calendar>>October 11. 2011 Juch 100 |
Production of Small Grand Piano Starts in DPRK
GIs' Sexual Assaults against S. Korean School Girls Assailed Pyongyang, October 11 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the North Side Headquarters of the Nationwide Special Committee for Probing the Truth behind the GIs' Crimes made public the following statement on Tuesday denouncing the sexual assaults committed by GIs against school girls of south Korea: Soldiers of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces present in south Korea recently committed such hair-raising atrocities as perpetrating brutal sexual assaults against teen-age school girls in Tongduchon of Kyonggi Province and Mapho District of Seoul. South Korean people from all walks of life, unable to repress indignation at the sexual assaults perpetrated by the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces, are turning out in the actions demanding U.S. President Obama's apology, the punishment of the GI criminals and the withdrawal of the U.S. forces from south Korea. The North Side Headquarters of the Nationwide Special Committee for Probing the Truth behind the GIs' Crimes together with all the people in the DPRK bitterly denounces with surging anger the thrice-cursed sexual assaults committed by GIs brutes and extends full support to the south Korean people in their actions. The 66-year-long history of the U.S. presence in south Korea is the bloodstained history of crimes. During this period, the U.S. imperialist aggressors have imposed immeasurable misfortunes and disasters upon the Korean nation through aggression, plunder, murder, rape and violence. The bestial atrocities committed by the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops against south Korean women, in particular, are unprecedented in the world. Their atrocities that make all Koreans shudder include the hair-cutting of a woman in Tongduchon, painting of a woman in Uijongbu, sexual assault against a six-year-old girl, murder of Yun Kum I and the killing of two schoolgirls. These clearly prove that the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces are murderers and lechers without parallels which make even animals blush. In February this year a sexual assault was committed against an old woman in Tongduchon of Kyonggi Province. Recently GIs committed sexual assaults against school girls. This proves that such monstrous crimes as sexual assaults will never cease in south Korea as long as the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces are allowed to stay in south Korea. The above-said incidents are nothing but a repetition of killings of Yun Kum I, Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son, a clear indication of a miserable fate of the women in south Korea under the occupation of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces. The south Korean people's misfortune and sufferings are inevitable outcome of the U.S. military presence in south Korea and its colonial rule over it. They were also caused by the south Korean puppet rulers' humiliating stand of kowtowing to the U.S. The puppet rulers do not hesitate to commit such acts of treachery as conniving at GI crimes, being submissive to the U.S. while keeping mum about its barbarities. The south Korean people can never live in peace even a single day under the jack boots of the aggressors as long as the group of traitors steeped in sycophancy towards the U.S. and quisling nature to the marrow of their bones stay in power. The south Korean people from all walks of life should turn out as one in the struggle to decisively punish the culprits of the sexual assaults committed against schoolgirls this time. They should, at the same time, wage a more dynamic nationwide struggle to get all the humiliating treaties and agreements including SOFA abrogated, force the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops to quit south Korea and put an end to their colonial fascist rule. |
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