calendar>>August 8. 2011 Juch 100 |
Open Letter to U.S. and S. Korean Authorities
Pyongyang, August 8 (KCNA) -- The United States and the south Korean authorities are contemplating staging again adventurous Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercises from August 16 to 26 despite the unanimous desire of the people at home and abroad for peace on the Korean Peninsula. In view of such situation sparking another danger of war on the peninsula, the Panmunjom Mission of the Korean People's Army Sunday sent the U.S. and the south Korean authorities the following open letter reflecting the unanimous will of the army and the people of the DPRK: Peace is the strong desire and invariable requirement of the army and the people of the DPRK. It is, however, long since the situation on the peninsula inched close to a touch-and-go situation, after going beyond the fragile state of armistice. Such trend of the situation is attributable to the hostile policy enforced by the U.S. toward the DPRK, failing to match its words with its deeds and the anti-DPRK policy of confrontation followed by the south Korean authorities, toeing its line. It is, at the same time, a direct product of the evermore undisguised war hysteria kicked up by the military warmongers against the north, pursuant to it. The Ulji Freedom Guardian is part of this hysteria for a war of aggression against the north. This can be explained by the fact that the projected joint saber-rattling will be dangerous war maneuvers to be staged by the U.S. and the south Korean military warmongers in accordance with newly revised and supplemented war scenario against the north. This can also be evidenced by the fact that the projected joint exercises would be all-out nuclear war maneuvers involving modern war hardware including improved nuclear attack means and huge aggressor forces and even local administrative organs and non-governmental enterprises. What should not go unnoticed is the fact that they are going to stage such reckless saber-rattling though they must know well the resentment and hatred of the servicepersons and people of the DPRK and their determination to take revenge upon the military warmongers of south Korea for their hideous provocations are running high. The KPA Panmunjom Mission is authorized to raise the following principled demands to the U.S. and the south Korean authorities in view of the prevailing grave situation: 1. The U.S. and the south Korean authorities should show the DPRK the will for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula by making a bold policy decision to cancel the projected joint military exercises. If they stage actions of blackmailing against the other party by mobilizing even the group of super-large nuclear aircraft carrier and strategic nuclear strike flying corps, while urging someone to show sincere attitude towards denuclearization, this will amount to breaching the principle of simultaneous action for denuclearization. The denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula cannot be achieved by denuclearizing one side only. This should be comprehensive and fair denuclearization including the removal of nuclear threats to the DPRK. The army and people of the DPRK are not what they used to be in the past. They do not hide that they have had access to nuclear deterrent powerful enough to protect themselves. If the other party launches a nuclear war, the DPRK is ready to counter it with nukes. It is its solemn declaration. The U.S. and the south Korean authorities had better face up to the changed situation and properly understand who their rival is. They should show their willingness to denuclearize the peninsula in the eyes of the world by canceling the projected nuclear war exercises. 2. By canceling the exercises the U.S. and the south Korean authorities should make a bold practical decision to replace the armistice system by a peace-keeping mechanism on the Korean Peninsula. War and peace can never go together. Nothing is more shameless political artifice than showing such poor double-dealing tactics as making preparations for a war behind the scene while paying lip-service to peace and dialogue. The annual repetition of such war provocation actions as the Ulji Freedom Guardian would only keep the evil cycle of mistrust and confrontation and this is bound to lead to a war. The U.S. and south Korea are gravely mistaken if they think they would remain safe in case of a war on the Korean Peninsula. If a war breaks out, the DPRK will lose the military demarcation line and gain national reunification, the cherished desire of the nation. The DPRK is full of confidence and optimism about it. If the U.S. has true willingness to replace the armistice system by a peace-keeping mechanism, it should show its practical willingness to do so at home and abroad as a big power by canceling the joint military maneuvers for this year at least. 3. The U.S. and the south Korean authorities should officially show their willingness to normalize the DPRK-U.S. relations and the inter-Korean relations by canceling the projected joint military exercises. The normalization process should begin with ending the hostile relations. To call for reconciliation, cooperation and improvement of relations and then to stage war exercises to do harm to the other side would be the height of double-dealing tactics. The U.S. incurred the towering grudge of Koreans and the south Korean authorities ruined the June 15 era, bringing untold pain to the people. But the army and people of the DPRK are ready to subordinate everything to the great cause of peace, reunification, reconciliation and cooperation. The U.S. and the south Korean authorities should no longer commit such a policy error as misjudging the will of the DPRK. Upcoming August 15 is supposed to offer a new watershed for the improvement of the relations between the north and the south. In the light of the public expectation for this, it would mean the total denial of the improvement of the relations if they start the joint military exercises against the DPRK from Aug. 16. Frankly speaking, as far as the issue of improving the DPRK-U.S. relations and the inter-Korean relations is concerned, the U.S. and south Korea is more pressed for time than the DPRK. The DPRK has so far followed its path without having had its relations normalized with the U.S. and south Korea and it will thrive and live better off in the future, too. They must officially make public their willingness to cancel the military exercises targeted against the army and people of the DPRK, if they want to normalize the relations with the DPRK. The army and people of the DPRK remain unchanged in their will and stand to counter the said exercises with the toughest stand. The U.S. and the south Korean authorities should behave with discretion, cogitate and choose a wise way-out at the crossroads of dialogue or confrontation and peace or war. The army and people of the DPRK look forward to a positive response to their just call. |
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