calendar>>August 28. 2011 Juch 100 |
Detailed Report on Kim Jong Il's Visit to Far East and Siberian Regions of Russia
Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, paid an unofficial visit to the Far East and Siberian regions of the Russian Federation from August 20 to 25 at the invitation of Dmitri Anatoliyevich Medvedev, president of the Russian Federation. He was accompanied by Kim Yong Chun, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and minister of the People's Armed Forces, Kang Sok Ju, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and vice-premier of the Cabinet, Jang Song Thaek, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and vice-chairman of the NDC, Kim Yang Gon, Pak To Chun and Thae Jong Su, alternate members of the Political Bureau and secretaries of the WPK Central Committee, Ju Kyu Chang, alternate member of the Political Bureau and department director of the WPK Central Committee, Pak Pong Ju, first vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, O Su Yong, chief secretary of the North Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the WPK, Kim Kye Gwan, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Yong Jae, DPRK ambassador to Russia, and Sim Kuk Ryong, consul general of the DPRK in Nakhodka of Russia. Dmitri Anatoliyevich Medvedev, the government of the Federation and people of the Far East and Siberian regions accorded warm welcome and cordial hospitality to Kim Jong Il who came to Russia to consolidate the traditional DPRK-Russia friendly relations. He arrived in Khasan, the border railway station of Russia, on the morning of August 20 to visit the Far East and Siberian regions of the Russian Federation. When the train pulled in the railway station, Viktor Ishayev, presidential envoy to the Far East Region of the Russian Federation, who came to Khasan upon the special authorization of Medvedev got on the train and offered words of welcome to him on behalf of the Russian government and people. He was also warmly greeted by Sergey Darikin, governor of Maritime Territory, Valery Sukhinin, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, Irina Skorobogatova, deputy governor of Maritime Territory, and other senior officials at various levels of Moscow and maritime territory. Viktor Ishayev and other senior officials present to greet him said that Medvedev, who has paid deep attention to the Russia-DPRK friendship, dispatched them to greet Kim Jong Il. They paid high tribute to him who came to Russia to boost the Russia-DPRK friendship despite his tight schedule for leading the building of a thriving nation. He was presented with a gift by Sergey Darikin on behalf of the Maritime Territorial Government and people. He met with Dmitri Anatoliyevich Medvedev in Ulan-Ude, the capital city of the Republic of Buryatia in Russia, on Wednesday. He exchanged warm greetings with Medvedev and had a talk with him in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. Medvedev warmly welcomed Kim Jong Il visiting Russia by sparing precious time on behalf of the Russian government and the people. He said that the visit would mark a particularly important occasion in further developing the Russia-DPRK friendly relations. The third visit to Russia paid by Kim Jong Il in the new century clearly proves what importance he is attaching to the Russia-DPRK friendship, Medvedev noted, paying high tribute to him who has made an immortal contribution to the development of the Russia-DPRK friendship. Kim Jong Il expressed his pleasure of meeting with Medvedev and thanked him for coming all the way to Ulan-Ude to kindly meet with him. He gave his impressions of his visit to the Far East and Siberian regions under the great concern of the Russian government and people and amid their cordial hospitality. Talks were held between Kim Jong Il and Medvedev in Ulan-Ude on Wednesday. Present at the talks from the DPRK side were Kim Yong Chun, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and minister of the People's Armed Forces, Kang Sok Ju, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and vice-premier of the Cabinet, Kim Yang Gon, alternate member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, Kim Kye Gwan, first vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, and Kim Yong Jae, DPRK ambassador to Russia. Present there from the Russian side were Sergei Prikhodiko, assistant to president for external policy, Viktor Ishayev, presidential envoy to the Far East Region of the Russian Federation, Viktor Tolokonski, presidential envoy to the Siberian Region of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Serzhukov, minister of Defense, Igor Levitin, minister of Transport, Viktor Basargin, minister of Regional Development and chairman of the Russian side to the Governmental Committee between Russia and the DPRK for Cooperation in Trade and Economy, Science and Technology, Valery Sukhinin, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and Aleksei Borodavkin, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs. The president of Russia said that the appreciation made by Kim Jong Il on the changes taking place in the land of Russia on a long trip to the Far East and Siberian regions serves as the great encouragement and support to the struggle of the Russian people, highly estimating the feats performed by him in steadily boosting the Russia-DPRK friendship. The Russian president extended kind salute to all the Korean people who are dedicating themselves to bringing about a new turn in building a prosperous and powerful nation till 2012, the centenary of birth of President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the Korean people. He expressed support to the positive measures taken by the DPRK to defend the peace and security of Northeast Asia, develop the economy to suit the specific conditions of the country and improve the standard of the people's living. He expressed the belief that the Korean people would register greater successes in the building of a prosperous and powerful nation under the leadership of Kim Jong Il. Kim Jong Il thanked the Russian president and other central leading officials and the governments and people of different regions for kindly receiving him wherever he went and according him cordial hospitality during his visit and extended his regards to the Russian people. He said he witnessed the successes achieved by the Russian government and people in the work to modernize the economy, bolster the defense capability and achieve social stability under the leadership of Medvedev and got better knowledge of the history and culture of Russia while touring several cities and units of the vast Far East and Siberian regions. He hoped the Russian people would enjoy prosperity in the future, too. At the talks the top leaders of the two countries informed each other of the situation in their countries and appreciated with satisfaction the favorably developing bilateral relations. They exchanged their views on developing the bilateral relations and reached a consensus of views on all the issues discussed. The two top leaders were unanimous in saying that boosting the bilateral friendly and cooperative relations with a long historical tradition is not only in line with the desire of the two peoples and their fundamental interests but is of important significance in developing Northeast Asia and defending world peace and security. At the talks the top leaders underlined the need for the two countries to boost the friendship, equality and mutually beneficial cooperative relations in the spirit of the DPRK-Russia Joint Declaration inked in Pyongyang in 2000, the 2001 DPRK-Russia Moscow Declaration and the Treaty of Friendship, Good-neighborliness and Cooperation between the DPRK and Russia. They expressed firm belief that the cause of building a prosperous and powerful nation in the DPRK and that of building a powerful state in Russia would surely be accomplished thanks to the two peoples' vigorous struggle for social progress and development. They expressed mutual support and solidarity with the cause. The two top leaders had an in-depth exchange of views on regional and international issues at the talks. At the talks they shared the view that the six-party talks should be resumed without any precondition at an early date to implement the September 19 joint statement on the principle of simultaneous action and thus accelerate the denuclearization of the whole Korean Peninsula. Manifested at the talks was the will of the governments of the two countries to reject high-handed and arbitrary practices in the international arena and establish a fair international order in order to actively contribute to the peace and security in the region and the rest of the world. The talks discussed a series of agenda items on boosting relations of economic cooperation in various fields including the issue of energy including gas and the issue of linking railways and reached a common understanding of them. It was decided at the talks to organize and operate working groups to put the above-said issues into practice and the two countries agreed to continue cooperating with each other in this direction. The two top leaders expressed satisfaction with the results of the talks and further deepened their friendship. Kim Jong Il invited Medvedev to pay a visit to the DPRK at a convenient time and the invitation was accepted with pleasure. The talks proceeded in a sincere and friendly atmosphere from start to end. Medvedev hosted a grand banquet at the Presidential State Guest House of the Russian Federation in Ulan-Ude City in welcome of Kim Jong Il visiting Russia that evening. Kim Jong Il was present at the banquet on invitation. Also present there on invitation were Kim Yong Chun, Kang Sok Ju, Jang Song Thaek, Kim Yang Gon, Pak To Chun, Thae Jong Su, Ju Kyu Chang, Pak Pong Ju, O Su Yong, Kim Kye Gwan, Kim Yong Jae, Hyon Chol Hae, Sim Kuk Ryong and other suite members. Present there together with Dmitri Medvedev were Alexandr Avramov, assistant to president for regional policy, Sergei Prikhodiko, Viktor Ishayev, Viktor Tolokonski, Anatoly Serzhukov, Igor Levitin, Viktor Basargin, Valery Sukhinin, Aleksei Borodavkin, Byacheslav Nagovitsin, president of the Republic of Buryatiya, Matbei Gershevich, chairman of the People's Khural, Gennadi Aidayev, mayor of Ulan-Ude, Anatoly Sidorov, first vice commander of the Eastern Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Tsilko, commander of the 36th Combined Forces of the Eastern Military District, and other central and local leading officials and commanding officers of the army. Medvedev and Kim Jong Il made speeches at the banquet. The banquet proceeded in a warm and friendly atmosphere from its beginning to its end. Russian artistes gave special performance in welcome of Kim Jong Il's visit to Russia. The performance was given by well-known art troupes, people's and merited artistes and international concourse winners of Russia including the Ensemble of the Interior Unit of the Russian Ministry of Interior, the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Western Military District of the Federal Armed Forces, the Mariinski Theater in Sankt-Peterburg and the Buryatiya National Art Troupe. Their repertoire included chorus "Song of General Kim Jong Il," an immortal revolutionary hymn, chorus and dance "Katyusa," song and dance suite "Land of Friendship" and chorus "Russia and DPRK, Eternal Friends". The performers expressed boundless reverence and thanks of the Russian people to Kim Jong Il for making an undying contribution to the development of traditional DPRK-Russia friendship. Pleasant and optimistic dances and songs showcased part of a long history and culture of the Russian people and culture of the Buryat. The performance was acclaimed by the audience for its high artistic value. Kim Jong Il conveyed a floral basket to the artistes, congratulating them on their successful performance. He was warmly seen off by Medvedev that day upon the conclusion of his historical visit to Russia. Present there were Alexandr Avramov, Sergei Prikhodiko, Viktor Ishayev, Viktor Tolokonski, Anatoly Serzhukov, Igor Levitin, Viktor Basargin, Valery Sukhinin, Aleksei Borodavkin, Byacheslav Nagovitsin, Matbei Gershevich, Gennadi Aidayev, Anatoly Sidorov, Vladimir Tsilko and other central and local leading officials and commanding officers of the army. Kim Jong Il and Medvedev exchanged warm farewell greetings. Medvedev hoped that he would meet with Kim Jong Il again and sincerely wished him greater success in his important work for building a prosperous and powerful country. Kim Jong Il once again extended thanks to Medvedev, the government and the people of Russia for having accorded him cordial hospitality with all sincerity during his visit and wished them new success in the efforts for the economic development of the country and the well-being of the people. He visited several cities and many units in the Far East and Siberian regions of Russia for six days. He was accompanied by Viktor Ishayev, Valery Sukhinin and leading officials of relevant areas. He was accorded sincere and warm welcome by central and local officials and people of Russia wherever he went during the visit. He acquainted himself in depth with the customs and living of people in various areas, while having friendly conversations with them. He visited the Amur Region in the Far East Region of the Russian Federation on August 21. The Far East Region of Russia is a time-honored place as it has the Far East camping sites in Khabarovsk where the great persons of Mt. Paektu conducted revolutionary activities to positively meet the great event of national liberation and greeted spring in an alien land, picturing to themselves the future of liberated Korea. The people of the Far East Region welcomed Kim Jong Il with particular feelings of friendship. He exchanged greetings with Oleg Kozhemyako, governor of Amur Region; Aleksandr Bashun, chairman of the Amur Region Legislative Assembly; Pavel Shtein, governor of the Bureya District Administration; and other leading officials of the region, city and district who came to greet him. He visited the Bureya Hydro-electric Plant, a large power base in the Far East Region of Russia. After being briefed on the history of the plant, he acquainted himself in detail with the construction and electricity production, going round the generating room and other places. Commanding a bird's-eye view of the giant plant from an observation deck, he said the plant is one of the great structures to go down in the history of Russia. Highly praising the brave and talented Russian people for having built the modern large-scale hydro-electric plant by harnessing nature for dozens of years, he expressed expectation that the workers of the plant would keep the electricity production going at a high rate and contribute to the economic development in the Far East Region and its people's wellbeing. He wrote in the visitor's book: "Inexhaustible is the strength of the Russian people who conquered Bureya nature. August 21, 2011 Kim Jong Il." Officials of the plant said that all its employees are greatly honored and proud that Kim Jong Il visited their enterprise, adding that his autographic letters and other historic relics would be conveyed to posterity along with the development of the enterprise. The director of the plant presented him with a gift. The governor of the region gave a luncheon in honor of Kim Jong Il on a visit to the region. An art performance prepared by artistes of the region with sincerity was given. He was presented with a gift by the governor of the region on behalf of the officials and people of the region in token of his historic visit to the region. He visited the Republic of Buryatia in the Siberian region of the Russian Federation on August 23 and 24. The senior officials and people of the Republic warmly received with all sincerity Kim Jong Il visiting their region by making a long trip. Upon his arrival at Ulan-Ude, the capital city, Kim Jong Il was warmly greeted by Byacheslav Nagovitsin, president of the Republic of Buryatia, Matbei Gershevich, chairman of the People's Khural, Sergei Shylin, federal chief inspector for the Republic of Buryatia of the Presidential Envoy Office to the Siberian Region of the Russian Federation, Pyotr Noskov, deputy prime minister of the government of the Republic of Buryatia and chief of the presidential office and government administration of the Republic of Buryatia, Gennadi Aidayev, mayor of Ulan-Ude, and other central and local leading officials. The president said it is a great honor of the peoples of the Republic and the region to welcome respected Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the Korean people, to their region. He paid high tribute to him who came all the way to visit Siberia of Russia for the development of the traditional Russia-Korea friendship. Touring various places of the region including Ulan-Ude, Kim Jong Il got familiar with the customs and life of various nationalities in the Siberia region. He received warm congratulations and welcome wherever he went. He was accompanied by Viktor Ishayev, Byacheslav Nagovitsin, Matbei Gershevich, Sergei Shylin, Pyotr Noskov, Gennadi Aidayev and Valery Sukhinin. He cruised Lake Baikal, a large natural lake of Russia. The lake is associated with unforgettable historic relics as it was visited by President Kim Il Sung on his way for foreign tour in July 1961, 50 years ago. Kim Jong Il was greeted by the captain and sailors of passenger ship "Inperiya". He got aboard the ship. Cruising the lake whose water seems to convey the feelings of the DPRK-Russia friendship just as it did half a century ago, he recollected in reverence the brilliant life and exploits of Kim Il Sung who devoted his all to the friendship among countries and accomplishment of the human cause of independence. He said that Lake Baikal, scenic beauty of picturesque Siberia, is pride of the Russian people, underscoring the need to preserve well the lake and natural environment in its vicinity to hand them down to the generations to come and positively contribute to the living of the Russian people and the promotion of their well-being. Byacheslav Nagovitsin hosted a luncheon in honor of Kim Jong Il visiting the Republic. The luncheon proceeded in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Artistes of the Republic gave a special performance in welcome of him. They included people's artistes, merited artistes and international concours winners of Russia and the Republic who visited the DPRK on several occasions including the April Spring Friendship Art Festival. Put on the stage were numbers including female solo "Oriole", male solo "Flock of Cranes" and male solo of Korean song "Please Receive Our Salute". Kim Jong Il congratulated the artistes on their successful performance and had a photo taken with them. He was presented with a gift by the president of the Republic on behalf of its government and people. Touring various places of the city including Soviet Square and the large super market "Megatitan", he acquainted himself in detail with the long history of the city and the life and customs of the people in the region and the urban management. On August 25 he passed through the region of Zabaikalsk Territory. He was sent off by central and regional leading officials of the Russian Federation at the Zabaikalsk Railway Station, a border railway station, before leaving Russia after wrapping up his historic visit to Russia. He departed from Russia amid a warm send-off by Viktor Ishayev and Valery Sukhinin, who sincerely conducted him in the whole period of his visit, regional leading officials including Labil Geniatulin, governor of Zabaikalsk Territory, Viktor Belouzyorog, minister of International Cooperation of the Territorial Government, and Vasili Sidorov, director of the Federal Security Department of the Territory. He comprehensively and deeply acquainted himself with the thoughts and feelings and customs of the brave and diligent Russian people and the political, economic, cultural and other fields while touring various parts of vast Far East and Siberian regions and conducted energetic external activities day and night, thus making an immortal contribution to the development of the DPRK-Russia friendship. His visit to Russia was successfully wrapped up amid the particular care and cordial hospitality shown by the Russian government including President Medvedev and leading officials of various regions and dear people of the Far East and Siberian regions. He expressed satisfaction over the results of his visit and sincere thanks to the Russian government and leading officials and the people of the Far East and Siberian regions for the cordial hospitality accorded to him. The 6,000 odd km long-journey made by Kim Jong Il to the Far East and Siberian regions of the Russian Federation will record a brilliant page in the history of the DPRK-Russia friendship as it was a landmark event which provided an opportunity of a turn in developing the traditional DPRK-Russia friendship to a new higher stage. |
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