the world's worst tundra of human rights by invoking the NSL. The group, however, tries to enact the "North Korean Human Rights Act" while taking issue with the "human rights issue" in the DPRK. The group is also kicking up an anti-DPRK human rights row not only in south Korea but in foreign countries. This is really preposterous and shameless deed. The puppet group should face up to the trend of the times and immediately abolish the NSL and stop anti-DPRK human rights row. Should the Lee group keep wielding the NSL, defying the unanimous demand of the people at home and abroad, this will invite bitterer censure and rejection by the Koreans and the world people and precipitate its miserable end. |
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