calendar>>November 3. 2011 Juch 100 |
Future of Humankind Is Guaranteed under Socialism
Pyongyang, November 3 (KCNA) -- Socialism is greeting a new heyday after dealing a heavy blow to capitalism. Historical turn has been made in which the scheme of the imperialists and reactionaries to stamp out socialism ended in smoke and socialism was revived and strengthened. The red flag of socialism is firmly defended in Asian and Latin American countries including China, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba despite the imperialists' vicious challenge and disturbance. More than 270 political parties have struggled to defend and advance the socialist cause under the banner of the Pyongyang Declaration. Social conversion from capitalism to socialism is taking place in Latin America which suffered much more damage from the U.S.-style "globalization" than any other region. Progressive parties and personages have won in the elections to take power as they call for priority to the interests of the popular masses, not to those of a handful of the privileged circle, and independent development of their countries. This is a political tendency rampant in not only Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru but the rest of the world. Shortly ago, Bolivian President Evo Morales said that capitalism is not able to solve the problems facing the mankind and the new century belongs to the peoples. According to a poll made public by BBC of the UK, the majority of the respondents complained of the capitalist system based on free market economy while supporting the socialist idea. Citizens of 15 countries involved in the poll demanded the nationalization of big businesses and the state control over the most of the stocks. This opinion was expressed most strongly by inhabitants in those countries where capitalism was restored, by 77% in Russia and 75% in Ukraine. At a forum on "Future of capitalism" cosponsored by Japan's newspaper Asahi Shimbun and Tokyo University, Katsuto Iwai, professor of the Economy Faculty of Tokyo University, said: Socialism is no longer foe of capitalism. New foe is laissez-faire, the ideological viewpoint of capitalism. Even though bourgeois reactionaries and their servants have got hell-bent on crackdown on the "Occupy Wall Street" demos by mobilizing mounted police and helicopters, the fighting spirit of the peoples in the demos to get rid of exploitation and oppression by capital is running higher. The reality goes to prove that the more capitalism reveals its reactionary nature and weakness, the deeper the world people's trust in socialism grows. Socialism gained rich experience and lessons in the course of going through painful setbacks and trials and is advancing full of vigor and energy on a broader and more solid class basis. All the forces are aspiring after socialism, the forces that are opposed to war of aggression and advocate world peace, democracy, freedom, equality and justice and the forces that love countries and struggle to protect rights and interests of their peoples. The present era is that of historical turn in which the world people are dynamically advancing toward independence and socialism while capitalism is nearing its end. Future of humankind depends on socialism as a science. |
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