calendar>>November 13. 2011 Juch 100 |
Kim Jong Il Inspects Combined Food Processing Factory under KPA Unit 534
Pyongyang, November 13 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected the Combined Food Progressing Factory under KPA Unit 534. He went round the room devoted to the education in the revolutionary history and the room devoted to the history of the factory. He was greatly satisfied to learn that its workers boosted the gross industrial output value by 314 percent compared with that in 2004, the year of its commissioning, through a high-pitched drive for increased production He praised the factory for receiving his thanks last year by achieving great successes in production and fully acquiring a trophy flag by winning every time the socialist emulation for Songun torch prize. He went round the essential foodstuff shop, instant rice shop and various other places to acquaint himself with how production is being kept going at a high rate. Watching with pleasure varieties of processed foodstuffs being churned out from modern equipment in an endless stream, he asked in detail about their technical specifications and capacity. Dropping in at the fermentation shop making bean paste by fermenting starch raw materials including bean and maize, he learned in detail about the production and quality of products. After acquainting himself in detail with how powdered soy is used for diet, he said products would be liked by the servicepersons and people as they are convenient for transport and storing. Learning about how rice is cooked while moving between machines in the instant rice shop, he was pleased with the automation of the production processes ranging from feeding, washing, getting rice swollen in water and boiled, dehydrating and packing products. The factory has an important duty and role to perform for making the diet of the servicepersons and people more affluent, he said, calling upon it to channel efforts into keeping the production going at a higher rate. In order to boost the supply of quality foodstuff including essential foodstuff to the servicepersons and people it is important among other things to provide sufficient quantities of raw and other materials for production, he noted, adding that in order to supply the produced foodstuff in time it is necessary to more satisfactorily settle the issue of varieties of packing containers. He had a photo session with officials. He expressed great expectation and belief that the employees of the factory would successfully implement the call of the Party for improving the standard of people's living. He was accompanied by Jang Song Thaek, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the WPK and vice-chairman of the NDC, and Hang Kwang Sang, first vice department director of the C.C., the WPK. |
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